you know you're obsessed when...


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When your tama dies/leaves and you name the next one after the one that died/left if it's the same gender because you miss it so much. *coughFelikscough*

When said tama looks exactly like the one it was named after and you get tears in your eyes because you're reminded of the one it was named after.

When you love them and force your friends to buy a tama so they could kind of get the jokes in the fanbase and kind of understand what you are talking about

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I don't feel so weird now.

Let's see...

When you freak out when you notice a heart is missing in hungry or happy, when you play a game with your tama, you're dead to the rest of the world, and everytime you check your cellphone, you check your tama at the same time.

you start thinking characters are hot, and wishing they were humans and in a relationship with you.
I don't know about wishing they were humans, but I definitely wish I were a Tamagotchi. I'd be in love with Mametchi and Kuromametchi. ♥
I am firmly against love and romance, but I do have the tiniest crush on Mametchi, I'll admit... :mellow:


When you're firmly against love and romance but still have the tiniest crush on a Tama character

When you buy a phone charm but put it on your Tama instead

When you spend ages searching through all your old keyrings and stuff and put them on your Tama

When you have the largest collection on TamaTalk for your age (that's me :D )

When you get banned from Tamas for a week because you're so obsessed

when you know all their names and fav/worst foods off by heart (I don't know all their fav foods... YET)

Is this topic still alive? I am impressed~! XD well anyways

"when you take a long hiatus from tamagotchis, and when you pick them up again, you feel pure joy in your chest......"

experienced this yesterday ^u^
I just experienced this too! :) Mine will be all to do with going abroad, as that is what I'm about to do in less than 12 hours!

When you're packing to go on holiday, you reserve a compartment in your hand luggage for Tamas

You're going to Australia and you get the rare chance to meet someone from TamaTalk, and what do you do? A Tama hatch!

When you're on an aeroplane at midnight in one time-zone and midday in another and all you're worrying about is your Tama

I have to go's not going to be soon at all until I do all those things! :D

When you keep a Tamagotchi diary complete with names, generations, growths from baby to adult, food likes and dislikes, what jobs they get, who they marry, a check off list of souvenirs, drawings, sketches, print offs of growth charts, character charts, food charts, job charts and so on and so forth... ah hehe ^_^

When you keep a Tamagotchi diary complete with names, generations, growths from baby to adult, food likes and dislikes, what jobs they get, who they marry, a check off list of souvenirs, drawings, sketches, print offs of growth charts, character charts, food charts, job charts and so on and so forth... ah hehe ^_^
I tried something like this with my Tama-Gos on Word document, recording the generations, names, growths, marriages and babies. I gave up when it wouldn't fit in properly when I had to make another page.

I like to name my Tamas even though you can't name a Go. I almost cried (I'm a guy) when I misplaced it and couldn't find it, and I nearly flipped when we were at Sonic and I realized I forgot to pause him. XP

i take my tamas everywhere, including the bathroom. i am always on tama-related sites and watching tama reviews on youtube. always begging my sister to find her old tamagotchis and give them to me.... i think i have a problem.

When your mama asks you what you want for your birthday and you say,"NOTHING BUT TAMAGOTCHI STUFF!" and refuse to accept any other gift so end up ordering a whole bunch of Tama stuff from CD Japan.

When you have the largest collection on TamaTalk for your age (that's me :D )
When you DON'T brag about how many Tamagotchis you have. I have Tamagotchis because I love them, not just so I can brag about them.

You know you're obsessed when you cry because your tama turned into a universal character even though you took great care & had plans for it......


When the love of your life asks you out for Saturday night, but you decline because you and your tama are sceduled for Game Night.

When you call your tamas 'honeysuckles'.

When you cry when a tama dies because you feel like a murderer.

When you get sweaty and nervous when you realize you haven't checked on your tama for the past 10 minutes.

When you try to impress your family by reciting all the tamagotchi names you know, even though they obviously couldn't care less.

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When you watch the final Tamagotchi episode again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again because it's just so AWESOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Have trouble getting up with an alarm clock but jump 3 ft out of bed because your "little darling" made it's evolving sounds at 1:30am, or its tiny little beep will wake you up out of a dead sleep because it needs something. And it's night time place is right next to your head on a table/shelf/hanging in a pouch near your bed.

Take it out for walks to "get some fresh air" or go everywhere with you

Talk about it by it's name and people facepalm themselves when they realize you're talking about your tama.

Hear it beep 4 rooms away, drop whatever you're doing and go to it if its not by your side at all times.

Buy a new Tama because the one you have "seems lonely"

Obsessed by making new faceplates for your Tama-Go

Worry about your Tama's weight almost as much as you do your own

Obsess over your tama Music Star's skill points equalling up to each other

Guilty as charged.......

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