my v5


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today on webkinz the my page option is gone,and i took some photos for photobucket of my cheeky monky and the pells and i'll have more later

cool so many views thanks :)anyways you may have noticed i am using special colors and i love these colors,and also on webkinz i found a cool star and a cool charm that is so cool,and if you haven't seen my pictures they are here

also my tamas are adults whoo-hoo!!!!!

i go back to school the 7th :eek: ,but at school somtimes the teachers let us go on the internet so i may go on webkinz and here if possible :D

hello people of earth,i have advice...if your house has an ant problem do not leave a drink anywhere,trust me and on webkinz the my page option is gone

sorry i haven't posted i have been on webkinz and researching hermit crabs so much and i have news my cookie dough v5's battery died and i was not taking care

of it and 1 or 2 weeks ago i got my hermit crab tiki and some new webkinz and yesterday me and my mom went to wal-mart to find me some night gowns and i wanted to look at the tamas when there they ere celebrity v5's so my mom said ok so i got it the night gowns and we went home and i pulled the tab and got three eggs and i will post more later like celebrity v5 tips and info

p.s-i named them the pells

i went to a birthday party and we watched a movie[disturbia was the name],played guitar hero,played twister ,texted some,and had an outside hotdog roast yumm!!! :furawatchi:

ok i found something cool it is called cube world,they are cubes with three buttons that you can play ine game with and they are stick people that can be stuck together and interact

i learned the oragami crane,tamas are doing fine,i haven't been on in so long due to school projects but i'm bacg and the pells are somewhere in my room or basement since we moved but i have bee my v4.5 with me

i have a school project that involves science,i chose hermit crabs and light vs. dark with my own hermit crab.well all i have been able to find is that they need 6-8/12 hours of light a day.i am happy because it's 4 pages but it's double spaced.and i have a book report due on the same that is why i haven't been on in so long.i can't find all of my tamas since the move,all i have found is bee(v.4.5) and the celebrity mom gave me the others either before or after we moved but i can't remember where i put them. also bee is doing great and i am enjoying school.i will update again later

p.s.-i am coming on mostly on weekends now because of homework so you won't see me much during the week

yesterday bee had a baby boy!!!!! :D :eek: :D :D

i also found an awesome song:shake it-metro station

i have a book report to work on plus homework so i can't stay long

bee left her baby boy

his name is zee(that is a random name)

in theater class today we learned fake punches,slaps,hair pulling,choking

i was partnered with a good freind

we had to make up a fake scenario and we chose fighting over a boy

our theater teacher is so fun

you'll probabaly see me alot more now that i have internet upstairs,i got a v3 from a unexpected place and i am getting a new mp3 :lol:

im home alone because i have a cold and i ran out of tissues

[SIZE=21pt]out of tissues?nooooooooo![/SIZE]
