Death Gods Only Eat Apples


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"Yes, every date," L said, watching Misa very carefully. "Light, I think Misa's getting a bit bored of you just kissing her cheek." He scooped some icing off the cake again. "There's still no need to be serious." He turned to Sakura. "I said, ask Matsuda or Mogi to help you find it. They will." He glanced at Misa. "I have not seen that proved to me yet. my suspicions of Light-kun are at 14%"

"Bit whore-like, yeah," Matt muttered, grinning. "It's the hair, really." He looked up from the screen to glare at Sakura. "I've almost finihsed a battle with Bruno. Nothing you can do will drag me away until I finish." He took a drag of the cigarette, still not letting it from between him lips, as he was still holding the DS with both hands.

Light glared at L and grabbed Misa, pulling her toward him for a full out kiss.

Mello nodded to Sakura and shoved Matt's legs off him. "Matt, get of your lazy, fat, gamer a** and help." he told him.

Sakura looked all over the floor for the small blue gem, but to no avail of finding it.

"This is a first," L said, either not noticing or not caring that he was openly staring at Light and Misa. "But Light, please rememeber that we're wearing these." He held his arm up. "I have to stay within four feet of you at all times." He tilted his head to look at Sakura. "Do you want me to find Matusda?"

"But I've almost finished this battle," Matt insisted, glancing up at Mello. "I've only got the Hitmonchan at 40HP to defeat."

'Oh, Liiiight...' Misa sighed as she pulled him into yet another hug. She looked around the room and wondered who the three people were, especially the two young men.

'Uuh, Ryuuzaki...Who are they?"

Light pulled away and snickered. "Not so bored of that, eh?" he smirked and glared at L. "I'm fine with the handcuffs as long as you don't stare at me while I use the bathroom....." he muttered.

Mello rolled his eyes. "Pause the dang game!" he yelled. "Nothing will change if you just pause the stupid thing...."

Sakura glanced up at L. "No, that's fine." she said softly, continuing her search. "The fatheads #1 and #2 will help me...."

*Insane Light laugh* Double post. Oh my. o:

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L stared at Light blankly. "I don't see why you were that bothered. How else could I have been sure that you weren't continuing Kira's work in the bathroom." He glanced at Misa. "Will you give me more cake when you're on dates with Light?"

Matt ignored Mello this time, not being able to think of a suitable retort.

Light shivered. "It was disgusting. You were just sitting there staring at me.... The entire time..."

Mello rolled his eyes and decided to leave Matt to it. He began looking for the small thing and found it on the ground with a large scratch on it. "Here..." he mumbled, handing it to her. He went back over to Matt and sat down. "You're such a fat@$$."

Sakura grabbed it and jammed it back into where it had fallen out. She bent the metal back over the gem to hold it in place.

"Again, I don't see why you were that bothered," L said, staring blankly at Light still. "The alternative was just you going outside, and I don't think you'd have liked that much." He looked over at Sakura. "Happy now?" He frowned spinning in his chair and facing the desk. "We need to fill the new people in."

Matt continued to stare at the screen, transfixed for a few seconds, then he yelled and jumped up. "Yes! Two down, two to go!" He readjused his goggled, that had slipped out of place when he jumped, and stamped the cigarette, which had fallen out of his mouth, out on the tiles. then, he sank back into the chair, staring at the screen again.

Light leaned his head back, deciding to drop the topic. "I'ma take a nap now..." he told L with a yawn.

Mello groaned at Matt and shut the DS that he was playing on. Smirking, he ate the last of his chocolate bar.

Sakura sighed and stood, twirling the bracelet gently on her finger. She ran a hand through her hair and stretched a little.

"You've just been asleep, though," L said. He stared at Light for a few seconds. "Oh, I get it. Why don't you go into your room with Misa? I can stand outside the door if you want me to."

Matt glared up at Mello. "What was that for?" His plan of stealing Mello's chocolate bar foiled, he instead jumped up and tackled him to the floor again.

"No, I'm just tired." Light told L with a small yawn before closing his eyes.

Mello grunted "All you had to do was open the dang thing up again... But of course you choose to do this instead."

Sakura slapped her palm to her face when she saw how Matt and Mello were behaving. "This is why I call you guys fatheads.." she muttered with a loud sigh.

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L turned away from Light, instead looking over at Sakura. "We need to explain everything that's happened in his investigation so far."He glaced over at Light, before continuing. "I'd prefer to do it in a different room, as well. Just us and the other two."

"Doesn't make it any less annoying," Matt said, though he was grinning. He sat himself down on Mello's stomach, facing L and Sakura.

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Light dozed off once more, half expecting Misa to wake him up at any second.

Mello grunted and tried to shake Matt off. "Get off me you gay fat@$$." he flailed a bit and started to throw a little kid's fit, to see if Matt would get off.

Sakura nodded. "Matt, just get off Mello.... Seriously.... It looks really, really gay." she said, trying not to giggle a little.

*apologies for any typos, broken finger*

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"I don't think I'm gonna, to be honest," Matt said, smirking. He glanced up at L, who was staring at the paiir and sucking one of his fingers.. "Where can we go if we can't talk in here, then?" L shrugged, looking down at his cake, that was almost all gone. "We have plenty of rooms."

Light was dead to the world, having horrifying dreams of him and Misa.

Mello went limp and began gasping for air to mock Matt. "Ack... Can't.... breathe..... so heavy...." he then pinched Matt's side.

Sakura paused for a moment to stare at the two. "Uh.... Okay then." She turned to L, "Wanna help me separate the fatheads?" she asked, pointing over to Matt and Mello.

"Oh, shut up," Matt said, grinning. He jumped slightly, finally sliding off Mello's stomach. "Okay, fine." He looked up at L. "Are we going now?"

"We could," L said, staring at Matt. He turned to Light. "Light-kun, you will need to work here for a bit while I explain the case to everyone. Just take phone calls, gather information about the latest victims, things like that." He turned to Sakura. "Where is the other successor, then?"

(Yeah, hello to the one who's constantly stalking this RP. Stop it. It's creepy >_>)

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Mello jumped up. "Finally, I can breathe!" he exclaimed with a huge smirk.

Light woke up at what L said and nodded. He thought for a moment and held up his arm, "Uhh... Handcuffs?"

Sakura pondered how to tell L what had happened. "Well, there was a certain accident with a toy that sent Near into a coma...... They're gonna pull the plug soon if he doesn't awake.." she said softly.

"Not if you keep eating all that chocolate," Matt said, standing up and grabbing his DS again. "You'lll get fatter and die."

"Mogi-san can take over from me. I would prefer to conduct this alone, that's all," L said, watching Light. "He can't do all of the work himself, though." He turned to Sakura. "...Well. Okay then." Brushing this off quickly, he stood up, taking his cake with him.

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"Well, if you sit on your lazy a** all day and play video games, YOU'LL get fat and die." Mello retorted.

Light sighed, "So.... Are you gonna unlock the handcuffs? Or what?" he asked with a raise of an eyebrow.

Sakura smirked a tiny bit, obviously plotting to do SOMETHING that wouldn't turn out very well.

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