Your photography/art~


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These are some jellyfish eggs we found on the beach. :'D

They're in my Mum's hands. I thought it looked kinda cool, ahaa.

Let me know what you think of it!


Has it been 3 months yet? Iunno if this counts as a bump.. Anyways: A part of Vancouver.. =D A revolving restaurant thing I went on, the elevator was scary.. The Olympic Cauldron.. I live in Vancouver so I had the opportunity to see this. Sorry about the glass thingy at the bottom, theres glass around the cauldron.. =P Some of the city.. =D

I'm just going to post some things.

ghost - testing out some slooowww nighttime shutters.

loved this scene. but I think I edited the contrast a bit too high..

don't like this one but all you kids might. I was taken on film and developed in chemicals in the darkroom.

my friend at this wicked location I've wanted to go to forever

library. and we got kicked out

enjoy. Please don't take them! please and thank you! pleasepleaseplease.

I've been trying to get back into photography a little bit, because I've been neglecting it for a while lately. You know, life stuff.

Soo, I got a Nikon D5000. :3Here are two shots I've gotten that I'm pleased with.

The Beauty of Creation.

A Loney Tulip.
NIKON D5000, NICE! Cool photos so far, just keep learning the settings and stuff, and I'd recomend looking up aperture, shutter speed, and ISO. You'll get a lot more creative control once you learn how to use those things to your advantage.

I actually used the D5000 once to photograph something for one of my teachers, it feels so natural and nice to hold, good quality too. Have fun with it, SLRS are fun. :mellow:

@ CINDERPELT - I LOVE THAT COOKIES SHOT. It's lovely, haha. They look so tasty. Nice photos. :3

+ darkroom is amazing! I'm sure you're fantastic at it, you're just being hard on yourself!

anyways, I took this picture last night. I was inspired by fashion photographer Richard Avedon, because he uses a slight blur in a lot of his photos, and they end up look amazing. He's probably one of my favourite photographers of all time, I love his ideas, and his fashion shots.

So I tried to make a photo with a bit of a blur, and also make it looked aged like I printed it from the darkroom. I think it turned out sweet, I love how the side lighting turned out.


and then I have to put this photo on here. CUTEST PUPPY EVER.


The print quality messed up, but I rushed it a bit, whoops lol.

Sorry for rambling.

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NIKON D5000, NICE! Cool photos so far, just keep learning the settings and stuff, and I'd recomend looking up aperture, shutter speed, and ISO. You'll get a lot more creative control once you learn how to use those things to your advantage.I actually used the D5000 once to photograph something for one of my teachers, it feels so natural and nice to hold, good quality too. Have fun with it, SLRS are fun. :mellow:
Yup! I got it sometime last week and haven't had a whole lot of time to figure stuff out, but I certainly will. And yus, it's just a great model. It does feel natural and nice to hold. I love it already. <3 Thank you!

Amazing photos, btw. Sometimes I don't have to time to comment on them on dA, and then the message goes away and I forget. But, as always, your work is beautiful~

Yup! I got it sometime last week and haven't had a whole lot of time to figure stuff out, but I certainly will. And yus, it's just a great model. It does feel natural and nice to hold. I love it already. <3 Thank you!
Amazing photos, btw. Sometimes I don't have to time to comment on them on dA, and then the message goes away and I forget. But, as always, your work is beautiful~
I know a lot of people don't (and I didn't at first either) but read your manual. Manuals are so underrated, it's crazy. It's kind of like getting only a first impression of your camera when you don't read it. ;D

And no problem! Post more photos soon.

+ aw thanks, you're way too nice. !

@ Tamacrazy_101 - Nice! I love doodles.

If anyone cares, I'm doing a shoot today with a friend, pretty excited.

And for class, we have to have a themed portfolio for an assignment. I'm going to do horror/dark/macabre portraits. It's going to be sweet. I want to post all my thoughts and ideas on here, but no one would understand anything.

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