Tamagotchi Connexion V4!


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On Tamagotchi.com, it was announced that there would be a new version of Tamagotchi and that the first designs coming in January 2007 would be decided by fans voting on the Tamagotchi website. It is released already in Spain. It is a Jinsei. It's tamatown is accesible by going to tamagotchieurope and clicking espanol. And this one is is mine ^^b it's the pink cherry blossom version ^^:

u can see it here: https://lipah-nha.livejournal.com/

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There is already a thread on the V4 :puroperatchi: Please post there!
Aaah, actually, this thread came out BEFORE Spiffy's thread. This is for information about V4 being released outside of Spain and general V4 chat. Spiffy's thread is for information he (or she? i dunno) is gaining based on the V4 he/she owns.

so theres gunna b a v4 tamag out but wats the point in buying it it'll b the same as the v3 duh!!!!!!

& how do u no that there really is a v4 comin out?? just cos 1-2 people said it dont make it tru newbs!!!

love Sezy :hitodetchi: :D

It isnt the same as The V3, you will go to school, have a job, receive newspapers and letters, youl have different characters and games, and a whoole new collection of items and souveniers,

and its already out in spain and portugal, il bring pictures soon, as soon as i get my floppy option to appear January 2007 is when hel come to america

Actually, you are wrong. In Europe, V4 is out. None on eBay yet, though. :D
Does that include The UK?

They always sold Tamagotchi in Woolworths, No V$'s yet, not even in the catalog!

Lol, remember when nobody believed there would be a version 2? Then it happened! Then nobody believed there would be a v3... then it happened... what about this time? Duun duuun duuuuuuun...

Th UK will have the V4 in the begining of December, or maybe at the end of november. america will be last, sorry .

I have a v4, I got it yesterday! :mellow: . They look like an entama (but everything is in english..) It's a shame my friend was borrowing mine at school then a beep told on them so I dont get it back till monday :[

I knew they were out in New zealand for about 2 days before I actually purchased one but theyre cool.. except that I got a mail from the burglar stealing 800gp!!!

As for items, most things are way more costly, but you can get 200p straight when connecting v4s on game, unlike 30p on the v3 on the first generation. I do not know any of the shop codes yet though.

The only thing is normal tamatown doesn't have a v4 thing, because the only links it hason the packets are tamagotchi.com, bandai.com, and tamatown.com

Also, both my computers only have dialup (at my mums house it is even slower too for some reason) so the link I am trying is taking ages and I dont even know if it will work.

Anyway, more later,

Scarez (on my other account :angry: but hi everyone!)


Edit: It is stuck loading on 84% :/ .. but I will look into it more on the weekend.. I want my tama back D:< *wahhh*

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Here's a few screen shots (reduced in size)I entered with a random username and password.

  • I visited
  • kindergarden- really sweet
  • school
  • townhall
  • cinema
  • cafe
  • arcade
  • mall (same 3 shops- lots of different items)
  • parent- no code needed
  • grandparent- no code needed
All the games i played- I won gotchi ponts instead of a prize. The parent gave me 300GP and the grandparent gave me a fishing rod :D (some things never change!)</a><a href='https://img60.imageshack.us/img60/2029/tamav4townvv3.png' target='_blank'>V4 connexion tama-town
i need help i need 2 know wat the tama gotchi ver 4 tamatown website is NOW im soooooooooooooooooooooo despirt :D :D :(

so theres gunna b a v4 tamag out but wats the point in buying it it'll b the same as the v3 duh!!!!!!
& how do u no that there really is a v4 comin out?? just cos 1-2 people said it dont make it tru newbs!!!

love Sezy  :chohimetchi:     :)
Ok I'll prove it: They're out in the shops here and the've even made a new tamatown for the v4 :) ;)

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