TamaTalk Group Hatch #2


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Didn't get to post this yesterday...

*grumble* Well at least now we know why Bandai was so kind as to include a spare battery with the Tamagotchi Connections... My little pet was the victim of the battery with an X across the screen... Now I'm trying to remember where I put the spare battery. :lol:

Group Hatching: Day 3. 9:46 A.M.

Hi again! I'm tryin' to get that cute little snake guy. He's soooooooo cute! So poor Ichigotchi is really hungry. But I like the snake guy so tough cookies... :lol:

Let's compare stats.

23/08/04 17:14

Type: Ichigotchi

Dicipline: 6 Training bars

Wieght: 31g

Name: Kilik

Gender: Boy


here's mine:

type: Ichigotchi

discipline: 4 bars :lol:

weight: 26g

name: Ray

gender: boy

And mine =)

Type: Ichigotchi

Dicipline: 6 Training bars

Weight: 24 lbs

Name: Mab

Gender: Girl

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5:17 P.M.

Little Erik changed into an Itchigotchi today when he woke up, and feel back asleep again until 9 A.M. He's not a happy tamagotchi, and today was particularly hard on him. Today was my first day at college so neglecting him was a bit easier to do, but I didn't enjoy it. :p

Here's his stats:

Type: Ichigotchi

Discipline: 2 Bars

Weight: 25 lbs

Name: Erik

Gender: Boy

Replacement battery found and installed... My little Juni is now a Hinotomachi with the following stats: 1 year old, 33 pounds

Not much else to report since I had the flashing battery error almost all day long... :p

End of Day 4:

Type: Ichigotchi

Discipline: full

Weight: 29 lbs

Name: Mab

Gender: Girl

My new Tama Connection is in the mail. I wonder if I should wait till the next group hatching to grow it up, or until Mab has a baby so she the baby can have a friend/mate. Heck, maybe it'll work out both ways. ;)

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25/08/04 14:05

Kilik just changed to Kuchipatchi.

Training bar: Full

Weight: 30g

(Keep in mind my hatch was sidetracked a little by the dead battery issue)...

Hasn't evolved yet... Still Hinotamachi, 2 yrs old, 50 pounds (diet time... maybe). Work has been really hectic this week so some neglect is to be expected. Let's see what Juni evolves into...

End of Day 5:

Mab turned into a Mametchi today, just like her "brother" Otto. Yay!

Type: Mametchi

Discipline: full

Weight: 36 lbs

Name: Mab

Gender: Girl

Well, Erik almost died today. :D Today's neglect wasn't planned! I didn't get a chance to check up on any of my tamagotchis due to college, and when I finally got a chance to to so I found that Erik was sick with two poos stacked up and all of his hearts were empty. I'm a horrible parent! *runs away sobbing*

He should evolve tomorrow, because he was started up so late when he was born. I'm hoping it's a Maskutchi. ;)


Name: Erik

Type: Ichigotchi

Disipline: 3 bars

Weight: 24 lbs

Gender: Boy

*sigh* Today is a sad day in the Admin household as me mourn the passing of Juni... Poor excuse on my part... Hectic day at work led to way too much neglect... :D


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I'm sorry to hear that, Admin. ;_;

Well, Mab is doing wonderful~ Other than the mornings (when I wake up late and she has a few hearts empty), everything is a-okay! I can't wait for Mrs Busybody to stick her nose in Mab's business, so my baby from tomorrow's group hatching with have a friend to play with. :unsure:

Edit: Meep. Did I say tomorrow? I guess it's Tuesday now.

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Ms. Busybody came around at 10:30 with a Tarakotchi. I would've said no, but I haven't seen this before. After a brief romantic interlude, Mab now has a bouncing baby boy!

The urge to open up my new Tama is strong. Must wait for group hatch #3... :lol:

Ask in the Group Hatch #3 thread.

Kilik is doing well. The matchmaker came round 5 times yesturday, but I turned her little robotchi down. I'll wait for him to get old then re start him for the next group hatch.

Just got my green Connection today, so I'll start them together.

Mab passed on early this morning at midnight. I watched her look at her son, then slowly float off the screen. *sniffle*

Carmichael (Mikel for short) is doing well. He just turned into a Kinakomotchi a few minutes ago. I'm hoping he grows up to be a Mimitchi. =)

Well, Erik is doing well, but he's getting old. He changed into a Maskutchi more than a few days ago. Ms. Busybody comes often, but I'm waiting for my other tama to change into an adult so they can make some music of the night... :) I'm a bit worried though, I hope Erik doesn't turn into an old man before he has a chance at love! :( He's 9 right now... Does anyone know what year connections turn into old'uns?


Name: Erik

Type: Maskutchi

Age: 9

Weight: 23 lbs

Gender: Boy

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