Keep your tamagotchi from the teachers


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Wow; these tips are so helpful!

I have never taken my Tama to school because knowing me, I would get caught.

Here are some of my tips though:

On Formal Friday's at our school, we have a blouse with a pocket and because it is Winter, everyone either wears a jacket or a jumper.

So you put the Tama in your blouse's pocket and wear the jumper/jacket over the top.

Play with it at break/lunch in a secluded area of the school or in the bathroom.


Keep it in your purse/wallet and when you are in your class/going in, take your purse in your book bag.

My friend used to put a book and look like she was reading but was really playing her Tama.

We were very sneaky :p


If you are a smarter person who gets their work done fast, the teacher's let you kinda relax whilst everyone is still finishing their work.

You can pretend to have it in your pencil case and look like your playing in your pencil case.

Do not bring it out though, cause if your school is strict like mine, the teachers will take it off you!

These are just some tips that I came up with.

My friend and I used to sneak our tamagotchi's into class all the time.

These are what we used to do to sneak them in.

(and because we were good students)

We never got caught!

~ :) ~

Back when I was still in grade school, Tamagotchis were the brand new popular thing.

I always brought mine to school. I wore it around my neck on a lovely yellow and black string that I had crafted from a shoelace. I stuffed it down the front of my shirt so it wouldn't swing around or get scratched/damaged. XD

A lot of kids brought theirs to school daily and we always used to play, talk and share stories about them at recess.

A lot of my classmates had pets whose sound couldn't be turned off, or they just didn't know enough to turn the sound off.

So the school eventually banned them, as they were too distracting and kids would play with them during class. (imagine a classroom where there are a few dozen pets beeping at random intervals!)

I kept bringing mine, and the teacher never knew. <_<

I changed the time on it so that it would sleep during the day. I didn't play with it at all except for lunch time and recess. I changed the time back to normal once I got home from school.

One day after class, my teacher and I were talking about them.

Teacher: I wouldn't mind them if they weren't so beepy, and if you guys wouldn't play with them during class.

Me: Yeah, I agree. It's too bad that some types of pets can't have their sound turned off... *removes Tamagotchi from under my shirt* but I bet you didn't even notice that I had mine today.

Teacher: ...and that's how it should be! :)

Me: Yep. All you have to do is pause it during class, and it won't bother anyone.

That's all I can remember from that conversation, but I never got in trouble for bringing my Tamagotchi, and I continued to bring it to school every day. I think my teacher was OK with it because she knew that I wasn't going to disturb anyone or play with it when I was supposed to be working. XD

Its funny, because I have never been caught with a tama in school. Because I usually want my tama's to grow up as quickly at possible I didn't like to pause the game so I just changed the time to when they usually go to bed. Turn the sound off and let them run the whole day. I would still have them in my pocket during the day though. Because they are sleeping you don't really have to check on them but after school just reset the time to what it actually is and continue to take care of them! and they will grow up at their original time without having to pause!

Good Tip,but i need help finding my tama!

Im pretty sure its dead <_<

well does anybody know where to find another tama? :)

Please help.

Paisley-Cool sig,i didnt no any1 liked nintendo here,i thought it wuz bought virtual pets

Tip for pencil cases

If you have some kind of clear-ish pencil case,cover it up with paper or something so nobody will notice the mysterious silhouette

so cool i have 9 days of school left and im going up to high school in september they let you bring phones so they will probably let tamas in and lucky for me i have a fleece (partly for hiding things partly cos the jumpers were v neck blecccccc) so ill be able to sneak it in every day and i have tips too

sound off

maybe sleep time

dont trust anyone thell will probably tell

try and see if you can get a spot at the back of class make up a reason

tama colour owners the colour screen can shine through fabrics and zips so get a good plastic case

or cover with something that can be lifted up and down

also go on my hexagon codes topic to all you hexagon owners ive put codes on it including one that gets you the letter N in HEXAGON

here in austria nobody cares wether you have a tamagotchi with you. we sometimes have them on the desks and feed it, no teacher ever told me to put it away, even when it beeped, my teachers allways ignored that :)

When I snuck mine to school, I wore it on my neck, where it was in plain sight. My teacher must have seen it, but he didn't care. What can I say, I'm a bit of a teacher's pet. In science class, I would stick my tama in my desk (they're all empty anyways), and play with it instead of listening. I never got caught, but I stopped taking my tama when my principal started getting crazy about no cellphones or electronics in school.

Remember: NEVER, check your mail! Because if it's a burgular, poop, a snake -- anything bad -- the happiness goes down and you gotta play games or feed them loads and that can be hard with people around.

last year, I took my music star to school and all my teacher said was "as long as you listen in class, and get your work done, i don't mind."

Ahh. I remember when I'd bring mine :3


I had a cubby desk, so I'd just play with it in there.

I never got caught.


But I did get caught doodling. All the time..



Normally I am horrible at being sneaky :/

I've gotten caught with my cell phone twice.

Doodling, several.

And passing notes, every year of middle school.


But I rock at hiding tamas :)


I guess I just have a talent for that XD

Ahh. I remember when I'd bring mine :3 

I had a cubby desk, so I'd just play with it in there.

I never got caught.


But I did get caught doodling. All the time..



Normally I am horrible at being sneaky :/

I've gotten caught with my cell phone twice.

Doodling, several.

And passing notes, every year of middle school.


But I rock at hiding tamas :)


I guess I just have a talent for that XD
Lolz!!!! I remember when i was in kindergarten/1st grade,

i used to bring my V1, and and never turned off the sound

(i was new to tamagotchis) and i always put in it in my

desk, and i will never get caught, because when it beeped,

i went to the time screenand say"My watch went off again" :furawatchi:

Ahh, I remember in 5th grade when I would take my Tamagotchis (a V3 and later a V4) to school every day. I'd wear them around my neck on a purple ribbon, plain as daylight. I'd play with them in class when the teacher wasn't looking (mind you, I was "valedictorian" of the 5th grade class, so it wasn't affecting my schoolwork). Anyway, the funny thing was that everyone knew I had them, including the teachers, but I guess no one suspected any disruptions from me so they never caught me playing with them.

im the smartest person in my class, so if i get caught playing with them my teacher just gives me a stern look and play with them when i get done with my work. cellphones are allowed in school, so i guess tams are too. im bascally the only person in my entire school who has one! i just leave them right on top of my desk.

tho, if tamas arent allowed at your school u can always get a clip or something to attch all of them together and put them in your purse or bckpack by your desk.

when u sit down, you might accedentily switch the volume on it happened to me once. but the trick is, when people hear it and look at you, look behind you.

I'm going into grade 10. No one cares in High School xD Just as long as you say it's not a cell phone, it wont get taken :)

Like, last year in Middle School:

"Erika, are you on your cellphone?!"

"No. A Tamagotchi."

"Oh. Okay then. Put it on pause when the movie's over."

Im going into highschool this not sure they care about Tamas, but I want planning on taking mine to school anyways.

OMG i used to bring my v3 and v4 to school every day in 3rd grade... i remember it so clearly. i used to connect with some girl (wierd girl!) named kayla, i still have her tamas om my friends list to this day! ( and im in 7th grade now). if i brought it to school now, id probably be made fun of :p kids at my school are another word for donkeys! but my suggestion is to

keep the tama on the clock, and check it every 5 min ( remember, NEVER EVER bring a baby tama to school, it WILL die! don't risk it!)

the clock is for when or if a teacher sees it, and says, " now, what is THAT chii?" you can say," its a clock keychain, to check the time"

so teach goes " well, isn't THAT nifty!?" lol it works every time!


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