What do you want to get for holiday gifts?


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I really want a Mario Party DS Game!


And...............maybe a PSP! :lol: :( :wub: :mimitchi:

an i-pod nano(new one! :furawatchi: )

and Baby pals for the ds!

thats what I NEED! Now whatIwant, is a WHOOOOOLE diffrent list!

I REALLY want an ipod nano

(blue) ipodnanowebsitehere and Everything else I know i'm getting cuz we bought it on black friday... ROCK ON!!!!! :marumimitchi: :furawatchi: :huh:

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I posted before but it is kinda lost I think and I wanna add some things n.n;;

A Wii

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

Pokemon Battle Revolution

Warioware: Smooth Moves

Mario Galaxy

Wii Points

WiiPlay And Extra Controller

Wii Nunchuck x2

Wii charging dock

I want a Wii...[SIZE=12pt]VERY..VERY[/SIZE]..[SIZE=14pt]VERY[/SIZE]..badly...
ME TOO!!! but apparently they cant make enought to keep up with demanda and my mum wont get one for a 100 pounds more...

I'm not really that bothered what I get this year, and couldn't really be that bothered to put together a list or anything (I know I'm getting some new Yoga gear and a new pair of Crocs, but it took me a while to realize that's all I'm really wanting or needing right now). Rather, there's things I want to do this holiday season when I go home- I've been living abroad for over a year now, and this will be the first time I've seen my immediate family and friends since October 2006!

What I want this Christmas:

  • To help my mum put up entirely too many Christmas trees (she used to put one in the living room, dining room, front hall, kitchen, and the upstairs hallway- I'd like to do that this year)
  • To help my friend who doesn't have any family celebrate Christmas and her Birthday properly
  • To go have nachoes at my favorite restaurant with good friends
  • To watch Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and the 3rd Pirates of the Caribbean movie with my dad
  • To see my ballet teacher again
  • To host my own New Year's Party
  • A new work permit (mine's about to expire! :( Very stressful!)

I'd like a mobile phone, nintendo ds lite, clothes from roxy, billabong, ripcurl, piping hot and miss understood, and Ipod, and whatever else might pop up in my stocking!!!

Um.... I really want a lot of things for Christmas.


-Webkinz Yellow Lab, Border Collie, Reindeer, Black and White Cat

DS games

-Hamsterz Life 2

-Dogz 2 (my mom told me I'm getting that because she got it with my new DS)


-Catz 2


-Horsez 2


Tamagotchis and stuff

-Tama clear case

-New Tamagotchi V4.5

That's alot, isn't it? :eek:

Not alot. Basically Nintendogs and Boxing day money, the rest are mysteries. XP

Well this is my short list...

1. Guitar Hero III

2. Hollister Clothes

3. Shoes

4. money

6. A whole lotta love!


7. A new tamagotchi- mines old.

I really want a hamster. xD 

I really don't like asking for presents upfront, so if money wasn't an issue I'd just ask for (a lot) of money.
Hehe, I got a hamster in November, and he squeeks on his freakin wheel all freakin night!

Sorry, OT, anways:

what I want is


Breyer tack

Stablemate Breyers

Yankee(the horse I lease, haha, He was for sale for 7500, but seeing as im leasing him hes not for sale any more and like my mom could afford him)

A Puppy(sheltie or collie, agian another yeh right)

Agility set to train jack more so

What im getting for other people:

Brother: 12 pack MT.Dew

Mom- Blake Lewis cd

Aunt- Poster

Grandma- Lincese plate cover

grandad-Wii stuffs

Well...since you asked...

•Gutair Hero 3


•Dance Dance Revolution


•Clothes (cute clothes!!)

•Lots of makeup

•Stuffed Animals (lol)

•DS games (Animal games, ''Cooking Mama'', ect.)

•Ipod OR

•An MP3 player that looks like an Ipod :angry:


•Board Games

•Karoke Machine


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