Are tamagotchis...


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No way are Tamas geeky!!!

Some geeks may have them but that doesn't mean that Tamas themselves are geeky!

On the other hand there are a few chavs at my school that have them (for those of you that don't know, a chav is someone who doesn't care at all about the latest gadgets and have a LOT of street cred).

And if anyone says that they are geeky well they had better think again coz they are most definatley NOT GEEKY!!!

No way would I consider Tamagotchi geeky. I think they are kind of cute and funky. I never have time to play with my Tamagotchi. In fact, today I forgot I even had a V4 at home. My friend was playing with one in Religion class today and I was like OMG you have one??

I didn't even know. I felt like such an idiot! She would be the type of person to have one. In fact...I whipped out my Tama today and started to play it (it's a little girl and I called her Lenka).

No I would definately not call them nerdy/geeky.

I mean...they're fun, and if you are having fun, why stop at all for anyone?

Tamas are not geeky :angry: It dosnt matter what other people think of tamas :(

Tamagotchi's are not geeky.

What makes you think they're geeky? o.o

I'm glad I have my own money to buy Tamagotchis, otherwise I'd have only 5 :D
I have 5 tamas. 2 v.3s, 2 v.4s, and 1 v.4.5.

no offence, but I dont see the point of getting like a million tamas, I just cant handle it, all the taking care of a million tamas. I get 2 of every kind so they can connect.

I'd say technically, yes, they are a bit geeky and playing with them kinda makes us geeks. From the wikipedia definition of geek:

A person who has chosen concentration rather than conformity; one who pursues skill (especially technical skill) and imagination, not mainstream social acceptance. Geeks usually have a strong case of neophilia (a love of novelty and new things).
Tamas are pretty novel, and every time a new one comes out, we're all up ons, like Strong Bad would say.

But you know what? I think it's time we re-claimed the word 'geek' and made it a positive thing! Why does 'geek' need to be a negative indicator? I play with my Tamagotchi and post to my blog about it with the pride of a true GEEK!

Now 'nerd', that's an offensive term right there. I would mind if somebody said they're nerdy...

lessee...all the girls and Half the boys obsess over it at my school... and the rest...are stuck-up brats...I just play with mine...


No, they are NOT geeky.

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tamagotchies are so not geeky!! :D :D i have 3 tama's [about to get a v4.5] i think tama's rock!! :furawatchi: they are

they are the best!! :) :D

NEVER! If someone said so on the web i would e-mail them saying "!!!!!!!!!!!! RUDE"



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They are not geeky.At my school when I brought my first Tamagotchi to school everyone bought one.

I think tamas rock,but it's your opinion you can like them oryou can't it's your choice.


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Tamagotchis aren't necessarily geeky,though a bit underage.I personally think I'm to old for one,but for one I truly enjoy playing with mine. :mametchi:

It's your decision. :)

Do YOU think Tamagotchi's are Geeky?

If you do then that's your own opinion, me- personally, I don't think the are geeky, after all it matures you ready for your own child, it helps you get better caring skills.If you think they are geeky, then you must have grown out of Tamagotchi's, I get phases like that- right now I've gone back into Tamagotchi's. <3

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