how old until u should stop playin with


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Yeah, I have a feeling I'm going to be playing with these guys well into my elderly years as well. :)

I stopped using them when I turned 20, this year.

I dunno, I just feel kinda awkward holding one now.

I started playing with them when they came out in '96 when I was 10. I stopped once i hit high school and started up a bit over a year ago. I don't play with them as much as I used to but my collection seems to keep growing.

So from a collecters perspective you can never be too old. Look at people who collect comic books. That has no age limit.

Oh.. you should definitely stop playing with tamas immediately you turn 12yrs old :p

:p Nah... growing old is inevitable, growing up is optional ;)
I agree!

I vots with "However long you want"

When I was 12, I got bored, and then eventually lost them all. This was when I had my ipod, phone, Nintendo DS ect.

Last year, I completely regretted it losing them. I bought a bunch more, and have been playing them ever since!

(Im 14)

Hah, your poll only goes to 21...I'm 28!

Never ever stop doing the things you love guys! You're never too old for anything! :(

I don't think there should be an age limit. I'm 23 [and pretty cool & awesome I might add], and I still collect and play with Tamagotchis. In fact, I got a Tamagotchi for my 23rd birthday, haha. I see nothing wrong with it. A lot of older people are into childhood things [Example: Disney & other cartoon characters]. Nothing wrong with that at all. Just don't get all crazy with it :)

i voted for 15-18 year old because after a while they get kinda boring and by the way im 14 :D

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As long as you please in fact I'm thinking of buying another Tamagotchi since I have no idea where my others went lol, and their probably dead battery wise and those batteries cost alot not to mention the batteries are hard to find. And I'm 16. Seriously it doesn't matter how old you are. Saying your too old for Tamagotchis is like saying your too old for Disney movies! It's impossible! XD

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There's not an age limit o_O You can quit and start when you want to.

...I don't see a point for this topic...

I voted for 18-21. I find it okay if an adult plays with a Tamagotchi, but I think I will like them till I am 20. Anyway, that is like 10 years away.OFF TOPIC:

I think it is creepy when I see an adult playing with barbie or bratz...
I'm 26 and went out and got a Tama-Go yesterday. Started it uptoday and am having a lot of fun with it. So much bigger and much more fun to play with then the P1 I had when they first came out. I think you can never be too old to play with any kind of toys. But in saying that I would not touch a barbie or a brats with a barge pole and am very happy I have a little boy to play cars with lol.

I have been a tamagotchi fan ever since they came out in the 90's and I have been collecting and playing with them ever since. I am now 26 and I take my Tama-go and figures with me everywhere except for work (I leave it on pause at home) and when I go dancing. My husband is fully supportive of my tamagotchi addiction and got me two tama gos and all of the figures for my recent birthday :) Along with many other OG Tama lovers here at Tamatalk, I will continue to buy and play with Tamas as long as Bandai continues to release them.

I have been a tamagotchi fan ever since they came out in the 90's and I have been collecting and playing with them ever since. I am now 26 and I take my Tama-go and figures with me everywhere except for work (I leave it on pause at home) and when I go dancing. My husband is fully supportive of my tamagotchi addiction and got me two tama gos and all of the figures for my recent birthday :p Along with many other OG Tama lovers here at Tamatalk, I will continue to buy and play with Tamas as long as Bandai continues to release them.
That's good! I am happy your husband is supportive of your tamagotchis. My boyfriend is barely supportive though he did offer to buy me an ID for Christmas.

and I agree with you. I will continue to play it. I think it is very well designed and it just keeps getting better.

TRUST ME . I LOVE TAMAGOTCHIS!but.. i think that if you have kids or a job... u shouldn't let tamagotchis take up all of your time.

tamagotchis are a fun , cool pet but u kinda do have to have priorities. don't get me wrong though. i <3 tamagotchis!
I'm 21, I have two jobs and I go to university, and I love tamagotchis more than ever. There's nothing wrong with pausing them while you're busy, and it's nice to have something there to check on every once in a while to break the boredom of writing an essay.

And I'm pretty sure that when I do have kids, I will be giving them tamagotchis to play with too XD

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