Twilight by Stephenie Meyer


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I started reading it and i'm halfway through and i like it. And i don't think Bella is that annoying, then again I'm used to stories witha girl who always needs saved xD

The last line of Breaking Dawn P.O'ed me so much.

Highlight in white if you wanna read, I dont like spoiling tiny things:

And then, we sat down, ready to continue our perfect lives together.

wtf? Wasent it just earilier in New Moon you were screaming not you have your "Sweetheart" leave?!

Twilight is alright.
I don't care for Bella and Edward at all. From my eyes they are just disgustingly horrible mary sue characters. Nothing more, but possibly less. Amen.
I regret putting Edward their. The only reason was Edward was starting to tick me off, because these rabid edward fangirls at my school wouldn't shut up about him.

I do like Edward, I just don't like Bella (at all).

Am I the only one who actually kind of likes Bella xD Of course I only really do like her because she reminds me of Kagome from Inuyasha, and I like her. But I like Bella, and Edward, mostly because I love relationships like that, a lot like kagome and inuyasha [i keep bringing it up sorry] I'm reading New Moon and i'm mad D:< for one, Stephenie is ruining my love for EdwardXBella and bringing in that awful Jacob DX [sorry fangirls, I despise that jacob blah] Jacob honestly needs to go....die. He's so....blah >_>

My friend told me all the details and everything. I read a quarter of it and my mom had to read some of it. She said I couldn't read it but I read on wikipedia and it sounded interesting. But. Here comes the but. Breaking Dawn (4th) is kinda weird and ewww.

But the dude that plays Edward is flipping hott! Kristen who plays Bella is really pretty.

I actually started it Last night. I am on Chapter 5 of the First book. So far, I love it

I regret putting Edward their. The only reason was Edward was starting to tick me off, because these rabid edward fangirls at my school wouldn't shut up about him.I do like Edward, I just don't like Bella (at all).
To what you said before, I say amen. Bella and Edward are pretty much a Mary Sue and a Gary Stu.


I love Twilight.I love Jacob. My favorite character. He just has a bad taste in girl.
Miles i'm sorry but i DESPISE jacob! well, he does have his moments where i find him funny but other than that i hate that kid!

Yesh :DD
Why does everyone hate Jake? D:
I don't. ;D

He's finnneee. <3

Well, Taylor Lautner is. xP

I'm on the third book, and half way through. :3

I hate Jacob, he annoys the crap outta meh.

I'm on the fourth book and I'm on Book Two, Jacob.

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