What did you get in the post today?


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Tamagotchi ID L English and Yellow Mint Angelgotchi came today, separate packages/sellers but arrived same day! So happy....am playing with the ID L right now and got the angelgotchi put put away for now, still thinking if I should play with it or leave it in box because maybe at some time in the future it could build up enough wort to trade for something XD

My ID L e came today!! So happy, didn't think it'd come for another ten days because the tracking never updated! :D


I got this v2 in the mail.. its red like most tamas ive been buying lately (I dont know why.. i dont particularly like red :/ ) ANd it has a booboo on the right side nxt to the c button. Its a bit sad... but it runs so owell. Ill b posting in here soon again, i have 4 more tamas coming :eek: yay. My dry streak of not buying might be over.

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I got a v5 and a v4.5 from Delaney (on tbay :D )


And i got this keitai and entama from a japanese seller :D so cute!

These are now part of my happy tama family ;)

Arrived a few minutes ago:


The Tamagotchi P's Perfect Secret Notebook!

it's weird because I ordered this off HLJ several hours after I ordered my Tamagotchi P's from CD Japan.

They were shipped via EMS but they're still not yet arrived in Canada --- the notebook beat them to it. :eek:

The mailman is my best friend for today. He's got two packages for me :D


I got the P1 from Jason while the +Color is someone from eBay, and the seller included two packs of Japanese candy and a small thank-you letter :)
The day before yesterday I got my Tamagotchi stuff from CD Japan! It was supposed to come on my birthday, but oh well.

I got some adorable pencil topper figurines, a manga, some Tamamori stickers, a Tamamo letter set, and a Happy Happy Harmony CD! :D
Where do you get this money to buy more than one Tama at once? I once had three Tamas arrive in one package, and those were birthday presents. I thought they were two Nanos that weren't birthday presents, so I opened them and it was an Osutchi/Mesutchi pair and an Angelgotchi. That was in May though, not recently. Other than that and the Nanos (which did eventually arrive), I've never bought more than one Tama at once.

The most recent thing I got was a V4.5 in a V4 design. That was one or two months ago. I'm running it right now, but because of loads of pausing and stuff, I'm still on the first generation.

Where do you get this money to buy more than one Tama at once? I once had three Tamas arrive in one package, and those were birthday presents. I thought they were two Nanos that weren't birthday presents, so I opened them and it was an Osutchi/Mesutchi pair and an Angelgotchi. That was in May though, not recently. Other than that and the Nanos (which did eventually arrive), I've never bought more than one Tama at once.

The most recent thing I got was a V4.5 in a V4 design. That was one or two months ago. I'm running it right now, but because of loads of pausing and stuff, I'm still on the first generation.
I have a job and I save up for these kinds of things. :D

Got my Japanese Angelgotch (the condition it's in is actually perfect, with no scratches or anything), finally!

Where do you get this money to buy more than one Tama at once? I once had three Tamas arrive in one package, and those were birthday presents. I thought they were two Nanos that weren't birthday presents, so I opened them and it was an Osutchi/Mesutchi pair and an Angelgotchi. That was in May though, not recently. Other than that and the Nanos (which did eventually arrive), I've never bought more than one Tama at once.

The most recent thing I got was a V4.5 in a V4 design. That was one or two months ago. I'm running it right now, but because of loads of pausing and stuff, I'm still on the first generation.
Simple. I spend all my parents' money without telling them.

Oh goodness me, more goodies arrived today!



Little late but I got a Mint 4.5 PC Pack (unopened) and then my Purple Tama P, last thursday...I love is...so much ._.

OH! And I got the Tama-Go mostly to round up my shipping on amazon to get free shipping... no plans of playing it currently, I am going to keep it nice and safe and maybe one day trade it.

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Does the blue one look as pretty out of the box? in the pic on the box it looks amazing!
Personally I was quite disappointed with the blue one as the blue shade is way too pale compared to the stock photos.

Here's a photo of them side-by-side:


I have a green one in the mail as well, I'll post another side-by-side when it arrives :)

EMF, what is the Meloditchi thing that looks like a tag? I always wonder when I see those.

ichiro, I thought the blue was green.... Humm. Pastel blue then? Or a tad darker?

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