The high light && lowlight of your day


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Highlight: Its Sunday... No School, And I got a pet fish in my room XD.

Lowlight: I don't really have one today.

Highlight: Seeing the Twilight movie

Low light: Going out to lunch, having to do homework


Highlight: I SAW TWILIGHT! 8DD

Lowlight: The previews before the Twilight movie were scareh. :)


Highlight: I'm allowed to use the computer for an hour. Usually on Sundays I can't use the comp at all!

Lowlight: I'm allowed to use it only for an hour, and then I have to do my violin practice. .-.


I told my mom that the Piccolo I want was $199[it's also a Gemeinhardt, the same brand as my Flute].

I also told my dad that the thing I want for my birthday is around $100-$200. HEY! It's better than a $1,518 Alto Flute.


I hope my Parents buy the Piccolo I want most, and not the Bundy kind. =[[

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Lowlight: I had a bit of an arguement with my friend and I didnt hand up my science project on time so now I got a pretty bad score =[

Highlight: I got friends with 1 of my old friends again.

First I lose all my friends, than I get a friend back, than I get another friend back and than I lose a friend. THIS IS ALL SO CONFUSING!! Grrr...

Highlight: I'm going to the mall and I got 2 new pairs of converse yesterday :3

Lowlight: I have to finsih a project due in about 3 hours.


I might get a Piccolo for my birthday from the High School, or from my parents.


I had to learn school early.. ;_;

Rawr. D:<

What's so bad about it?

I hate it sometimes, if it's like... Til 5:15, and we have one in February for Jazz, and it's ay 7:00 in the morning before school.

Highlight: Day off school.

Lowlights: Toothache, and, my friend is going out with my ex boyfriend, who I'm not over yet, so I'm angry, but have to hide it. D:

Highlight: I anded up my science project and I think Ill get a good score now. And I learnt how to do 3-way chat on my phone.

Lowlight: My friends were joking with me this morning. They were saying Im in love with this boy for like 2 hours and I got really angry. I was saying that the jokes over, but they kept on going.

Highlight: My last day of school this week and I'm going to the mall

Lowlight: I have a quiz I still need to study for and I need to finish my maths homework.

HighLight: I talked to him. I made Honor Roll.

[???]: There were 2 fights at school today and one of them was epic :xx No, no. Violence is bad.

LowLight: Testt. Report Cards came out; had a comment saying "Inattentive in Class, Not persistent in class/homework." in science D:<

Highlight: Today is just a day for good food. Everything I've eaten has been healthy and delicious >:3

Lowlight: Mom has to stay in rehab for another three months, and she hasn't called me yet today.

Highlight: My cousin introduced me to a new anime, and I lurv it. :33

Lowlight: My parents would never let me own it.

Highlight: I got my braces off today!!

Lowlight: I didn't do much but that's okay - I love lazy days. :3

Highlight: This hasn't happened yet, but we're having a school end of year celebration like in 30mins.

Lowlight: My friend got really angry at me because I won in a game called Mathletics and she told all my friends to not talk to me so none of them are > :)

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