The Breakfast Club


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"Fabtastic!" Morgan said, grinning. She felt weird, considering this was the first time someone had actually seemed genuinely interested in talking to her in a long time. But, it was weird in a good way, she had decided. She pulled Asher into the line to rent skates.

Asher chuckled. He'd felt helpless to resist because it was her that had asked him. The line moved quickly enough, and he got his skates. Luckily enough, his feet were big enough that not many people used them. The steward had seemed surprised when he told her he took a size 13. He reminded himself to put the skates on tightly-- he didn't fancy a broken ankle all that much.

Morgan asked for a size 5 skates. The lady chuckled and handed her the skates. "It's not my fault my feet are small..." Morgan murmured. She laced the skates up quickly and tightly. Then she waited patiently for Asher.

"I did enjoy that about it. I think it's probably half the reason that I got into art. I can't understnad how people could possibly pass those mountains by and not want to put them on paper," Asher agreed. "But things just got complicated, a lot of things happened there, and it's nice to be somewhere else. A new beginning, really."

Morgan spun around in circles, thinking about what Asher said about having a new beginning. "Yeah, a new beginning would be nice..." she said, not really aware she actually said it out loud.

"Well, not for me it wouldn't be. I just met you, I would want you to leave or anything," Asher replied, starting to become more confident on the ice now, able to keep up with Morgan with ease now.

Morgan smiled sadly. "As much as I like spending time with you, I would personally love to have a fresh start. Without anyone except Cody..." she said dreamily.

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Morgan laughed. "No, Cody's my brother." she explained, "And, he's autistic so I like him to be with me as much as possible. Because, not many people like to deal with him as much as I do. He's the sweetest kid ever." she paused to look up at Asher. "I'm rambling, aren't I?"

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Asher chuckled, "Oh, I see. Well, it just.. The way you said his name. It sounded like the way people say someone's name when they're crazily in love," he said. Having overtaken her a little bit, he turned to face her, skating backwards. He smiled. "No, I think it's nice that you're really good to him and that you enjoy spending time with him. People can be so impatient with people who just can't do anything about the way they are. I hate that." He paused. "There, the rambling has been balanced'"

Asher seemed to be able to keep up the pace quite well. For now, anyway. He said, "Yes, I have a twin sister. She's not a lot like me, though. She's very outspoken, sociable, pretty much everything I'm not, I suppose." He chuckled.

"Most of the time. We don't really argue much. And I think the opposites thing actually makes us closer, like two halves of something. Definitely, home would be boring without her," he said. Occasionally, now that she was making him skate faster backwards, his toepicks caught on the ice. Luckily enough, he hadn't caught them badly enough to fall over. Yet.

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