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the girls started running. Suddenly Snowy stopped. "Dang, i forgot my I-pod."

"You had an I-pod?!?!" Esther said thinking about the long, boring nights she had spent trying to find something to do..

"Yeah, and I gotta go back for it."

"No." said Zoom defiantly.

"You don't understand!!!" said Snowy as she sprinted back to the clearing. "Wait for me." She yelled to Zoom and Esther.

Esther rolled her eyes. "I suppose it's safe, TH is down the hole." She said.

"Maybe..." agreed an mumbled Zoom.

Suddenly a high pitched, blood-curdling sccream came from the clearing.

Esther and Zoom ran there to find TH out of the hole.... with is hands round Snowy's neck. "Nobody move." He commanded. "Or Snowy gets it."

Snowy was gasping for breath. And Zoom noticed she had turned a faint shade of blue.

This time TH wasn't joking.

Zoom held her breath. She had a feeling this somewhat had to do with her. She couldn't run up to help her, because she would be dead in an instant, and Snowy as well.

"Let her go." She said firmly, glaring at TH.

"No." TH replied flatly. "You see, when you push someone into a hole, they get out twice as mad, and ready to kill someone. That would be all of you." Esther turned her back on TH, and her eyes filled with tears. The last thing she wanted was for Th to see her crying. Zoom held her glare. She hoped that he would at keast loosen his grip on Snowy, because she was now gasping for every breath.

"How many different things have you done to us TH? All we really want is for you to leave us alone." Zoom said.

"Lets see, alot. But I keep the young guessing." TH shrugged.

"Then what are you gaining by choking Snowy?" Esther turned around, filled with rage.

"Another win." TH grinned.

"Like this, you have no real competition, just a few little girls. Go somewhere else, find some people you can really win against. We're nothing to you." Zoom sighed.

"Zoom!?" Esther hissed.

"Just follow along." Zoom hissed back.

This made TH think. Zoom was right, he couldn't battle with a few girls. He was stuck. Then he answered,

((What does he answer!?))

....then he answerd. "But this little girls, is my idea of fun. Not competition. More like, lets say a hobbie."

"Your sick!!" Yelled Esther with tears in her voice.

Snowy gasped for a breath. But then she was silent.

....then he answerd. "But this little girls, is my idea of fun. Not competition. More like, lets say a hobbie.""Your sick!!" Yelled Esther with tears in her voice.

Snowy gasped for a breath. But then she was silent.
Silent as in didn't breath out. (I'm Snowy. read introduction topic for more details)

TH floated down and patted Esther on the head. His fingers felt like slugs on her scalp.

"Now, now. Don't cry little girl. Do you want to go home to mummy." He said mockingly.

Zoom wasn't the only one who noticed the gasping had stopped. TH still had his fingers round Snowy's neck. She was now a darker shade of blue. Almost violet.

Zoom shuddered.

TH noticed. "She doesn't look to good does she?" He said. "Maybe if you give me Tamatalk I'll let go. Or would you rather your little friend died....?"

Still with his hands round her nck he lowered Snowy so her feet were touching the ground. She stumbled slighty but then hung from TH's grimy hands.

"If just patting my head burned", thought Esther, "Then she's in agony."

Zoom spotted Snowy's I-pod. She ran over and grabbed it. It was then the tears rolled down her cheeks.

Esther noticed. She ran over and hugged Zoom. "Snowy'll be OK" Esther whipered.

Zoom shook her head. "How do you know. She's practicly dead already."

TH heard that. "The only way you can save her... is by giving me Tamatalk." Yelled TH. Then TH started to laugh. He then pulled out a handful of Snowys's hair and threw it at Esther. "For you to remember her by." he said.

"Remember, give me Tamatalk and Snowy survives, Don't give me Tamatalk and your little friend dies." TH laughed.

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Esther glared at TH. It had been a tough time from the start and neither was about to give up their home on the computer so easily. Zoom saw the will to lunge at TH is Esther's eyes and whispered, "Don't. Please, don't." But Esther didn't hear. She stood up and expertly walked over to TH, and pushed him. Then Esther realised what she had done. She gulped and ran for dear life. So Zoom was the last person standing. TH got up angrily and demanded "Where did that little runt go?"

"I-I don't know..." Zoom stammered.

"Well, you're cominng with me to find her." He yelled, grabbing Zoom by the arm tightly. She winced in pain as TH dragged her off to find Esther.

(hi guys! i'm back! this is bratztroxg, but with a different account!)

Zoom looked at Snowy, purple and lying on the floor. "She's already dying; and if I don't find Esther before TH does, she'll be in the same state!" Zoom realised it was all up to her. She racked her brains, desperately trying to think back to all the conversations she'd had with Esther - where was it that Esther had said was her all-time favourite secret emergency hiding place???

Then it came to Zoom!

It was the Introductions section! Zoom smirked, and set off...

