Please. I need help before it gets too rough.


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^I'm NOT gonna sack him. (well, it WOULD be payback for when he kicked me in the privates) but STILL! He's only nine, and my parents would KILL me. (not literally, of course.)
And it's not acceptable for a 9 year old to abuse others.

It's not like he's some baby, and is not in control of his actions.

^I'm NOT gonna sack him. (well, it WOULD be payback for when he kicked me in the privates) but STILL! He's only nine, and my parents would KILL me. (not literally, of course.)
What he does to you is far worse than sacking him. Well, I understand that your parents would kill you, cause he's 9 so they probably think he's some sort of innocent little angel, right?

Who cares if your parents punish you? The punishment will eventually be over and you won't have any more problems from your demon of a cousin.

Bash his head, sack him, or hit him wherever you think it may hurt, then threaten him and all your problems will go away.

^FINALLY someone understands the point I'm trying to get across! THANKS!
Well of course. Their wayy older. So of course their going view the 9 year old as someone innocent, and harmless. Is he a angel? No. Unless angel is a definition for someone young. Parents are not always correct. You decide for yourself, once. SO what if you get punished.. I'd rather be punished than abuse by a 9 year old.

However, you are a still kid. You realize the potential of that troll. xP

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I disagree with all of the "Beat him up back/Sack him/whatever".

If you're going to hit him, That would make you just as bad as him. You'd be fighting fire with fire. And thats immature. He hits you. He's immature, You hit him back, that'd make you immature too.

I'm assuming that your cousin can read. Try getting your anger out at him on paper, and send/give him the paper. If he rips it up, he rips it up, but hopefully he reads it. Get him to sit down and talk to you. Have an adult nearby, but not in the room. Make sure the adult can see/hear, but make sure your cousin can't see/hear the adult. Only you would know. Ask him Why he does all this. Is it for attention? Sometimes a younger kid will pick on a relative when they admire them. Maybe he looks up to you and he doesn't want to admit it. When I was 7, I gave one of my older relatives hell because I looked up to them. He has to have a reason for picking on you. Everything has a reason.

I don't really know though, thats just what I think.

Okay. Michelle advice will never really help buttt.....

All you need is a lamp post, lots of rope, a sign, a marker and a really big net.

Catch him in the net. Tie his wrists and ankles together. Take him to the lamp post, tie him to it then write on the sign "Punish me" and attach it to the lamp post and let random members of the public give it to him.

I disagree with all of the "Beat him up back/Sack him/whatever".If you're going to hit him, That would make you just as bad as him. You'd be fighting fire with fire. And thats immature. He hits you. He's immature, You hit him back, that'd make you immature too.

I'm assuming that your cousin can read. Try getting your anger out at him on paper, and send/give him the paper. If he rips it up, he rips it up, but hopefully he reads it. Get him to sit down and talk to you. Have an adult nearby, but not in the room. Make sure the adult can see/hear, but make sure your cousin can't see/hear the adult. Only you would know. Ask him Why he does all this. Is it for attention? Sometimes a younger kid will pick on a relative when they admire them. Maybe he looks up to you and he doesn't want to admit it. When I was 7, I gave one of my older relatives hell because I looked up to them. He has to have a reason for picking on you. Everything has a reason.

I don't really know though, thats just what I think.
I completely agree with this. Hitting him or hurting him isn't going to do anything but make you just as bad as him. Just take this advice. Write a note or something and make sure an adult can here what is going on when you talk.

Okay, Chelle:

He does NOT look up to me, because... well, have you heard of sibling rivalry? Yah, that. This is EXACTLY what this is, except in wrestling-match form. You can't get rid of it forever, only make it limited or less rough. He brags in victory when he hurts me/makes me bleed, He yells "this is your revenge! How do you like being bullied" (That makes no sense. I only slightly teesed him, and only sometimes. never physically harmed him, so this is NOT even revenge. An embarassing thing in public, or a prank at church woul've been better!) and cries that "she's only getting revenge for 5 years of friken torture" (whenever its only been 2, but then it evens out to maybe 2 days, if it were non-stop teasing. And how is joking around with him worth pain, blood, and torture????? THINK ABOUT IT! but the sign thing is a good idea, but he might call me a spazz and a wuss, but I'll try it.


