**TamaTown PROBLEMS - DISCUSSION** (Now closed)


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I emailed Bandai and I got an automated message..

Dear *name*Thank you for contacting BANDAI AMERICA.

This is an automated response to your completion of the Customer Service Contact Form.

We appreciate your taking time to contact us. You should expect to receive a response to your inquiry within 2-4 business days.

Thank you for taking the time and effort to bring this matter to our attention. Our customer feedback is an invaluable resource, which enables us to continue to improve our products and meet our customer's need.

- Customer Service

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This makes me wonder if Bandai US is planning on doing away with tamatown altogether... Or getting ready to relaunch it while surreptitiously releasing a new line of tamas (At best, unlikely... But one can dream...).

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Here is my recent e-mail and response from Bandai:

Subject: TamaTown disappointment.

Category: Comments regarding our web sites

This is a Complaint


I was wondering when the TamaTown website will be back up and running. It's very disappointing to buy your Tamagotchi toys, only to find out that much of the bonus content can't even be used.

I'm one very unhappy customer.

Also, people are scrambling to buy the English Tamagotchi iD L toys that were released in Hong Kong, paying exorbitant prices and shipping costs. Why wouldn't BanDai America want in on that action?


Bandai America appreciates your efforts to log onto Tamatown.


From time to time, websites, servers or product lines are revised.


While there are no plans currently to release in North America a Tamagotchi iD L, please feel free to revisit Tamatown in the upcoming months to check for potential updates happening to toy lines. You can also visit www.bandai.com for news on Tamatown status.


Thank you,


Bandai America

Customer Service


Bandai has informed me that in the upcoming months they shall restore TamaTown, and we shall be able to log back in again! Woohoo!
I really, really, really hope so. I would be so angry if I just bought a Tama-Go and could only do half the things with it I normally should be able to. Luckily I only paid $9 for my Tama-Go(that included the shipping too ^__^)

Sure. This is the email....

[My name]:


Bandai America appreciates your efforts to login to Tamatown.


We are working to make your experience more at ease. Please feel free to revisit Tamatown in the upcoming months or www.bandai.com.uk for potential updates happening to toy lines in your region.


Thank you,


Bandai America

Customer Service



-----Original Message-----

From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2012 9:10 AM

To: Bandai Customer Service; webmaster

Subject: Bandai.com Contact Form: Tamagotchi Music City


Subject: Tamagotchi Music City

Category: Comments regarding our web sites

This is a Complaint


Sorry to bother you, but I'm having problems with Music City. First of all, my old account won't work, so I've tried registering again, and lo and behold, the link to the "Next" button on the Reviewing Your Account page, apparently, is broken as it does nothing. I cannot access Music City, and this is a real pain as I've just bought a Tama-Go, and nearly the whole point of it is to go online. Please help. Thank you.




Country: United Kingdom

Heard about us by: Retail Store

Computer operating system: winxphome32

Computer operating system version number: Version 6.1 (Build 7601: Service Pack 1)

Internet browser: ie8

I complained about the long reply too, so that's probably why I got one! xD

It seems someone emails them everyday. They seem really busy doing whatever secret thing they are doing... Part might involve the tamatown. We seems to get the same responce.

It seems futitle to keep emailing them right now. They will eventually do something... Hopefully. Even updating the auto responce to the emails right now would be nice.

If you want to try it... When you guys email them, don't label it as a "problem with tamatown" label it as something else. Maybe they will read the others... Who knows...

it should be stated that that reply was bandai UK thats why its worded different then the other messages, but its saying the same thing that the last one we got from here where it just stated at it would be back in a while and to check the bandai website. which is crap by the way cause they still advertise tamatown and music star music city tama's on the main page OTL oh bandai... how you kill the souls ...

And no, complaining about the long reply wait isnt why you got a reply. i got a reply right off the bat with out much of a wait. Its because i was mature about it. If you message them like a whiney little kid thats just B*tching then of course they're not going to respond to you.

Yes, keep checking tamatown daily if you would like, but if you think about it, a couple months is most likely going to land us in the new year which i believe is when their tama LIFE stuff is supposed to start being released. So I would expect to wait till then to get tama town back. I doubt much will be changed too since it still looks like they arent releasing a new toy with tama LIFE crap. Im pretty sure they're just codeing more adds and bilboards into tama town to better advertise for their oh so lovely tama life release. BEcause honestly, who better to market tama products too then already tama fans :)

blah... anywho hope for the best peeps. Ill keep checking in and let you guys know if i catch word of anything that hasnt been posted here yet.

We are over four months now of the site down. All that time, not a single REAL informative reply from a contactable person at Bandai America. I have never heard of a company that behaves like this... What needs to be done, is to have someone - who lives relatively close to their offices, pay them a personal visit and report here:

Tell them, you speak for 100s of VERY UNHAPPY users...


Here is their Address:

5551 Katella Avenue Cypress, CA 90630

This is what their building looks like:


Please, someone who lives within driving distance - go and get us an ANSWER!


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Please bring a adult... It might help if the adult does know what a tama is/does. Plan out what you are going to say since it will be busy... I would hope someone could, but a phone call might be wise first. Possibly set up a meeting to one of the managers or someone important.... Then they can get some info for you since they are inside the company. They could snoop, collect info, contact the people who need contacting....

Another mention, I know last year it was buggy. Then I do remember it being on and off tons... Then it turned into whatever it is now. I can easily say longer then 4 months.

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Bandai America has to be the most immature company EVER. Who would sell an awful product like the Tama-Go, then STOP selling anything at all, then not fix the problems with their website. I hear often that the only reason people bought Tama-Gos was to use the TamaTown for them, which now cannot be done. I am just surprised they sent replies to anyone at all. I'll send them an email soon. :angry:

If you're going to their office, make sure you call ahead. Sometimes you can't be seen unless you have an appointment and sometimes they won't accept appointments/visits at all.

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