Where do you care for tamas?


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same here. but i cant drive so thats not an issue. the most dangerous thing i've done was riding my bike while playing with it. guilty. but i wasnt on the road thank goodness!
I care for my tama's everywhere, college, work, the mall, my friends houses, parties, the bathroom, etc. I even care for them while riding my bike or skateboard (ever try caring for a tama at a skatepark while riding the half pipe? it's fun)

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I usually care for mine while I'm on the computer or watching Tv. Or in the morning, if its awake, while I stay lying in bed.

I take my Tamagotchi apsolutly everywhere I go besides school. During school hours, I leave my Tama on pause at home.

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:D I take mine every where!

Today at school i got really bored during my business studies lesson so i started playing the mime game on my v4, once it bleeped in a very "serious" assembly i turned bright red!


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..Everywhere? My room, When i'm at the computer mostly.. in stores, the car.. :D

Everywhere, including school. I've even played with it in the bath, while rollerblading on the street and while writing an algebra exam (which I aced, as a matter of fact).

Yeah - I'm not exactly sensible about these things - with the tamagotchi, I sorta drop everything and take care of it. :D

i rly see no point in y pausing it because it could slow down the growing procress i just find it dumb.....srry if im being mean guys but rly i just get so mad when ppl say"i pause my tama" for whtever......if u guys rly love ur tamas as much as u say then y u pause them u cant pause a baby or person can u?? (srry i went off topic) anyways i care for mine all the time no matter where i go

Well, it's a toy. It's not our full life. We can't take our kids everywhere so we leave them at home. Babysiter=Pause. Since this isn't a big part and since it's an electronic it can be taken away, pause mode is better than a babysitter.

m bad!

i play wit them in school, everywhere...not in church...cuz, u know...m agnostic...

:) :lol: :lol: kutchi999 :lol: :lol: :lol:

Well, I am ADDICTED 2 tamagotchi! I play with mine EVERYWHERE!!!!! Let me name places: school, after school at home, supermarket, shopping, library, ect. u name it- i have her!

-makiko love22

:) ;) :D :D :)

LOL im a naughty boy!! i bring my tama in the bathroom at school once in a while! :D

:p I play with my tama everywhere.. but i turn off it's sound on church,library,school etc.

I don't want my tama to be sad ......... :mellow:

But i can't bring it every Student government meeting....I'm the Vice Mayor

i rly see no point in y pausing it because it could slow down the growing procress i just find it dumb.....srry if im being mean guys but rly i just get so mad when ppl say"i pause my tama" for whtever......if u guys rly love ur tamas as much as u say then y u pause them u cant pause a baby or person can u?? (srry i went off topic) anyways i care for mine all the time no matter where i go
Well actually, I am taking very good care of my Tama if I pause it while I'm at school. I have to leave for school around 7:30, and I don't get home till around 3:00. I'm not allowed to take my Tama to school, and since my High School is so far, I wouldn't have time to come back at lunch to take care of it if it were not on pause. If I didn't pause my Tama during school, it would DIE! So really, me pausing during school hours is actually making me more responsible, and makes me a better caretaker, instead of risking my TamaPet's life! Plus, if it's growing process slows down, that just means you get more time with your Tama does it not?

And no you can't literally pause a baby, but hiring a babysitter is pretty much pausing if you have to go somewhere where it can't come, and you need it to be looked after so it doesn't die!

OMG! That's crazy! No offense, But I can't belive u play with your Ta,agotchi in the car when u r driving. (if u ask me, it feels like texting and driving.) But, I WOULD NOT DO THAT. Sometimes i check on it daily in school, at home, the park, anywhere, that's it.

I just sometimes bring it everywhere I go. When I'm at home I just put it next to me.

i'm in holidays now and i only have one tama so i can just take it around the house with me and when it beeps i just pick it up and start playing with it:)

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