The problem with that is we live in pretty much an isolated area. Hardly any people in it, and as soon as you step into the main town, It would be dangerous to put him there, what with all the random gay gun-carries and such. So eather he'll get shot somewhere, torn apart by a dog, or just be there for maybe a car or two to pass every 5 hours. So that's out of the question.

Wow. I feel bad for you. O.O I thought my cousins were bad when they were little.

Do you have a lock on your door? Just lock it, go in your closet/under your bed. It usually works.

When he comes over, have a friend over/go over a friends house. If you aren't home, you won't get hurt. If you are home and have a witness, which would be your friend, you can get him in trouble and hopefully he will stop. Eventually.

Just don't hit him. You don't want to be immature. Like Chellie said, just write him a paper.

Or have a talk with his parents and your parents, together.

I hope I helped. <3 Good luck girl.

You could try to explain it to your parents again.

I think that's the only way. If they don't take it seriously, then tell them what he did to you, and as yourself, act serious. Or try talking to him. With your parents.

Maybe he would calm down a bit. :)

Immature? I think if he's hitting you so hard then like hit him back harder. It'll show him you're not kidding. :/

I'm not trying to give the impression that you're going way over the top with this cousin-business, but if he really has hurt you as much as you claim he has (loosened one of your teeth and such) I wonder why haven't your parents ever noticed and intervened. Any caring parent would've noticed if their child showed signs of being tormented (especially is they have physical injuries present) so why haven't they ever asked anything from you? Even if you claim that your cousin is immune to pain and that he has amazing reflexes, still, he is only nine and only human. If you are trying to settle this dispute with him, do not resort to violence, it will hardly make things any better and I doubt your cousin would let you get away with it. No one close to you even seems to care or do anything to improve the situation but if you've already seeked help from an adult and the advice the TT members have thought up of, I'm sorry to say, this problem is out of our hands.

Immature? I think if he's hitting you so hard then like hit him back harder. It'll show him you're not kidding. :/
Its still considered "immature", although I totally agree with Oscar. Angry parents hit their kids when they do something bad. Is that immature? No. An older cousin hits back her younger one. Is that immature? YES.


Whack him back so hard that he has difficulty in actually getting up and hitting back!

Don't make him sound impossible Kaythina; some people learn the hard way.He's just one of them.


True.. but it's really a matter of him learning to respect you :)

Mmkay. Try to like, make a drama scene in front of your parents. Tell them but you have to be crying. They'll belive you I think.

why wont you just stand up to him for god sake if it was me he wouldnt see the last of it till he stopped so just pull your self together

Okay, why is this still about my cousin!? he's the LEAST of my problems after what Gramps did to me today! *cusses*


yes, that's a good idea. I'll try that.

if you REALLY wanna know what kinda hyprocrytical-homicidal maniac I'm dealing with here, youll WANT to read what happened 2 hours ago:

I was on the computer looking for something, and he walks up to me, and says in a loud aggressive voice "LET ME ON THE COMPUTER!" and I said calmy "You can go on when I finished looking for something" and then he starts screaming about something "YOU'VE BEEN ON ALL FRIKEN DAY" when him and I BOTH know It's only been 3 hours. So then I just ignore him and go back to what I'm doing, and he screams "NO WAY YOU'RE GONNA FIND IT! YOUR SCROLLING FAST" so then I scream "SHUT UP! I'M DONE WHEN I'M DONE! NOW GO PLAY YOUR WII!" and then I calmly go back to what I'm doing, and he stops away yelling "YOU'RE SUCH A SPAZZ! JEEZ!" and I ignored him, and he kept on ranting on and on, him being the spaz, and I'm being calm, then grampy kicked me outside and wouldn't let me brig my ds or mp3.

*eye roll*

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