Is it OK if my character comes back to life soon? I really wanna be in the story till the end.


Esther sat in the top of the T in Introductions. She cried noisly thinking of the bad thing she had done. Suddenly a note appeared in her hand.

It said: Here is a potion to bring back the dead or dying to full health,

Your good friend Admin :]

Esther stopped crying "This will save Snowy!!!" she shrieked.

Esther stood up and entered the section of Tamatalk where Snowy was lying.

Zoom and TH had already left. Esther sprinted across the room and pushed the bottle into Snowy's lips.

As she clutched a stitch in her side Snowy floated up in the air and landed gracefully on her feet. She was dreesed head to toe in white.

"Are you OK?" Asked Esther.

"I'm OK." said Snowy.

Esther stood up.

"Now we have to find Zoom!!" she said.

"Yes", agreed Snowy.

Snowy looked oddly ill, all dressed in white.It TOTALLY didn't go with her glossy black hair and glistening blue eyes, "Um..wait, Esther, you go find Zoom! Just give me a second to change out of this naff outfit!" and so Esther set off, "ZOOM! ZOOM!" she called, seeing Zoom running down towards the Introductions section. "ESTHER!!" she called, "Where have you been?!" she asked. "I'VE FOUND SNOWY!" exclaimed Esther, "She's just changing out of her stuff. Let's wait for her!" she added.

Zoom and Esther sat down and talked about their adventures. "Hi guys!" said Snowy, back to normal and sitting by them. "Hi!" they said.

"I am so glad you're alright! TJ pretty much killed my arm..." Zoom said sarcastically, looking at her arm.

"Well, it's good you're alright." Snowy smiled.

"You too, I mean it was the worst sight ever seeing you getting choked. You would have been dead if we moved. I'm sorry, but neither of us could do anything." Esther sighed.

"It's OK, but that's really not important right now, we have to hide before TH realises that we left, not to mention that I'm back!" Snowy answered quickly.

"Yeah, I have a sneaking suspiscion that I'm next, for ditching him." Zoom gulped cautiously, as everyone ran down the forum. "Suggestions, that's where I left him."

" about the Announcenments, he wouldn't care about anything new happening." Esther gasped, out of breath from running. They entered the forum and went into a really old topic, to attract less attention.

Meanwhile, TH was angrily searching every topic in the section. "Freakin' little kids. Who will I capture next? Hmmm...Snowy seems reliable, Esther seems like the really good friend, so I think I will take Zoom, she seems to have quite a brain." He concluded.

TH was wondering along the top of Tamatalk when he saw something move in Announcement. He looked closer. yes that was the swish of long hair he heard and that highpitched laugh. He'd heard it before..........



"We'll be safe here!" called out Zoom as Esther giggled her girlish laugh. Snowy rolled her eyes. You could say the color of her outfit matched her mood. When they got into the first ever topic of Announcements the girls sat down.

Then suddenly Zoom nudged Esther and started giggling soon Esther was laughing. The whole topic was full of laughing. Snowy didn't join in. She raised her eyebrows and rolled her eyes.

"Um hello? What's so funny??!" she yelled.

"Oh, nothing much just that TH has no idea where we are." Esther said.

Zoom couldn't answer, she was choked up of laughter.


Ok, the author and the rest of us in the story have said many times, no new people. I'm sorry, but we have to ignore that post.
um, Zoom, she didn't add a chracter. She just used TH, Esther, you and I. That post is OK.

TH was wondering along the top of Tamatalk when he saw something move in Announcement. He looked closer. yes that was the swish of long hair he heard and that highpitched laugh. He'd heard it before..........


"We'll be safe here!" called out Zoom as Esther giggled her girlish laugh. Snowy rolled her eyes. You could say the color of her outfit matched her mood. When they got into the first ever topic of Announcements the girls sat down.

Then suddenly Zoom nudged Esther and started giggling soon Esther was laughing. The whole topic was full of laughing. Snowy didn't join in. She raised her eyebrows and rolled her eyes.

"Um hello? What's so funny??!" she yelled.

"Oh, nothing much just that TH has no idea where we are." Esther said.

Zoom couldn't answer, she was choked up of laughter.

Hey am I allowed to do that too? Add on to the story but not add a character?

I wonder.... I have some good ideas for this.... hm....

--Is this acceptible?--

Suddenly, they saw a ghost fly into the room.

"Ah!" cried Esther. She hid behind Snowy.

"Hey not behind me!" Snowy said.

"Calm down!" said Zoom.

The 'ghost' whipped off it's disguise.

"TH!" cried Zoom.

TH replied, "Hello, girlies. I have come to destroy you for once and for all. Today's the day."

"Oh no you didn't!" Snowy grabbed the suitcase TH was holding. It opened and Admin fell out! He was tied up and gagged.

"A-A-Admin....? WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM, TH?!" Zoom yelled.

"Without your beloved Admin here you will be helpless," TH said coolly. And he raised an ax.

