TamaTalk News


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sadly roxyangel comitted suicide
Sadly, when you commit suicide, you lose god's respect, she might be in the underworld, until she earns God respect again.

I hope roxyangel's family will heal from the shock quickly, it's a very sad thing, suicide...

I'm wondering how roxyangel commited suicide, and how old she was.

I hope roxyangel's family will heal from the shock quickly, it's a very sad thing, suicide...
I'm wondering how roxyangel commited suicide, and how old she was.
We know she was 13, but her profile said 15. Strange...

An I agree how?

We can only hope that our two promising members are happy in heaven. TamaTalk will grieve. It is only natrual. TamaTalk will remember them until the very end.

*revies from shock*

I hate when people do this..... everybody leave me alone for a couple of hours


roxyangel and Tamakitten

also.... what did happen to pixelataion

i must have been gone to see what happened..

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Breaking News! Read this topic for more info on tamakitten's demise: https://www.tamatalk.com/IB/index.php?showtopic=16433&st=0
TamaTalk has lost a huge talent in tamakitten. Also, roxyangel looked like she had a wonderful future.

Her (tamakitten's) signature will lie forever as the following:



"It is so rare in the world,

to find a trustworthy person

who truly wants to help you

that finding such a person

can make you feel warm and safe inside,

even if you are in the middle of a windy valley

on top of a mountain."

~A Series of Unfortunate Events:The Slippery Slope


I adopted Kashi and Kitty the Masktchis to support the Masktchi Petition! tamakitten"

That will never, ever change.

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JC Administration is intrested in taking over TamaTalk News, and we want to know if you are willing to do a deal. We have noticed it has become increasingly less popular lately, so we want to ditch it and come up with:

Pinned: New TamaTalk News - all the latest, from all over the virtual world.

Bear in mind, JC would be in charge. Can we do a deal?

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