Are you gay or lesbian?


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And I respect your opinion but I think that people should be able to be attracted to a person of their own sex. I mean it's only going to equal the same thing: love. I don't see why some people can't understand this.
True it is love.....

Why do people have a problem with it?

I mean people can love people of the same sex....

They are just ashamed because they wanted to be of the opposite sex to be able to like the person of the same sex......

But still.....

Bisexuals are awesome.....

True it is love.....Why do people have a problem with it?

I mean people can love people of the same sex....

They are just ashamed because they wanted to be of the opposite sex to be able to like the person of the same sex......

But still.....

Bisexuals are awesome.....
Yeah, like I don't see why everyone should care if people are lesbian/gay.

People should mind their own bussiness. If two people love eachother, they should stay out of it.

When people say that it's not right to be gay/lesbian, it's almost like saying "It's not right to be *insert religion here*." You have all the right to get married to whoever you want, including the same sex just as well as you have all the right to believe in whatever religion you want.

It just sounds like when people are fighting about gays/lesibians, it sounds like people are fighting about religion, but that's not the case. The case is supposed to be about love and picking who you want to be with.

Oh yes, this is all coming from someone straight, someone who respects gays/lesbians and treats them like the real people that they are.

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Yeah, like I don't see why everyone should care if people are lesbian/gay. People should mind their own bussiness. If two people love eachother, they should stay out of it.

When people say that it's not right to be gay/lesbian, it's almost like saying "It's not right to be *insert religion here*." You have all the right to get married to whoever you want, including the same sex just as well as you have all the right to believe in whatever religion you want.

It just sounds like when people are fighting about gays/lesibians, it sounds like people are fighting about religion, but that's not the case. The case is supposed to be about love and picking who you want to be with.

Oh yes, this is all coming from someone straight, someone who respects gays/lesbians and treats them like the real people that they are.
Someone knows how it feels....

I have a friend who is bisexual and I thought that he was straight but I don't have a problem with him being bisexual!

I Got Called A Lesbian Before, But Im Straight, But I Still Wanna Be Single

There's NOTHING Wrong With Same Sex Love

If Someones Happy With Loving The Same Sex Then Thats Wonderful =D

People Who Call Other People Gay/Lesbein Just To Get Some Laughs Need To Die

I don't know what's wrong with loving the same sex

It is not bad....

It is still love and no one is perfect

Oh yes, this is all coming from someone straight, someone who respects gays/lesbians and treats them like the real people that they are.
I respect them and treat them like real people. I'm not a hater I just don't believe that's how things were ment to be.

Just because I don't agree with a way someone lives makes me a horrible, mean old hater? o_O Do you agree with with a prostitute's way of life? You may respect them because it's their desicion, and you may love them like a sister but it doesn't mean you have to comform to the rest of the population telling everyone it's all ok.

I'm pro-life and I don't agree with abortion. If someone has an abortion do I hate them? Do I treat them like an animal? No way. That's wrong.

Don't tell me this is spam and I should go pm someone instead of posting here. If you are going to say something about how it's ok and all instead of just answering yes or no, I can post my side-steps too. ;]

Added on:

And I respect your opinion but I think that people should be able to be attracted to a person of their own sex. I mean it's only going to equal the same thing: love. I don't see why some people can't understand this.
But it's different from what you think is attraction/love and it's something you are born with/can't change, just is like I'm just straight. I personaly think that some people are more or less influenced to be lesbian, gay, transgender, ect. and not some genetic deal. We believe it's a desicion not a matter like what color your skin is, or what color your eyes are.

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I respect them and treat them like real people. I'm not a hater I just don't believe that's how things were ment to be.
Just because I don't agree with a way someone lives makes me a horrible, mean old hater? o_O Do you agree with with a prostitute's way of life? You may respect them because it's their desicion, and you may love them like a sister but it doesn't mean you have to comform to the rest of the population telling everyone it's all ok.

I'm pro-life and I don't agree with abortion. If someone has an abortion do I hate them? Do I treat them like an animal? No way. That's wrong.

Don't tell me this is spam and I should go pm someone instead of posting here. If you are going to say something about how it's ok and all instead of just answering yes or no, I can post my side-steps too. ;]

Added on:

And I respect your opinion but I think that people should be able to be attracted to a person of their own sex. I mean it's only going to equal the same thing: love. I don't see why some people can't understand this.
But it's different from what you think is attraction/love and it's something you are born with/can't change, just is like I'm just straight. I personaly think that some people are more or less influenced to be lesbian, gay, transgender, ect. and not some genetic deal. We believe it's a desicion not a matter like what color your skin is, or what color your eyes are.
That is deep....

And it is true....

So what if you are a gay,lesbian,or bisexual?

People love each other......

They don't choose to be that way.....

They live with it....

I respect them and treat them like real people. I'm not a hater I just don't believe that's how things were ment to be.
Just because I don't agree with a way someone lives makes me a horrible, mean old hater? o_O Do you agree with with a prostitute's way of life? You may respect them because it's their desicion, and you may love them like a sister but it doesn't mean you have to comform to the rest of the population telling everyone it's all ok.

