digimon adventure


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Vivian was giving her Terriermon and Colin wierd looks; while watching Kuramon and Lopmon. Lopmon was like Vivian; always coddling Kuramon. He was like their baby. Spoiled, really. She liked spoiling him though- just like she used to spoil her fat rat when he was around.

"I wasn't going to tell anyway!" Terriermon squirmed from under him. When he got out he shot Dj a look. He then jumped on Vivian's head and stayed quiet, glaring at Colin and Dj every few seconds. Vivian looked confused, biut shook it off. She picked up Lopmon and Kuramon;; "Now where?" she asked.

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Terriermon pouted; Colin nodded. Lopmon jumped out of Vivian's arms; "I can go up ahead!" said Lopmon, who wanted to get away form her sulking brother, and she went off ahead. Vivian shook her head lightly, which made Terriermon fall off her head. Vivian caught him; "What's up with you, Terriermon?" she asked softly. Terriermon opened his mouth: "They're beating me up just because I know a secret!" he puts on his puppy dog eyes. VIivan giggles lightly at (one of) her partner(s), and puts him on her shoulder.

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A small giggle was sounded as Lopmon was hiding in a bush listening to them. She usually wasn't devious; but she had to get her brother back for all the pranks he had pulled on her. "I am innocent! It was Lopmon--- she's tricking you!" he cried, pointing too the bush,

"n-no!" cried out the bunny digimon, who decided running to Viivan would be the est idea. Obviously not, since Terriermon was still on her shoulder. Vivian picked Terriermon off his sister; "Well, Terriermon, you do prank HER a lot.." she sighed at the terrier diigmon's fake 'innocence' expression.

Kuramon looked at Dj with his big eyes; "Where's your magnifying glass?" he asked, half interested, half not.

> Random style~


Place: Digital Forest

Witnesses: Colin, Gabumon, Vivian, Kuramon, Agumon, (Angela, Shoyrimon, Budgamon, Terriermon)

Suspects: Terriermon, Lopmon

Detective: Dj

... Lopmon's interview ...

"Now, I will ask you some simple yes and no answers. Answer them truthfully. You are a digimon?"

"Yes? But why--"

"Shh. I'll ask you to stay quiet during your interrogation. Now; Terriermon is your brother, yes or no?"


"Good. Terriermon has pranked you before?"

"Uhhmmnn.. Yeah!"

"You harbor anger against him for those pranks?"

"I got him back, already!"

"Now for some more complicated questions. Some of these may seem awkward, but you must answer."

"What? Umm, right..."

"Which digmon from the anime did you like?"


"You must answer."


"Wouldn't that be like---"

"Stop it, please..."

"Fine. next question; How did Vivian become your partner?"

"From an egg."

"How'd she get the egg?"

"I don't know, me and Terriermon were IN the egg."

"... ... ... Did you have any accomplices?"


"Did you have any accomplices?"


"Questioning over. Next up; Terriermon!"

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... Terriermon's ...

"Yes or no questions; answer truthfully or you will be terminated."

"I'd rather be EXTERMINATE(ED)!"

"No more Doctor Who; You are a digimon?"


"EXTERMINATE! No, seriously?"

"No, I'm not."

"FINE; Lopmon is your sis?"

"No, she was adopted a long time ago~"

"Seriously? No, wait, your lying DX"

"I am not lying~ She was adopted and I'm not a digimon."

"... Interview over."

"But I was having fun DX"

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... "I'll ask him~" Vivan sighed, not wanting Terriermon to be terminated.

... Terriermon Interview [2] ...

"What do I ask? .. Oh, right! Terriermon, you must tell me the truuth. Or no chocolate for you~"

"I'd love some chocolate NOW <3 =3"

"If you answer... Now, your a digimon? Scratch that, I know you are. Just as I know Lopmon's your sister.. And I know you prank her..."

"Aren't you supposed to ask me questions?"

"But I know the answers already!"

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