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Yeah, I learned from collecting other toys that you never, ever rely on the word of Wal-Mart employees when it comes to what they do and don't have. One time my boyfriend took this one action figure up to the service desk to ask if they had any more, because we were looking for some stuff that would have been in the same case and we were wondering if they had more cases in the back, and the lady not only told him that that was the only one in the store when there were five more of them right back on the shelf, but that they had been DISCONTINUED! I've encountered some really helpful and informative Wal-Mart employees, but they've been the minority. I don't really fault them, though, 'cause it's not like Wal-Mart pays them enough to care. It's best to just look on the shelf and don't bother asking.

I was deppressed today. I went to walmart. They had 3 hanging racks saying Tamagotchi plus. But they were empty. None were there. I was hoping I was the only one in Happy Valley to know about it! So.. to try again tommorow to find some... if not... I'm hounding the places at 7 am on Sunday....

Here most places aren't open on Sunday, unless they are national chains. In my county it's illegal to sell beer on Sunday.

i got my two at walmart, i called them like 3 times and everyone said no i dont know what you are talking aobut so i wanted to make one last stab at it and go their last night before i went to a movie with my friend, and we are walking in the toy section , and shes like i found em and im like YES!!!, and gave her a big hug and lifted her in the air lol OVERKILL anyway we both got green ones, and i got a pink heart one for a friend.

I went to 4 different walmarts today, and toys r us. Long last I decided to take one last look at the one nearest to my house... with the hanging tamagotchi plus things but no tamagotchi's... well low and behold THEY HAD THEM! So I bought 3, and milk :D

THEY HAD THEM! So I bought 3, and milk
I bought 3 and milk... that was funny. My brother went to Toys R Us the other day on the 10th and they had them out on the shelves too. So you might check Toys R Us also. As for employees at these stores don't trust them, just go and look for youselves. Toys R Us has them in a little nook in the store. You may have to ask where the Nano pets would be cuz they still have those out too. Anyway good luck to you all and if all else fails check ebay. I'll be listing some more this week and will ship um out ASAP.


I don't get it! Why do they say they don't have them when if they said they did they would be making money. Maybe they think the tamagotchis are invisble and no one can see them. :D

If the store is big enough they're making so much money already that they don't care if one person can't find what they're looking for, they figure someone else will come along and buy it without bothering them. Places like Wal-Mart are too busy thinking big and not caring about individual people. People at little stores like Kaybee are usually more helpful because they need to sell you toys, they aren't making all their money off selling trash bags and cheap TVs and other junk. But little places like Kaybee also care enough to not put something about before the on-sale date. :D If they have the kind of employees who don't care that the box has a big DO NOT SELL BEFORE 8/15 on it, those employees probably don't care enough to be helpful, either.

i found out yesterday my local meijers had some tama connections in and went there and what did i find? a whole shelf ov tamagotchi's!!!! i now am caring for a 1 year old itchigotchi^-^ so cute.

i found out yesterday my local meijers had some tama connections in and went there and what did i find? a whole shelf ov tamagotchi's!!!! i now am caring for a 1 year old itchigotchi^-^ so cute.
What is Meijers, is that a regional store? I was going to ask if it was Canadian, but I noticed you're from the states. I've never heard of that place in either the north or southeast.

I went to my local Wal-Mart on Friday Night around Midnight. They were stocking up as usual at that time of night. I wandered to the Toy Section and searched extensively and couldn't find any thing. I am going to check sometime this week now that today is the 'official' release date. I have a question for people who found them at Wal-mart, where were they near? Like hit-clips or like the electronic games. I saw Neo-pets though =/

Meijer is sort of like a Super Wal-Mart, open 24 hours and with groceries and everything, but they're only in the Midwest. I know there are a lot of them in Ohio and Indiana and southern Michigan, and I think they might have started spreading to Kentucky and Illinois now.

I live in new orleans louisiana and i've been searching all week. Can't find them. Can anyone help and i really want to stay away from ordering online! Anyone from down here and know where they are!

I got mine at walmart and there was like two whole full racks of them!i was really lucky becuz i got to dig through all of them to find the color i wanted! has anyone seen those blinkies things omg those are the gayest frickin things i have ever seen in my life!

Toysrus has a ton! I checked out three of them... The locale one only had two colors left so I went on a hunt for a green one for a friend. They keep them in the front of the store, not with the neopets

Yes i know, they are the number 1 toy seller in america even better then toysrus which is deticated to toys!!!

The reason there are no walmarts YET in New York City, is becuas eit's so populated with huge offices, and huge Condo's (Apartment buildings) like mine, i remember 2 years ago they tried to build one, but couldnt get the certifacate to build it in the location they wanted, because they said they have no room, and the city wasn't willing to sell the space or something like that...

But i'm sure that i will see some sooner or later...

^.^' I think I should just go and check --- who knows --- maybe it's lying on their shelf and they don't even know it. ^.^'

o_O; I've yet to get my tama's ;) I'm hoping within the next few days I can go to a walmart to probably be disappointed (either none at all or not the color I want, drat those girly colors knowing my luck) =/

Anyway, anyone know if Target is selling any?

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