Your photography/art~


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tamtamkitty07: Your pictures are stunning! :D I love them all

I was wondering what Camera and Lenses you use. I was thinking about purchasing a better quality camera and wanted a few suggestions o;

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tamtamkitty07: Your pictures are stunning! :D I love them all
I was wondering what Camera and Lenses you use. I was thinking about purchasing a better quality camera and wanted a few suggestions o;
@ Tamalove46

Awh thank you so much!

And yep, a Canon Rebel XS. I luff it!

Hopefully you can use your mom's camera, but be careful, once you do, you'll probably be obsessed. ;D

and kk445 -

aha thank you ! <3

and my camera, like I said, is a Canon Rebel XS, and it's a great camera for a good price. If you look on eBay, you can probably find great kit deals of just the camera body itself for around $500.

I use the 18-55mm that came with the camera, as well as a 55-250mm (which is basically a zoom lens)

and just recently I bought a $40 lens add on for my 18-55mm that can make the lens see in fisheye, wide angle, and macro, it's fantastic. :D

I recommend the XS completely, because if you're just being introduced to the world of digital SLR cameras, it's a great beginner. Plus, it's cheap, so you can use the money you save to purchase lenses.

Another good beginners camera is the Nikon D60. Generally, it's the same as the XS, (except for a few technical aspects) but overall it's if you belong to Canon or Nikon. :D (I'm a Canon girl myself. ;D)

like GotchiGirl96 says, megapixels can help make a better quality photo, but it also affects how big of prints you want to make. Generally, over 8 is a great amount to make a fairly large print, and that's what most SLRs are exceeding.

Once you get the feel of this beginners camera, you can start saving up from something with more features that are specific with the types of photography you're interested in. This can vary in ISO limit, frames per second, etc.

It just takes a bit of research. ;]

Sorry for the long post, I get carried away. ;D

Any more questions, feel free to ask. :]

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Thank you ;D

A big question of mine was a simple "Canon or Nikon?" And the models you recommended helped too :D

I'll be sure to look into those.

If I do purchase one, I should be able to become comfortable with it with research as you said. When I first got my current camera I was so lost, and now I know every setting on it XD

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@ Tamalove46Awh thank you so much!

And yep, a Canon Rebel XS. I luff it!

Hopefully you can use your mom's camera, but be careful, once you do, you'll probably be obsessed. ;D
LOL lets hope so.If I do get 'obsessed',what editing do you reccomend?GIMP or something easy,probably.

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LOL lets hope so.If I do get 'obsessed',what editing do you reccomend?GIMP or something easy,probably.
Gimp is a good program. It's free and it's the equivalent of photoshop. ;D I actually use it myself, and my friend uses it more than he uses his Photoshop CS4.

You don't need to do much with a photo in editing, mostly just contrast and sharpness, and maybe playing with curves a bit.

and kk445 - research is your best friend. ;D Use it.

and I was the same way with my camera, I got lost, but like you I found my way around. :D It's going to be the same with an SLR, except a lot more effort. SLR is a crazy amazing world, so when you buy a camera, the little instruction booklet (surprisingly enough) will actually help a lot.

Gimp is a good program. It's free and it's the equivalent of photoshop. ;D I actually use it myself, and my friend uses it more than he uses his Photoshop CS4. You don't need to do much with a photo in editing, mostly just contrast and sharpness, and maybe playing with curves a bit.
OMG Thanks so much.

^ Your photographs are lovely, tamtamkitty. I think it's refreshing that you appreciate art so much. ^^
Aha aw thanks ;D

I really do love it though, in all forms. It's the one thing that keeps me sane.

And yep, Gimp is all free, and it's for your computer. So you don't even need to be on the internet to use it. :(

It's completely free.It's a bit complicated, but I love it. :)
I get annoyed with GIMP. I have it, but I'm terrible at it.

My mom was actually talking about maybe letting me get Photoshop. Because I have this Photography book for school and it highly recommends it. And I really want a Canon camera. :D

I have photoshop. It's a lot less complicated than GIMP in my opinion :) I actually have both on my computer xD

I couldn't find my Photoshop CD in install it so I tried to Download gimp and Couldn't figure out how.

I'm currently using Picnik to edit my pictures. Honestly, I like it better than Photoshop (I found the CD XD) It's easier and does a better job than Photoshop in my Opinion.

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