Ultimate tamagotchi!


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thats an amazingg ideaa!! itt would bee thee lastt onee sincee it soundss so gratee!!

i wonderr if bandaii iss readingg yurr postt!! becuz maybee---justt maybee itt will workk!!!

gratee ideaa veryy creativee thinkingg!! :D

I think that it would be cool if they had a tama that had all previous characters in it, incuding santaclouchi, oceangotchi,ect. and if a tama died a death from disease or neglet, they should turn into a develgotchi character. If they die of old age, they should turn into an angelgotchi. That would be awesome! Except without the family feature or colors. I like the simple style. We should send an email to bandai about this!

Dont you think thats going against the idea of tamagotchis? I like the idea but an idea of a tamagotchi is a virtual pet you can keep in your poket that is quite simple. The ultimate tamagochi sounds fun but it's really complicated. ;) :D :furawatchi:

sorry if I dis agree but tamagotchi ultimate would be quite sad because the end of tamagotchi generation and year by year they would sell out then bye bye tamagotchi

you are totally right all of them combined is wicked but no sensors or touch screen then it might cost to much so if we only could send it to the tamagotchi company. :furawatchi: :D

im thinking of a new tama called the E.gotchi or v.E or v.7. it would have ALL the caricters from the angel, devel, ocen, and forest tama!!! it would have 2 new babys insted of the ones from the A,D,O,F tamas.. it would have 6 new gaves with the A,D,O,F tama games, shop, money,and conection!!!! it would even have the same shells from the A,D,O,F tamas!!!!

Sounds expensive. Besides Bandias already gone insane w/ the v5 & music star. Well at least that's what I think.

Everyone knows there is a Tamagotchi in color now right? So at least that's one thing on your wishlist fullfilled, be happy!

sorry if I dis agree but tamagotchi ultimate would be quite sad because the end of tamagotchi generation and year by year they would sell out then bye bye tamagotchi
True, it might be the poor last :mellow:

The Clover is a fantastic idea; very well thought out.

My wish is pretty simple - I love having my Tam doing what I'm doing which is why the items are cool - my V5.5 family is on the computer right now, same as me.

So what I'd want is for the job function to last longer so that we'd be working at the same time, or just longer animations for the toys so my Tams could always do what I'm doing.

My other wish was a backlight, but TMGC+C seems to have solved that one. Life is good!

It would be really difficult to program such a Tamagotchi, considering that they can only hold so much precious information inside them.
As for me, I've been working on an idea of an "Ultimate Tamagotchi". I've called it the "Clover Edition Tamagotchi".

Some key features that the Clover includes:

  • Green pixels. Like some Japanese versions, the Clover includes a specially colored screen!
  • Adoption. While the growth chart of the Clover is filled with old and new faces, fans can adopt and raise characters from previous versions.
  • Houses and decorating. Owners can now have a house for their Tamagotchi, and buy bigger houses later on. The interior can be decorated with various pieces of items and furniture.
  • Walks. Is your Tamagotchi bored being inside his house all day? Now you can take him for a stroll in the park! Maybe he'll make a new friend, or find special items!
  • Advanced job and school functions. There are many new jobs and games to play, and as a bonus, a new Teacher character as well.
  • Advanced mail function. The Mail system has been revamped to be easier to use.
  • Layback mode. With this, mail and school/job functions are stopped, so you can spend more time with your Tamagotchi!
  • Four new games, and items that raise skill points. Shopping is also still available. Plus tons of new items and foods!
  • Cooking, an ability from the Entama, appears on the Clover. You can mix certain ingredients to create great new foods to raise skill points!
  • Computer and Wii connection! Remove the antenna and plug your virtual pet into a Wii or computer. You can then care for your Tamagotchi in a 3D world, and explore neighborhoods, Tamatown, and even the rest of the Tamagotchi's world! You can communicate with friends and even enter competitions with other Clover owners to see who has the best Tama!
It's been nearly a year since I introduced the idea. Everyone I've talked to about it has been really supportive. :)

In my online blog, you can see some shell designs I've worked on:


And here, you can see a video I've made, as well as images:


I would totally buy this tamagotchi! Your Plan and layout is amazing!

sorry for double posting :p

I also think that the 'Ultimate Tamagotchi ' would keep track of your score/points when you play games. That way you can beat your score everytime !

I dont really think you can have all those features together.

And if you did, imagine how expensive it would be! And all the glitches aswell.

I like the idea of an Ultimate Tamagotchi. For internet connections, I'd include a UBS cable connection, and a UBS cord, to have the tama interact online with other tamas in a new version of Tama Town. A UBS cable would be the best way that I can think of for online connecting. Additionally, in the newest Tama Town, I'd make it so you'd have a buddy list, and a special icon would light up if a buddy is online. The tama itself could be the same size as current tamas, or perhaps an inch or so larger, to accomodate more data. Such an idea is not impossible. I think something like this can be done.

Let us review, shall we?


Tamagotchi Connection:

Clover Ultimate + Color

• Combination of past games.

• Shop feature

• Many new characters

• All the old characters

• Mail feature

• Skill point chart

• Availability to get a job

• Many old and new jobs

• Bonding feature

• Tama-family feature

• Many new families

• Availability to potty-train the Tamagotchi

• New, improved TamaTown in 3D (cable included in Tamagotchi)

• Past items/special items/meals/etc.

• TV option including dating channel and TamaTV Channels

• Friends, family, and memory section

• More icons

• Touch-screen technology

• Full-color

• Motion/finger censored for enhanced care

• Computer connection which offers more abilities from the toy (ie. dating)

• Green pixel mode

• Growth chart which allows adoption for a past Tamagotchi

• House feature that you can remodel and expand

• Walk feature that allows the Tamagotchi to take a walk in Tamatown

• New teachers

• Revamped mail function

• Paused functions for un-divded attention with your Tamagotchi

• Cooking feature to make meals and snacks

• Extra Wii connection

• Garden-Tamagotchi, Angel-Tamagotchi, Normal-Tamagotchi, etc. paths

• Download data from past Tamagotchis

• Extra downloadable content including event items and comuter-to-toy marriage

• Up, down, left, and right buttons

• Extra, pop-up screen (very thin)

• More evolutions (ie. Egg->Hatchling->Toddler->Child->Pre-Teen->Teen->Adult->Oldie)


I added some new features and I made the others smaller so I can read it as well as you guys :p .

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