Your favorite way of carrying your tamagotchis?


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I have like 10 purses, so during school vacation, they ride around in there. I want to get a special mini tama bag though...have to Find time to make one.

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I have a thing for messenger bags with lots and lots of pockets. The one that I use most has gadget pockets inside, front and back and one side has two smaller pockets on the front of those. Most of my Tamas are the larger ones so I tend to just use two of the four gadget pockets but if I have a smaller one or two smaller ones I'll just the the smaller pockets and put my phone somewhere else in there. Since they aren't in there with anything else they don't get scratched and I like to think they're all snug ^__^

I've been keeping my P's inside an old coin purse I found inside my closet. It's light blue and has a big white star on the front. Once in the coin purse I then stick it in either my pocket or purse.

I currently carry mine on the Yumemiru lanyard but I'm a massive fan of Rilakkuma and i've ordered:


So I can keep my tama safe at all times ^_^

When I first had virtual pets, I'd just clip them together in a bunch, and then clip them to my belt loop. Nowadays I put my keychain tama on my "I <3 My Chihuahua" keyring and put the Tama, now with my keys, in my pocket. When I was at work today I put my keychain Tama in an inner pocket in my purse since I carry my keys in my pocket at all times and didn't want the Tama to distract me.

When I get my other two Tamas in the mail I'm going to clip them together as well but I doubt I'll be carrying all three with me. My other Tama is the L.I.F.E. app on my iPhone, so it just goes in my pocket since that's where I always carry my phone.

@NATUUURE Ah! I love your crocheted Tama cover! Can you post a pattern? Pretty please? I crochet as well--Great Grandma taught Mom who taught me--and even though I haven't crocheted in awhile, I'd love to try my hand at making one of those! :D

I do the same thing! I mostly just hold them in my hand. I usually over protect my Tama's so they rarely get scratched. The only Tama's that do get scratched are the ones I buy used, but I only have one Tama used which is a V7. :D

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I carry two of my Tamagotchi P's in a sunglass case.

Depending on the bag I carry they're either tucked away in the back pocket or one of the inside pockets~ I'm planning to invest in a separate pouch one of those days though.

I usually keep my tamas in a yarn pouch, but during school my v4.5 lives in my backpack.

I just found an excellent case for just about any size Tama, excluding Tama Go's and other deep- bodied Tamas. The small containers from KFC that hold your mashed potatoes or coleslaw make great Tama cases. My husband suggested them to me, as we have a bunch of them at the house. They work great, seal tightly, and are not super-hard plastic. Every time you go to KFC, just save the small side dish containers, and wash them out.

I currently carry mine on the Yumemiru lanyard but I'm a massive fan of Rilakkuma and i've ordered:


So I can keep my tama safe at all times ^_^
I went to the mall yesterday and saw that at a little Japanese store XD

Anyway I carry my Tamagotchi on a coin purse as well

I crochet covers for my tamas, usually...

But if I'm going out I usually just stick them

in my purse. ^__^

I carry Tamagotchis in any way I can. Make sure your Tamagotchis won't get scratched inside the pocket/case you keep them in, though.

Here's what I use.

  • Pockets
  • Handmade pouches made of felt, fabric, or yarn. I make them myself but you can also buy them from talented sewers.
  • Zip-lock bags
  • Cute coin purses
  • Official Tamagotchi pouches/cases

You can wrap up your Tamagotchis in bubblewrap before putting them in a pouch or a bag. This gives them great protection!

Also, I have some Tamagotchi character pouches from Japan with a transparent plastic window in the back. That way, you can still see the screen and buttons. It's very useful because you can play with the Tamagotchi safe and protected inside the pouch, and you don't have to go through the trouble of unzipping the pouch to play with it. The pouches are super cute and have a little rope on them so they are like a lanyard. I really recommend them! I have Mametchi, Memetchi, Violetchi, and Shimashimatchi. They're a lot better than the Gotchi Gear pouches. I can't find them on eBay at the moment though...

I have these.

They're pretty big and can fit a few Tamagotchis inside. I wrap some Tamagotchis in bubble wrap and put them in.

I also have this.

Despite being released around the same time the Tamagotchi P's was, the Tamagotchi P's and similar Tamagotchis can barely fit. The Kiraritchi one is better. It has more space inside.

When they are running (and usually I've got all of them on at once) I put my V5 and V6 on one clip, hook it to my front left belt loop and tuck one in my pocket to keep them from bumping each other. It's the same thing with my V2 and V3, but the front right belt loop. For my Tama Go I made a little wrist strap out of parachute cord and a little duct tape. <-- Picture of the wrist strap.

I remember as a making pipe-cleaner bracelets to hold them on in elementary school.

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