Keep your Tama's away from the principal's drawer!


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Heres a tip: dont take tamas to schooland they wont get taken away. Thats what I do.

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my school lets us play wit them at lunch and during break,

another good time to play wit them is when your teacher is lecturing(as long as ur not in the front row)

and just in case u haven't read every post on this topic, always ALWAYS turn the sound off.

gr8 tips!

i always bring abowt my tamas 2 school and i hav abowt 24!

:eek: :eek: :D

dis is ma list!







angel gotchi~2 i went 2 japan to see ma cousin nd i got 2 angelgotchis!

tama ocean~2 i went 2 japan to see ma cousin nd i got 2 tamaoceans!

I remember in 3rd grade, the tamagotchi was a big deal and everyone had one at school...eventually, some girl "accidentaly" restarted her tamagotchi making a huge noise and her's got confinscated. It was sad, because that was the end of that. I still don't know if she ever got it back... :eek:
:) that happend to me only im in gr.4 and a movie was play but turned on max :eek: so the sound muffled as I reset my tama (it was running out of battery)

(This was ages ago)


once, my friend brought her tama to school

and it was a special presentation with the whole school watching, and her tama broke and it started beeping really loudly and it wouldnt stop,

even when she threw it at a wall :(


it was funny though



but like everyone at my old school had a tama, either a v1, or i said this WAS a about 4 years ago

and at our lunch time you could go round the playing field and fill your friend list strait away. =]


Yeah, but we do have principals. I have some tips for Australian tama school tips:


2# - Get a case or something for it, so in case you have to stuff it away suddenly, you don't scratch it.

3# - Try only to pause it when something bug happens, like an assembly or something.

4# - Some teachers will be tolerant if you only play occasionally, and not during when you're supposed to be listening to the teacher.

5# - And some teachers are'nt. Learn or not if they allow them.

6# - Make it a covert operation. If something like it needs happy hearts happens, and you want it healthy, not pudgy, ask if you can go to the bathroom and play there. But don't make it too long in there, otherwise it'll look really sus.

i used to bring my tamagotchi with me to school every day,for some reason it started acting weird,anyways before i left for school i turned off the sound and paused it.while i was sitting in my desk just a few minutes after class started i thought i heard a beeping sound,then like 5 minutes later i heard more beeping,in the next five minutes i knew i wasnt imagining it,so i quickly toke my tamagotchi and went inside the make sure it didnt beep again i toke out the it worked.......for about 15 beeped again.finally the kid sitting in front of me raised his hand and told the teacher that i was playing with my tamagotchi(which i wasnt),and i told the teacher it had no battery in it but i still got it taken away(really who would bring a tamagotchi to school with them if it had no battery?that turned out to be a lame excues)luckly that was the first time ever that i was caught with any eletronic device that wasnt allowed at school and my teacher was kinda nice so i got it back at the end of the day,i also had to promise not to bring it to school that tamagotchi is in a drawer,all messed up and with no battery in it,and as for the kid that was sitting in front of me,i hated his gutts more that day :kusatchi:

i dont know if my teacher lets us have tamas because she bans all electronics. i dont want to find out. I think i almost got caught a few times. I sit next to the "class clown", and he wants it to poop. So, if its not in my bag, he'll shout, "I want the Tamagotchi to poop!"

Once in Elementary (good times...good times...) My Principle was my best friends mom :wacko: . She banned Tamas a soon as she got power. (My friend had one that's why)

If you had a tama you got detention for 3 days! :D But I had this nice Music/Art/band/choir teacher (busy girl) And she loved tamas! When we went down to any class she taught(Choir and Band are optional) I brang my Tamagotchi Bill. He was the rare Frankenstein tama on V3. She said to me put him away please The principle coming down I don't wanna take him. (She liked bill because he sang, played percussion and drew pictures! :ph34r: ) when the principle left she told everyone to take the tamas out!

She even helped us organise the Tama Revolution!(marching around the school with our tamas playing with there noisiest toy!)

She's my fave teacher!

kool. i would laugh if the teacher fell for the time thing. :eek: btw u have a kool choir teacher :lol:

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I recently found somthing out! So I sprained my arm in 4th grade. I've still got the sling. I fell on my arm during Field Day, It realy hurt. It was only bruised but I told everyone it was sprained because I had a sling on. I put my Tam in it during school and take care of it. They don't mind, they just think your rubing your arm because it hurts! So bring a sling to school with your Tam in it.



I'm not sure anyone ever notices I have an egg-shaped lump in my jeans. But I don't take my tama to school anymore. Now I have the Teku Teku Angel, just say it's a pedometer [thing that counts steps] and say you're staying fit. It looks normal and it's fine, as long as it doesn't beep!

whenever i want to bring my tamagotchi to school, i always just keep it in a pencil case. that way, you can set the case on top of your desk, and then when a teacher looks at you and your playing with it, it'll only seem like you are searching for something in your pencil case. as long as you're not too obvious, you should be fine!

i don't think school staff should be allowed to take away anyone's possessions anyways.

Hello. Tamas are not allowed at my school but are allowed at my brothers school. I give them to him.

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My school doesn't allow tamagotchis but i still bring mine to school. I hide it in my locker and when passing period comes i go to my locker to check on it. I never get caught!

Once in Elementary (good times...good times...) My Principle was my best friends mom :hitodetchi: . She banned Tamas a soon as she got power. (My friend had one that's why)If you had a tama you got detention for 3 days! :furawatchi: But I had this nice Music/Art/band/choir teacher (busy girl) And she loved tamas! When we went down to any class she taught(Choir and Band are optional) I brang my Tamagotchi Bill. He was the rare Frankenstein tama on V3. She said to me put him away please The principle coming down I don't wanna take him. (She liked bill because he sang, played percussion and drew pictures! :mimitchi: ) when the principle left she told everyone to take the tamas out!

She even helped us organise the Tama Revolution!(marching around the school with our tamas playing with there noisiest toy!)

She's my fave teacher!
THATS AWESOME! i BRING my tamas to school and i play whith them at resses but at resses i but on the sound and forgot to turn it off in class and it beeped :mametchi: :kuribotchi: :gozarutchi: so i said sorry my watch alwys beeps :ph34r:


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