Keep your Tama's away from the principal's drawer!


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Here is another tip: If you have a really nice Substitute Teacher, you can leave it on your desk for time if the clock in the Classroom is wrong.
i know im off topic but are you the one who made the movie on youtube with the young ;) ? i like that movie! u making more? tip: JUST LEAVE THEM ASLEEP AT SCHOOL! No harm and GROWHT STOPPING!!!!

:lol: ya onece i brout my v2 into 4th grade it was beeping like crazzy lol =d i love tams but my frends make fun of me ............................................or hid in desk at an angle for checkups.
Tamagotchi was banned at my school on Febuary 6,2008 due to an incident with me pressing the C button and making my V5 do the close up sound in DEAR Time and in Science! I had to put it in my backpack.

It was safe then!

Here are my tips:

If your school banned Tamagotchi,keep your Tamagotchi at home on pause(for V5,take it on vacation. This will pause it.)

Well last year these were a really big hit so someone(not me) brought theirs to school even though the lunch person told us that if he saw them then he would slam then with a hammer! Talk about mean. None of my friends bring their tama's cause who wants it to get slammed when you spend $15 on it!!

I just put mine at 10 Pm. It sleeps all the way through school, and you're not risking the tama!

I reccommend checking on your Tamas while in the bathroom.

If you have tight jeans, put tissues around the Tama and tie a jacket or sweater over your waist. But never do this in May or June. T_T

I remember back in Elementary school we used to bring Tamas ALL the time!

There was this mean Lunch Monitor that always screamed at us to put out Tamas away.

When she was coming, we'd either stuff them in out pockets, covor them with our legs, or just toss them in my lunchbox.

I still remember those days. Ahhh. Addicted 4th graders and their V1's.

Bump,but only the USA V5 is banned from my school.

My school only allows:









Tamagotchi Plus



Royal Famitama


UK Tamagotchi Famlitchi

Australia Tamagotchi Familitchi

Tamagotchi Angel

Tamagotchi Mini

JAL Tamagotchi ( my school allows all Japanese Airlines Tamagotchi)

All UK Tamagotchi

All Australia Tamagotchi

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My friends tama got taken away from our Japanese teacher. But the funny thing is, our Japanese teacher started playing with it! LOL

I never get caught with mine! the teacher never looks and once i played with it right in front of her! (well not exactly her back was facing me)

i hide them in my desk (my desk is sooo messy no one would see it!) and playwith it! :D


I always take my tamas to school. I leave them in my locker off pause, and when we go out for our break, I check on them. And the teacher thinks I'm talking and threatins to keep me in. and I told (actually yelled) her it was my tamas and they are about to die. She says "NO! Tama's have nothing to do with school! NO! If I see them once more, I'll throw them in the trash for the Janitor to take! or give it to my kids!" I felt stupid that day, witch was only 3 days ago! Now I leave them home for my dad to take care of. (I came home from a friends house yesterday, shocked to find my V4 had a baby with her! :angry:

Okay...........I have gotten my tam taken away once or twice (or maybe thrice)and I know it is not fun. Here are some tipps

If a teacher asks what it is, put it on clock mode, cover up the "tamagotchi connection" symbol, and show it to them. (NOTE) this may only work on teachers who DON'T know what tams are

If you have a REALLY mean teacher then just don't play with it during her class.

Play with it during a movie. No one will notice.

Girls, bring a purse or small bag to keep them in. I have a black bag thing meant for IPOd

's, but it can fit around three tams.

Remove the Keyring for less noise when playing with it during class.

Some teachers won't mind. My lang. arts teach doesn't care, since his daughter has one.

We show him them sometimes. My friend even named one after him!

If you don't have a purse (or are a guy) then you can just bring a wallet and hide then in there.


Hide it in your hand for quick checkups. My classmates are really mean and try and tell on my friends and I. They yell "OOOOHH, TAMAGOTCHI!"



Usually P.E. teachers & lunch ladies don't care, but the lunch monitors do!

During recess, go out some where and then play with em'

Those are all my tips fo' now. Have fun. I Gotta go, so PM any questions to me, kay"
If you would do anything to keep your tamagotchi then give the mid-nicest teacher in your school a tama!Especially one that does NOT allow tamas then they might even allow them!If you do not want to do this then its been nice knowing your tama.

Hope this helps,


[SIZE=12pt]One of my friends has a Tamagotchi and she just wears it around her neck, and the teachers don't even notice!! :lol: :lol: :D [/SIZE]

I don't bring my Tama's to school, but a couple of my friends keep them in their lockers and check on them during passing period or keep them in their binders or pencil pouches so the teacher can't see them. Always remember to (I know I'm repeating all these other posts) KEEP THE SOUND OFF! Teachers have this keen radar with them, when even they hear the SLIGHTEST noise, they detect something. (Kinda sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie, huh? :D )

Last year, me and my friend kept our tamas clipped to our belt loops on our pants, and took them out when the teacher wasn't looking. I got mine taken away, and I quick switched it to the clock screen and almost got a detention anyway. My teacher talked to the principle and I was off the hook because they thought it was a watch!~ILMT!

P.S. At my new school, the teachers allow tamas as long as the sound is off. Now everyone is wearing them to school on the lanyards, including me!
You guys are so lucky. :D At my school they don't specificly ban tamas, but they ban all fun stuff that distracts us from schoolwork. Besides, tamas are not popular at my school and I am too shy to bring one! :D

hmmm.... am i a trend setter? becauz at my school, once i brang tamas, EVERONE ELSE STARTED BRINGING THEM! Strange eh? maybe not, but now there banneed by my teacher! Boooo! but at recess he dosent care. no offence but hes sorta a dork.

At my school I used to bring my Tamagotchis to school everyday and we were allowed to play with them at recess but during linch and class we are not. One day almost everyone in my class brought one and a couple of people brought them into class and everyone was like put it on pause! turn the sound off!! ;) But then the Principle banned them from the school so we werent aloowed to bring them anymore!!!!!!! :blink:


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