Go TAMA ghosts! =P


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yay 1st on list this time :) and i was wondering is this log like a regular thread or is there something special we have to do for this?
Good question! A log is kind of like a regular thread but the only difference is that typically, one person is posting AND "responding" (updating) to themselves. What's special about the group log we're going to be doing is that other people (granted, people in the hatch) will be posting and commenting in this log. For those of you who aren't familiar with logs, I encourage you to check some of them out HERE. To get to this section, one would click on "The Library" from the home page and then click on "Tamagotchi Logs." Remember not to post in other member's logs! :)

Yeah, each post will be made by a member of the hatch giving the rest of us an update on how their Tama is doing. We would also be able to post pictures when our pets evolve, or showing them doing something amusing :D

I think it would be really cool if we could keep this up for a while, and watch how all of our pets grow up differently :)

Hello again, everyone! I have another update and I'm afraid that we will have to keep or group hatch in the group hatches section since this is what this section is meant for in the first place, even though there are potentially going to be a whole lot of people. We just have to do out best at keeping it as on topic as possible. Got a follow-up message from Admin this morning. Here's what transpired:

Quick follow up on the group hatch log...  I would like to actually change my previous comment about it being a good idea for the tama logs section.  I think it would be better within the group hatch section since that is what the area was originally intended for (arranging and logging group hatches).  Sorry for any confusion this may have caused.  Do you think this will be a problem?
I hope you all understand. In addition to having a lot of fun with this, I would also like to follow the rules and this is what Admin thinks is best. Following his advice, I will still start a new thread for the actual hatch a few days before Halloween, just here in the group hatching section.

I think it would be a great idea, Alicefly, to post pictures of our progress if you'd like. Just know that one would have to upload the pictures first onto a free image-hosting site (Photobucket, ImageShack, etc.) and then provide the direct link on here because only select parts of this board are enabled to directly embed pictures (so we couldn't have embedded pictures into the logs section anyway, just direct-linking, much like we can do here). This is why I'm really looking forward to the upgrade because one of the features Admin advertised was that we would be able to embed pictures into our logs, which is really neat! :)

I also would like to reiterate a few things from my last update (if you've already seen it, feel free to skip this next part):

I've been watching the board closely and this is my rough head count for the hatch, based on what I've seen and on my understanding of what's been going on around the board (people dropping out/unsure/members leaving the board/members banned/inactivity/etc.):1. katface

2. brunotchi

3. Tama_dude2010

4. sandrababy

5. tamalvr23

6. furbitchi

7. sweet.angel

8. TamaSkittle2142

9. mew0099

10. XxXMyXxXImmortalXxX

11. OldSchoolTama

12. TamaLove754

13. djor

15. tama1237

14. misuzu_kamio

16. Dangoobotchi-lover~

17. katie_bug

18. Tamagotchi ~ Princess

19. Sandra~Marie

20. lolokotchi:)

21. NintenNerd

22. SquisheeMonster

23. ultratama

24. Alicefly

25. TamaChii

26. TurboTama

27. PretzelNymph

28. aerbear10

Phew! So if you don't see your name here, please don't take offense, I didn't mean anything by it. Just send me a friendly message or post here with your intent to participate and I'll gladly include you, alrighty?  :D Conversely, if you see your name here and you no longer wish to participate, please let me know here as well. In fact, I think it would be good if you all could just confirm with me one more time before I start the thread (I'm in no hurry...I would prefer to start it a few days before Halloween at the MOST, because we all saw how iffy it is to start a thread for a hatch wayyyyy before the actual hatch date ;) ). If you've posted here recently, I don't mind if you don't post a confirmation here (unless you don't want to participate anymore and wanted to let me know, which is cool) since it'd be kind of redundant. For those whom I haven't heard back in a while (i.e., since you first posted here 2 months ago, understandable), look for a PM from me about a week before Halloween. If I don't hear back from you one way or another, I will assume that you don't want to participate in the hatch (again, which is fine, you won't hurt anybody's feelings). It's really important that I get an accurate list going).

To answer a few questions, yes, people can still join. Please be so kind as to let me know here by October 24th  so that I can get that list going. Also, yes, you can do a hatch with any Tamagotchi you like (I don't mind if you switch or hatch more than one, just make sure to stay consistent :( ) and you don't have to start all the way over from generation one, just start with a new egg.
Thanks for understanding, everyone! Looking forward to the hatch!

Do you think it would be a good idea to meet in the chat?

Do you think it would be a good idea to meet in the chat?
How come? I think it would be rather difficult to have us all meet in there anyway since we're all in different time zones. :)


You crazy Austrailians and New Zealanders are waaaay off in your own time zone of the future... and all you Americans are still living in the past!

We British have it just right. Put the kettle on :p

So, I ordered a Tama-Go today. White with Kuchipatchi <3

It should arrive in plenty of time for the hatch :)

ok so its a regular thread but its a log that only we can post in basicly

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ok so its a regular thread but its a log that only we can post in basicly
Kind of, but since the thread is going to be here in the Group Hatching section (rather than in the Logs section), other people not in the hatch can potentially post feedback. It's not likely, since that would make the thread a little off topic, but it can happen. Whereas in the Logs section, comments made by people other than the author can be deleted per author's request, as stated in the rules.

My Tama-Go arrived! :(

Imma start it up now, but I will also use it for the hatch (as long as it's either dead or there's a new baby by then) :p

cant wait for hatch but ill probably use my hexa then reset for hatch :(

cant wait for hatch but ill probably use my hexa then reset for hatch :p
That's cool that you're using the Hexagontchi for the hatch, but like I mentioned above, you don't need to reset if you don't want to, especially if you're already on your 15th generation or something like that. Just make sure you have a new egg by the time the hatch rolls around. :(

I am joining the hatch with a V3 and Tama-Go. Just to confirm. :p

ok so the people in the list are allowed to post updates on there tamas but no one else (out of the group) can so it pretty much an anti-spam thing

ok so the people in the list are allowed to post updates on there tamas but no one else (out of the group) can so it pretty much an anti-spam thing
I suppose so. Rules state that we can't exclude anyone from joining a hatch, of course (so @TamagotchiCentral, you can still join!), but there really is little point of anyone else (who never stated that they wanted to join the hatch) posting. I mean, what would they post? It would most likely be things not pertaining to the hatch, so in a sense, yes, kind of like spam. Make sense?

@mew0099: thanks for your confirmation. Anyone else? This is a reminder that I will send everyone (besides the ones who have already confirmed here recently) a PM about a week before the hatch, which is to take place on October 31st. :)

cant wait for it i dont go trick or treating any more anyway i didnt last year but the year before i was a zombie :p gray face ripped "bloodstainded" t shirt and stuff like that i looked great (that was a bit off topic)

back on topic i wont even need a egg i can also just make it grow old cos 31st is 17 days away i reset today cos it was getting TOO easy ill let her get old on the hatch ill mate her but not so i get the special oldie so i can start anyways ive never had an oldie :mimitchi:

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