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I have a question for everyone. A few months ago, I thought I had gotten my first period. It was a false alarm. FOr a few months now, whenever I go to the bathroom, when I'm wiping, there's always this sort of white, sticky, stuff on my erm...genital area. My mom says it's probably vaginal discharge, but I heard that it's sort of brown-colored. This is definitely white. Even when I clean it all off with toilet paper, there's always more whenever I go to the bathroom again. It's disgusting. x_X I don't know what it is, and where it's coming from, and what it's for. Does it mean I might really be getting my period soon? My breasts have been growing, but I don't have any pubic hair yet. :[ *whew* Ack, that was a very embarrasing thing to admit online. =P Oh well, a little help please?
I've had that too. It's nothing to be alarmed about, it's some discharge and it's always white. Mine's been a bit brown when I spot blood, sometimes even I'm not spotting. Just wipe it thoroughly and keep your bits clean, and I think all's good. use tampons...doesn't it make like i guess my whole bigger or somethin.?i'm like trying to type this a.s.a.p.

(muh bro is in the room )
Yes and no. Depends on your vagina as every girl may have one, but their body physically makes up how it looks and how easy it takes to stuff like that. If you have a hymen, I think it would just break it, but nothing as drastic as loosing the entry of your vagina.

The tightness can vary as well on emotions and stress. This is why you also see in the directions to putting one in to relax your muscles, as it is easier to insert the tampon. use tampons...doesn't it make like i guess my whole bigger or somethin.?i'm like trying to type this a.s.a.p.

(muh bro is in the room )
Dont worry, using a tampon isnt going to stretch you. Women squeeze babies through there and for the most part they go back, so a tiny tampon wont cause any damage.

I had mine when I was 11. It just happened to be on the day we moved, so that was a lovely experience. xD

I don't find it that bad. My boyfriend always seems to know when it's my time of the month, so he like has it down on a calendar and stocks up on chocolate and flowers a week in advance. xDD No, but he does make me feel better, even when I'm moody with him. ^^

I had mine when I was 11. It just happened to be on the day we moved, so that was a lovely experience. xDI don't find it that bad. My boyfriend always seems to know when it's my time of the month, so he like has it down on a calendar and stocks up on chocolate and flowers a week in advance. xDD No, but he does make me feel better, even when I'm moody with him. ^^
Aww that's sooo sweet!

Ya, got mine again 2 days ago, and mommy didn't buy me more pads this time, she always knows so she buys.

Guess I have to ask her.. *sigh*

I've got mine. It fills so uncomfortable though. I regret it and wish I never got my period.

Meh, late bloomer. I'm in eighth grade, and it seems like everybody has had theirs. When I say that I wish I had mine, everyone is like, "No, you don't." Which, I do believe them. I bet it does suck most of the time. I just feel so left out... flat chested and left out. xDD The only problem is, I dance 3-5 times a week, which means as soon as I start, I'll have to use tampons. >.>

EDIT: It may be coming up, though. I've had a vaginal discharge for over a year and a half now. They have become pregressively larger. I get it every day now, enough that I can feel it as it happens throughout the day, and see the large white blotches in my underwear...

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I havent had mine but mii mum bought me pads just incase i do XDD

I haven't got mine yet, but my gran bought me tampons and pads just incase I start.

Ugh, I don't want to have my period- I don't have any disacharge. Not yet. :)

I've had my period when I was wearing my new white pants. It was SOO mortifying.
Ughhh that happened to me but with my school dress, and i asked my teacher if I could go to the bathroom and she said I had to wait...there should be a rule about letting girls go to the bathroom whenever necessary.

Ughhh that happened to me but with my school dress, and i asked my teacher if I could go to the bathroom and she said I had to wait...there should be a rule about letting girls go to the bathroom whenever necessary.
It should be for both genders really, or else is anti-discriminatory towards boys. But they should be a little more sympathetic towards girls, but I swear some teachers are cruel on purpose.

Did you tell him/her that it was lady troubles? They might have realised then, and let you go.

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