"Noooooooooooooooooo!" Esther jumped for him.

Is that okay? Just curious....

Hey am I allowed to do that too? Add on to the story but not add a character?
I wonder.... I have some good ideas for this.... hm....

--Is this acceptible?--

Suddenly, they saw a ghost fly into the room.

"Ah!" cried Esther. She hid behind Snowy.

"Hey not behind me!" Snowy said.

"Calm down!" said Zoom.

The 'ghost' whipped off it's disguise.

"TH!" cried Zoom.

TH replied, "Hello, girlies. I have come to destroy you for once and for all. Today's the day."

"Oh no you didn't!" Snowy grabbed the suitcase TH was holding. It opened and Admin fell out! He was tied up and gagged.

"A-A-Admin....? WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM, TH?!" Zoom yelled.

"Without your beloved Admin here you will be helpless," TH said coolly. And he raised an ax.

"Noooooooooooooooooo!" Esther jumped for him.

Is that okay? Just curious....
Yup, that's fine!


Snowy whispered to Esther. Esther nodded and strted to tickle TH.

"Ha ha ha aha!!" TH laughed and suddenly, "OOWWW" he yelled as he dropped the axe on his foot.

Quickly and quietly Snowy untied Admin. TH was still hopping around on one toe in pure agony.

Zoom helped Admin to his feet and hurried him out of the room. "I'll get Admin to safety, you guys can keep tormenting TH." She smiled, and left. Snowy nodded, as her and Esther continued tickling and hitting TH. He wimpered in pain and finally fell down.

"Stupid girls...I promise you...I will have my revenge." He murmured.

"Riiiight." Esther said sarcastically. Snowy nudges Esther, and they both ran after Zoom and Admin, leaving TH ion the floor, grasping his foot.

Esther, Snowy and Zoom ran and ran until they reached the logout button. They grabbed Admin's hands and all of them ran toward the logout button.

But it was closed!

"Oh no!" Esther cried. "What happened?"

"I locked it up. You're stuck in here - forever. Gwahahahahaha!" a voice behind them said.

The girls turned around.

"TH!" they cried in surprise.

TH was holding a remote with tons of features and picked "Lock up logout button" which meant the girls might have to stay in there forever!

Suddenly Zoom had an idea. She pulled Admin out of the room and whispered to him, "Can you find TamaChat, login, and then get us? We could jump through the 'CLOSE' button in there!"

Admin smiled, nodded and hurried off.

"Hi, girls. Nice trap I set, huh?" TH said sarcastically.

Esther and Snowy looked around them - they were in a cage dangling up high! There was only a rope between them and the platform where TH was standing. There was hot, bubbling lava where they would fall.

"Uh-oh," Esther said under her breath.

"Have a nice burn, girls," said TH, and he cut the rope.

Snowy and Esther were falling....

They were both in full panic mode. Just then Zoom came running in. As soon as she saw them, her brain locked. She couldn't think. Then it hit her.

"GUYS! IT'S NOT REAL! WE'RE IN THE COMPUTER!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. Snowy faintly heard her, and whispered to Esther, "It's not real, we're in the computer, but TH doesn't know that. Get ready to hold you're breath."

"What? I'm not gong to dive into a pool of lava!" Esther said , surprised.

"Don't worry, just follow my lead." Snowy reassured her.

Just then, TH ran to Zoom and grabbed her by the neck, and lifted her off the ground. Zoom gasped, and tried to pry TH's hands off her neck.

"Get a good look at your friends now, because they're falling into lava, and not coming back, you you're going to work for me, or die. Got it?" TH snarled. All Zoom could do was nod. She was running out of air, fast, and Snowy and Esther were about to fall into the lava.

Suddenly, the cage came floating back up!

"What? Who did that?" TH asked in surprise. He dropped Zoom and she got back on her feet.

(I'm not adding a character into the story, this will help. Haha, I got the idea from Inspector Gadget!)

A girl was hiding behind the door.

"Hi. I'm Penny. I thought you needed help. My Uncle Gadget is working on a case about TamaTalk so I came in here because, well, I was curious." She smiled.

Zoom thought about that for a moment. "Well...." she began. "You're a new character and you're really not supposed to be here."

Penny said, "Well, I'm here to help." She took out her computer book and started typing in letters and numbers.

"What's that?" Zoom asked in surprise.

"My computer book," Penny replied. "There. TH might be defeated and your friends are saved!"

"Oh, thank you!" Zoom cried, hugging Penny. Then she saw Esther and Snowy coming. "And leave, please," she whispered.

Penny went through the door and was gone.

"Well.... that was strange," Zoom thought. "But she saved me and my friends so I guess it was okay...." Zoom realized.

Snowy and Esther ran toward her.

"How did that happen?!" Snowy cried.

"Yeah! We were saved!" Esther piped up.

"Um...." Zoom didn't know what to say.

Then it came to her!

Zoom said....

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