Death Gods Only Eat Apples


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Light just sat there silently, unsure of what to say.

Mello went over and helped Sakura up. "L, are you out of your mind?"

Sakura blushed heavily when she realized that L had been the one who had kicked her. "I..... I'm so sorry.... I didn't know the cake was yours....." she whispered, still holding her side.

L scooped up some more icing on his finger, then turned to Mello, staring at him with a blank expression. "You're so sure that I'm L, then? You're putting this much hope in someone you've only just met?" He continued to stare at Mello, recognising him as one of the two he had picked out during an interview with the children at Wammy's. "You've never met L, have you?"

Matt looked up from his DS screen for a second, decided that the whole thing was too complicated for him, and went back to playing Pokémon.

Light was still silent.

Mello smirked. "It isn't as if Watari never talked about you to us. He told us about your cake fetish. So, since you kicked Tala over a slice of cake, I assumed you were L."

Sakura looked down, too embarrassed to say anything at the moment.

L fell silent at the mention of Watari, still staring at Mello with a blank expression. "People have copied me before, they will copy me again. How could you have been sure of me being L? That I didn't leak a fake file to Wammy's House?" He turned back to his cake. "Be more careful in the future. Kira can kill people by just seeing their face." He turned to Sakura, finally acknowledging her existence further than kicking her in the side. "I knew of three people coming here, two of which I knew by face. One of them is missing. I assume that you have taken their place?"

Matt pulled a cigarette out of his pocket, holding it in between his teeth and lighting it. He tunred back to his game, still more interested in trying to defeat Lorelei.

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Light had fallen asleep in the corner of the room.

Mello scoffed and went over to Matt, taking his cigarette and putting it out. "Now's not the time to be smoking, dipthong." he sneered.

Sakura looked up at L and nodded slowly. The blush was still clear on her face and she said softly, "I really, truly am sorry for eating your cake.... I could make you another.."

Matt reached out for his cigarette again then glowered at Mello behind his goggles again. "You could have let me finish that, you know." He grabbed Mello's arm, pulling him down onto the sofa again. "But it's the right time for chocolate, huh?"

L stared at Sakura, frowing slightly. "No, I have this cake." He turned back to the others in the room. "I'm assuming you all have aliases carried over from Wammy's House. Kira kills by knowing someone's name and face, so it is essential. To the world during this case, I continue to go as L, but in these headquaters I go as Ryuuzaki."

Light began to snore lightly.

Mello scoffed at Matt, shoving him gently.

Sakura looked back at Mello and Matt. "Shut up, fatheads!!" she growled. She turned back to L and nodded. "Alright Ryuuzaki... Uhh... I go by Tala, and these two morons back here are Matt and Mello."

L nodded, turning to look at Matt and Mello and chewing on his fingernail. "Okay. No one in this room, other than the people who know, can find out your real names." He glanced at Light out of the corner of his eyes. "Not until we are sure that we have caught Kira."

Matt glared at Mello, then took out another cigarette and lit that one, as well.

Light was still fast asleep. (lol)

Mello looked over at Matt and gave him a look that said 'don't worry, I would never tell.' He then grabbed Matt's cigarette and took a small puff, handing it back to him.

Sakura locked eyes with L, she knew that he knew her name. She gave him a slightly questioning look, trying to make sure her identity was safe with him.

"Did I say you could do that?" Matt said, smirking and resting his feet on Mello's lap again. "You just chucked away my first one."

L turned back to Sakura, staring right back into her eyes. "You asked a lot of questions during an interview I did with the Wammy's kids. Too many, I think. You didn't sit back and analyse the situation." He turned, motioning to Matt."You too." He looked at Mello "You stayed back. You kept your cool...perhaps it was because you weren't interested, though." He shrugged, turning back and picking up the plate

Mello chuckled. "Do I really need your permission?" he asked.

Sakura began playing with her bracelet. "You know me, I occasionally like to know what the hell's going on." she mumbled. She examined her bracelet and saw one of the sapphires had been knocked out. Where is it? It was here earlier.... She stared down at her bracelet with wide eyes.

I haven't seen Light in a day! Misa thought, wondering if he missed her as much as she missed him. Misa wandered around the HQ searching for Light. It didn't take long until she came into a room full of people. Once she laid her eyes on the back of Light's head, she flung the doors wide open and ran inside.

"LIGGGGGGHHHHHTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!" she squealed as she pounced on the figure curled up in the corner.

She gave Light a big hug and licked in the the face.

Light jolted awake when Misa suddenly attacked him. "HUh? WHAT JUST-? Oh, Misa!!" he pecked her lightly on the lips, " I missed you!" he tried to say as enthusiastically as possible.

Misa Smiled widely and hugged Light tighter, pleased to see the he missed her. Her smile faded when she sees the handcuffs around his wrist.

'WHAAAAAAAT?! What is the meaning of this Ryuuzaki?!?'

"My cigarettes, my rules," Matt said, holding his current one in between his teeth as he unpaused his game. He looked up as Misa ran in, his eyes widening underneath his goggles, then he just muttered "Women..." and settles himself down so he was more confortable with his legs in Mello's lap.

L continued to stare at Sakura, long after she broke off her gaze. "It's better to think for yourself and not appear suspicious." He looked up at Misa, holding his arm up to show her the handcuffs. "I'm placing Light-kun under surveillence again. I hope you understand."

Light sighed, waiting for Misa to have a spazztastic outbreak.

Mello laughed, taking a bite of his chocolate.

Sakura began looking around frantically for the small gem. "You...." she looked up at L, teary eyed," You knocked the sapphire out of my bracelet!!!"

"Again?" Misa groaned in disbelief.

"Isn't he already cleared of suspicion?? LIGHT IS MINE!!! HE BELONGS TO MEE!! How long will this handcuffing thing last for this time? H-How will Light and I go on dates together!? HUHH??"

"Go ahead and have your stupid chocolate now," Matt said, smiling and still holding the cigarette between his lips. "Just pray that it isn't white chocolate..."

L watched Misa apprehensively for a second, then turned to stare at Sakura again. "It might not have been me. Just get Wat...Matsuda or one of the others to help you look for it, they should be awake now." He turned backto Misa. "As long as it takes for him to be cleared. You want that, don't you?" He frowned. "You can still go on dates, I'll just be there. It will make no difference, though, I've been watchig you via the cameras during every date since i stopped using the handcuffs last time."

Light sighed, "Misa, don't freak out. It'll be fin- WAIT WHAT? You've been spying on our EVERY date?"

Mello smirked. "Do i look like a whore to you?"

Sakura snarled. "No, because I remember having it right before eating your stupid cake." she turned to Matt and Mello. "Will you guys help me find it??" she asked frantically.

"You PERVERT!" Misa shouted "Why do you have to watch us for EVERY MOMENT OF THE DAY. Don't you have something better to do?"

Misa took a deep breath and continued. "Light isn't Kira, how many times do we all have to tell you?!"

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