What did you do today?


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Woke up in tent.

Biked to town to eat lunch.

Biked 18 miles home.

Snacks. ..

Computer (TC)

Played this game with my dad outside.

Picked up by mom.

Called crush. <3

Back on TT

So far today:

Got Dressed

Called friends

Got on Computer

Eaten Lunch

Landscaped yard >:l

Now, TT

Ok, today I:

~Woke up

~Ate breakfast

~Went over to Abby's house

~Went to a Wii Tournament

~Came home


That's it.

~Woke up

~Ate Breakfast

~Watched TV

~Went to the mall

~Bought things.

~Came home

~Brought groceries inside

~Had a snack (This was 2pm, I missed lunch xD)

~Watched TV

~Went on computer

~Ate supper


~On computer again & babysitting xD

Oh yeah, and eating Halls because I'm sick and have a REALLY sore throat. =[

-Woke up xD

-Didn't get to practice my instruments!!!*Dies from lack of instruments*

-went to walmart

-went to friend's house(B-day party. :3)

-went in friend's pool

-Didn't sleep over(I'm a whimp. :( )

-Ate pizza

-Listened to Degrassi song.

-Ate Candy

-On now

1. Got up, got coffee, got on the computer.

2. Oh, and before that, I let the dogs out and fed them their breakfasts.... and got them back in.

3. Moved the chickens from their cage to their chicken tractor. Gave them fresh water.

4. Picked the ripe tomatoes and okra from the garden, and watered the garden and herb beds.

5. Computer off and on and off and on...

6. Did some more gardening, had the grandsons help me plant pumpkins.

7. Took the grandsons and went geocaching. We found four: one in a cemetery, one in a park, one outside of a museum, and one by a baseball field.

8. Took youngest grandson home.

9. Took oldest grandson to the next town shopping.

10. Came home, fed cats and dogs.

11. Got the chickens in, re-watered them, checked their food, etc.

12. Nuked dinner and played new video game with grandson.

13. Abandoned game for the computer. ...And here I am. :(

1. Got up, got coffee, got on the computer.2. Oh, and before that, I let the dogs out and fed them their breakfasts.... and got them back in.

3. Moved the chickens from their cage to their chicken tractor. Gave them fresh water.

4. Picked the ripe tomatoes and okra from the garden, and watered the garden and herb beds.

5. Computer off and on and off and on...

6. Did some more gardening, had the grandsons help me plant pumpkins.

7. Took the grandsons and went geocaching. We found four: one in a cemetery, one in a park, one outside of a museum, and one by a baseball field.

8. Took youngest grandson home.

9. Took oldest grandson to the next town shopping.

10. Came home, fed cats and dogs.

11. Got the chickens in, re-watered them, checked their food, etc.

12. Nuked dinner and played new video game with grandson.

13. Abandoned game for the computer. ...And here I am. :(
Wow. Your always so busy !

Mom woke me up becuase she wanted me to go to work with her,

Ate breakfast,

Got dressed,

Brushed my teeth,

Puked while brushing my teeth,

Didn't have to go to work with her~,

Watching Americas Next Top Model,

And being on TamaChat~

Brshed my teeth agin,

Stayed on the computer

Took a nap

Woke Up

Ate some Mac and Cheese

And here I am now`~

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1. (not sure if this counts) Woke up in the middle of the night, saw my sister and my mother talking to each other. It's been happening a lot lately but I don't mind. After about a minute and a half I fell back asleep.

2. Woke up.

3. Got dressed and half slept in between slapping the clothing pieces on.

4. Brushed teeth.

5. Got in the car and ate bowl of porridge for breakfast.

6. Mommy drove me to friend's house.

7. Played.

8. Drove back home, put horseback riding stuff on. Drove out.

9. Rode, and because it was the last lesson until September we did a special double lesson.

10. Came back home.

11. TamaTalk time!


went to sleep in sleeping bag

Got too warm

went in mom's bed(-____- No sick commnets)

Got woken up my Rudi,my cat

Went in my bed

Got woken up

Didn't go on vacation today

So today I

8:00 Woke up

8:15 Brekkie

8:45: Tamatalk

9:30 Walked the dog

11:00 Watched Euro 2008 (WOOT SPAIN!)

2:00- 2:46 In car driving to uncles house

3:00 -5:00 Chatted with my uncle

5:30 Nintendo DS

6:00 Dinner

6:00 - 6:45 Badminton tournie

7:00 - 8:00 In car driving home

8:30 Washed neighbours lawn

9:00 Tamatalk

Awesome day :eek:

Woke up at 7:00 am

Went Downstairs

Ate Breakfast (Coco Pops) xD

Brushed my Teeth and Hair

Put on my School uniform

Watched Tv

Left for school

Saw my friends

History Lesson

History (double)

Dt Lesson

Maths Lesson

Lunch Time

Science Lesson

Went home

Went on Webkinz

Watched Tv

Ate cookies



Webkinz at the same time as Tamatalk


Now its about 5:00 ;)


Ate dinner

Watched tv

On Webkinz and Tamatalk at the same time (NOW)


So yah..........

Yeah my day quite boring.....

-Went to summer school

-Saw Johnny:)F)

-Felt bad because Johnny had to carry my Trombone..

-Went to my classroom.

-Ate snack(xD)

--Went back to classroom...

-Had to get trombone and everything else.

-Went to lunch

-Didn't eat(I couldn't..:3)

-Went to MB

-Had to wait for Jason (He has lessons BEFORE me. =3)

-Unpacked Trombone

-Applied Slide/Key/Valve oil on my Trombone.

-Played (D,Bb,F,C,Eb,A.) the trombone w/ Mr.Hanna.

-Had to keep practicng D(High)

-Mr.Hanna told me a story; Mr.H: Never apply Key oil... Because I TRIED to REMOVE THE KEYS of my Clarinet..... It was in HS...It was hard to put back... o.o

-I asked Mr.H how many Trombones are gonna be in band.(Me,Scott(>w<),Ryan and Brian...But no Michael...)

He said theres 2 new Horns! ;) (6 in total :eek: ) No Oboes... :[

Afew Clarinets,IDK about Bass Clari.,IDK about Euphonium,Afew trumpets, 4 trombones,0 Oboes,IDK about percussion,IDK about Baritone Sax and Tenor and Alto Sax.

-Packed up Trombone.

-Went home.


-Got a new fridge.. o.o


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