I'm pro-life and I don't agree with abortion. If someone has an abortion do I hate them? Do I treat them like an animal? No way. That's wrong.

Don't tell me this is spam and I should go pm someone instead of posting here. If you are going to say something about how it's ok and all instead of just answering yes or no, I can post my side-steps too. ;]
1* - I know where your coming from, just what I mean is some people (like one of my dads friends) is very homophobic, and doesn't treat gays/lesbians with respect, and there are many people around the world who are like that and to me it just doesn't seem right to treat people with such disrespect just because of their desicions on love and in life. I didn't aim that to people who didn't believe it, just people who disrespect gays/lesbians.

Sorry you got the wrong message. ;]

2* - No, it does not make you a mean old hater. :] We just have different views, that's all.

I could care less if Joe married Billy, Susan or Henry, I would treat it like just another marrige. Some people would protest, some people would just think that isn't right, and some like me would care less and get on with their lives. No one is getting hurt from Joe marrying whoever, so why should it matter?

I know some people just believe certain things, and I'm not trying to change anyones minds, but it's sort of like saying you can only date/marry someone with blue eyes or white skin, and etc.

And TW/P knows just as well as I do that God loves us all, even if people have sinned, He still loves us, so He knows well about love. If you love someone, you want to be with them no matter what skin colour, sex, eye colour, hair colour, etc.

People should just let everyone be with whoever and get on with their lives.

[Here comes the flaming..]

That is deep....And it is true....

So what if you are a gay,lesbian,or bisexual?

People love each other......

They don't choose to be that way.....

They live with it....
Yes, some people are just wired differently or feel differently about love. They should not be excuded from love because of this, and should be given marrige rights like everyone else. Love is love and you can't change that or take it away from someone.


[i'm gonna get flammed XX]

My best friend is Bi Sexual and he is a realy good person :]I think its stupid when were walking in the halls and people laugh at him i feel realy sorry what people do to him :[
Well try to look at it this way: Those people who make fun of him? Yeah...they have their own insecurity issues and in the end they'll get their own medicine.

I'm bisexual. I can't even tell my friends at school or they'll pick on me. Not even my best friends.
Yeah same here....

Sometimes I feel bad about it ^_^

But anyways if I tell my friends they'll pick on me forever even in college if we go to the same college...

I know personally that it isn't a choice. It is how we are born. If we try to go against it, we end up being miserable. If we accept it, we have plainly better lives. My relationships with my male friends have gotten much better since they know I'm homosexual because, I guess, they just are glad to know I'm not hitting on them. I'm also quite supportive of other gay people like me, so I've made many friends who are like me. One of the nicest people I know let's cal him Sam works at a gas station near my house. He is flamboyantly gay and is one of the sweetest guys I've ever known! He has a positively super personality and is always bright and happy! If god had wanted us to be heterosexual, why did he make all of us. About 1.2 million people living together are gay. This is obviously not some silly choice or flaw. Our numbers are great, but aalso graetly opposed. This begs the question, "why are people afraid of those that are different from themselves?" Answer me that.

I know personally that it isn't a choice. It is how we are born. If we try to go against it, we end up being miserable. If we accept it, we have plainly better lives. My relationships with my male friends have gotten much better since they know I'm homosexual because, I guess, they just are glad to know I'm not hitting on them. I'm also quite supportive of other gay people like me, so I've made many friends who are like me. One of the nicest people I know let's cal him Sam works at a gas station near my house. He is flamboyantly gay and is one of the sweetest guys I've ever known! He has a positively super personality and is always bright and happy! If god had wanted us to be heterosexual, why did he make all of us. About 1.2 million people living together are gay. This is obviously not some silly choice or flaw. Our numbers are great, but aalso graetly opposed. This begs the question, "why are people afraid of those that are different from themselves?" Answer me that.
1.2 million? Out of 3 billion? Under 10% of people in the U.S. are gay/lesbian/bi/ect. - that's not a huge amount if you ask me. o.o;

I've said this so many times it's getting old. I am NOT homophobic. I am NOT afraid of you, I am not afraid of my friend's lesbian parents, I am NOT afraid of that Criss Crocker dude or anyone else who is anything but straight just because of their sexual preference.

Look, I just can't believe it's something you are born into. There's not hard core scientific proof. If there is actualy undisputable proof, really, give me a well known, respected link to an actual undisputable website.

If you feel more comfortable with it, fine. I'll respect your choice but you can't bend me and tell me I have to believe it's pounded into your DNA just because that's the way 'everyone' else thinks.

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Look, I just can't believe it's something you are born into. There's not hard core scientific proof. If there is actualy undisputable proof, really, give me a well known, respected link to an actual undisputable website.
If you feel more comfortable with it, fine. I'll respect your choice but you can't bend me and tell me I have to believe it's pounded into your DNA just because that's the way 'everyone' else thinks.
You have a very good point, but if you read on here, some people are miserable from being bullied because of their sexual orientation. I don't think they would pick this willingly.

BUT I do agree that who you pick to love isn't pounded into your DNA.

I'm on the fence with this one.

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