Tamagotchi two, toot toot!


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Yay! The Matchmakercame to Dizzy yesterday.

She brought me:

-Masktchi no

-Robotchi no

-Hiratchi yes! (This one has a long nose, floats and wears what looks like a Hawaiian skirt. Has to flags on its head)

And I had a ...

...ShiroPuchitchi! Yes!!!!!!!!!!!! If I get a boy on the other one they'll be Lucky and... Can't remember the name...

If I get two girls they'll be Leila and Lydia (this is after Lydiaotchi!)

I don't know which to get though. I like these:

- A yellow one

- One with flowers and cream background

- One with butterflies

- Another one with flowers

I'll probably won't get the yellow one though. I like most the 2nd and 3rd.

We'll see

Oh, this is news from a long time ago that I forgot to mention... *nibbles nails*

Memetchi, at AGE FIVE!!!! mated with a Robotchi fetched by Matchmaker. MAY have something to do with MY FRIEND RESETTING AND I DOWNLOADING. GRRRRRRR!

Anyway, the baby is a boy called BACON and it is a Marutchi...



Marutchi V1 turned into Hinotamatchi...

Also, some V2 problems ahve been found and other strangenesses have been found... Is it rare??? Here goes:

The scratch stayed

The failed connection problem went

I have detected:

On the date screens, on my V1 conneCT and V2 ConneX purple, the month goes before the date but on the new one the date comes before the month... Hummmm, Weird eh?


CAROL the Young Mametchi turned into Momotchi (as I call it, you know, the whale-slug thing!)

It is CUTE!!!!!

I really love it even though it grimaces rather than smile. LOL

It is cute when it walked up to me and when it watched TV. It looks great as a superhero too.

I wonder what it does with pencils, darts and bubbles (I don't have them :( )

ChoHimetchi scribbles arrows and boxes and the funny Mimitchi writes an upsidedown thank you.

The wings on it look like Batabatchi's and on ChoHimetchi they were beautiful butterfly ones.

It obvously doesn't use roller blades but a "monopatín" with a fire propulsor behind...

It wears a superheroe cape on it's heart tail too, like ChoHimetchi.

Sorry guys I haven't been on, Iwas studying.

Ah yes, I registered in NeoPets and I'm:



Great, I go out of the logs because I've finished updating and I heard the evolution tune on V2 red new one.


What will it be???

Momotchi please!!!!!

No luck...




stupid, old...

stupid old what???

a stupid old...

Masktchi!!!!!!!!! No!!!!!!!!!!!

Well tough for Masktchi because it has 7 usable presents.

I hate them. I wish I hadn't forgotten. Grawwwwww!!!!!!!!!

I know...

I don't like masktchi's much, I just tried to explore the bad characters...

Anyway, life goes on and I'll have to be "assertive".

Still, if it'll mate with anothjer bad character then it'll be fine.

Oh yes, I just connected them and they are totally in love.

Awwwwww, how cute.

Oh yeah! Should've said:

"Why does Spiffy call the ??? character Momotchi??"

Because it is fat like king Momo

King Momo is the "winner" of the Brazilian's Rio de Janeiro Festival and he must be a person from Rio de Janeiro who's fat and jolly!

Hello again, jeminy!!!! *beams*

Anyway, I'd suddenly remembered something I'd thought and done AGES ago:


1. This is what I did: get the back bit off the tamagotchis and turn them round so my purple tamagotchi had a red back and the red one had a purple back.

2. Stickers and Markers to personalise the outside. I have stickers on my V1 and no markers on none. After this, the rest are other possibilities I haven't done

3.Change background colour and buttons around.

4. Debug for funky characters nobody's got!!!!!

Hello again jeminy. *gives her a big smile*

Anyway, I came to say that I thought I'd make a Masktchi out of Hinotamatchi and I have achieved with so now CAROL won't have any preferences seeing I have two available Masktchis.

Yes!!!!!I decided to use the love potion again. Here's what I did. I rubbed both BACON and CORAL off CAROL's friend list. Off CORAL's list I rubbed off nobody and off BACON's list I rubbed off nobody too.

I connected CAROL to CORAL and CAROL hated CORAL and CORAL just had four faces instead of 4 hearts. Then I rubbed CAROL off CORAL's friend list and CAROL off BACON's list.

Then I fed CAROL the love potion and she started doing the dance between the hearts. I connected her with CORAL so CRAL would go to CAROL but CAROL went to CORAL and puckered her lips and kissed CORAL in the middle of two full hearts and two empty hearts. I connected again and they had two bay boys. I was so happy I didn't even care about the gender. By then, the potion didn't workk anymore so BACON may go with the matchmaker. SORRY BACON!!!


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