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You'd have to wear them for about 15+ hours to get an infection from them. It's a relatively low risk.
I personally think tampons are better than pads because you don't see them through pants, they don't have that diaper feel to them, and you can't smell the blood like you can with a pad. They just seem more healthy to me than pads. More sanitary anyway. I think they're more comfortable as well.

I think once you try them a few times and get used to them, you'd like them. Maybe not though xP
i dont no.

they dont really show up on my pants, but i dont no...

i guess u would have to be wearing sorta tight stiff...

well what ever, ill have to try them on some day! :nazotchi:

~but pads can feel ...ugg sometimes, so i dont really no moving up to 5 grade. what is "the movie" it gross????????? i feel sick....0-0
Eh. I didn't think it was gross. All it was was basically an explanation of the reproductive systems of both males and females. Nothing to be worried about. The pictures aren't exactly detailed so it's not like they're forcing you to watch porn in school. xP

The one I saw was pretty short. It showed the woman's system first and just showed a cartoon picture of the area and told what each organ was and what it did. It told very little about periods. Then it showed the man's system just like the woman's. It wasn't a big thing really. It's just life anyway lol. You'll have to learn it eventually. ^.^ You just have to be prepared for it and keep an open mind. None of it is gross, it's just the human body. Nothing to fear. *nods*

Eh. I didn't think it was gross. All it was was basically an explanation of the reproductive systems of both males and females. Nothing to be worried about. The pictures aren't exactly detailed so it's not like they're forcing you to watch porn in school. xP
The one I saw was pretty short. It showed the woman's system first and just showed a cartoon picture of the area and told what each organ was and what it did. It told very little about periods. Then it showed the man's system just like the woman's. It wasn't a big thing really. It's just life anyway lol. You'll have to learn it eventually. ^.^ You just have to be prepared for it and keep an open mind. None of it is gross, it's just the human body. Nothing to fear. *nods*
call me perverted but i want to see the MOVIE! :D

i was like home schooled to like gr.7 so ive never seen it!

i want to see it... :nazotchi: yes i no im weird...

i dont no.they dont really show up on my pants, but i dont no...

i guess u would have to be wearing sorta tight stiff...

well what ever, ill have to try them on some day! :nazotchi:

~but pads can feel ...ugg sometimes, so i dont really no
Yeah, I guess it would depend on the pants you're wearing. Tis a good point you make.

Whenever I wear a pad I feel like I'm wearing a diaper ^.^''

sweetkandi, how can you feel easy being so personal.............................i could never!!! 0~0

sweetkandi, how can you feel easy being so personal.............................i could never!!! 0~0
Were all girls! It's not like were hounding you... so it's kinda easy to be personal.

Yeah, I guess it would depend on the pants you're wearing. Tis a good point you make.
Whenever I wear a pad I feel like I'm wearing a diaper ^.^''
yes sometimes it dos feel like wearing a diaper!*.*

I remeber having my period one morning, and it was time 2 go to school...

and well i was in a rush so i put on a big pad, that my mom wears, and well

i forgot 2 bring pads to sckool and i had to wear it the whole day!

it felt so wet and gross! *o^

and i started to cramp up! and i had track and field practis that day

so it felt even worse! im not wearing my moms pads again! ^o^

call me perverted but i want to see the MOVIE! :D i was like home schooled to like gr.7 so ive never seen it!

i want to see it... :nazotchi: yes i no im weird...
I shant call you perverted xP I wouldn't mind seeing it again actually. I don't remember too much from it. Just the diagrams.

I think maybe if you went to a library and asked the librarian about sexual education videos they might have something you could check out or that your parents could check out for you. It might seem awkward to ask, but it's worth a try if you're interested lol.

It's never weird to want to learn xP Even if the subject might seem touchy to others.

sweetkandi, how can you feel easy being so personal.............................i could never!!! 0~0
I don't really see it as a personal thing is all. It happens to everyone at one point in their life. Well.. not periods, but you get the point. It just seems odd to be scared about puberty or sex. It's a natural thing that everyone goes through. No reason to fear it or be uncomfortable about it. ^.^

what happens to boys though?
Well.. When they reach puberty their testicles drop. Not sure how that would feel, not sure I want to either lol. Other than that, they get random erections and wet dreams. I can't really think of what else they get. Nothing like a period though. It seems in a way that they got the good end of the stick.

yes sometimes it dos feel like wearing a diaper!*.*I remeber having my period one morning, and it was time 2 go to school...

and well i was in a rush so i put on a big pad, that my mom wears, and well

i forgot 2 bring pads to sckool and i had to wear it the whole day!

it felt so wet and gross! *o^

and i started to cramp up! and i had track and field practis that day

so it felt even worse! im not wearing my moms pads again! ^o^
I cringe at the thought of the big pads x.x' I used to have to wear two of those to bed with a tampon to make sure I didn't bleed through to my sheets. I hated it. I couldn't imagine having to wear the same pad, let alone a big one all day. *shudders*

In other news, I got my depo shot today and I'd just like to say this. My butt hurts. o.o'

What's nice about periods and swimming, is for the most part your period stalls in water. So long as you don't try to push anything out, nobody would even be able to tell you were on your period.
That's good to know....still.....the thought of having my period in the water........

I cringe at the thought of the big pads x.x' I used to have to wear two of those to bed with a tampon to make sure I didn't bleed through to my sheets. I hated it. I couldn't imagine having to wear the same pad, let alone a big one all day. *shudders*
In other news, I got my depo shot today and I'd just like to say this. My butt hurts. o.o'
what the heck?! 2 pads and a tampon?

thats just weird! but if u bleed alot, not much can be done...

well im not a heavy bleeder. Actually im very light

That's good to know....still.....the thought of having my period in the water........
Yeah, it's kind of an awkward thought, I agree. If you're really worried about it you could always wear a tampon while swimming. That way nothing for sure would come out or be seen. Usually I just tried to avoid swimming while on my period. It's only about a week afterall.

what the heck?! 2 pads and a tampon?thats just weird! but if u bleed alot, not much can be done...

well im not a heavy bleeder. Actually im very light
Lucky lol. I was a really heavy bleeder. I hated it so much. After I started my depo it stopped for the most part. That was a perk.

I started when I was 9 and I stopped it when I was 15.
...holy *Removed*

thats young!

wait a min...u stopped having ur Period?!

what the heck?! i might be reading worng but

i dont understand... u like stop having ur period at like in ur 50s

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