Tamagotchi Warnings


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this is for vince only

:wub: :D :D :wub: :) :D

there was a yello tamagotchi on ebay (it is an auction site)

and it said the screen was bigger than all of the original ones and had twice the capacity ;)

how to get mimitchi (the rarest tamagotchi) keep this to your self and i mean it!!

:) now what to do is when your tamagotchi has just hatched out of it's egg and then a baby feed it 8 meals 4 snacks and make sure it don't go down 2or more love hearts on the happy and hungryness p:s remember don't tell anyone even your friends!!

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wait dose the code ABBCBAA make u a ninja :huh:

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I have that Kitty/Dino.It's actually a Nano Dino. Those are pretty hard to get. So what if it's in the form of Hello Kitty. I like Nanos. :p
How do u get Nano pets? :huh: :huh: <_< :D

I KNOW! theres this x'mas couple tamagotchi that doesnt even connect! and it was open! she never showed it to me up close so yea but still! I CANT BELIEVE IT!

tamagotchis with four or more buttons are fake!

Tamagotchis that dont have that zigzag thing around the screen is fake!


:mellow: ;) :lol: :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :eek: :rolleyes: I went To a store to get a tamagotchi, and it was all fake!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :wacko: :wacko:
My brother and I were riding scooters when he fell and his Tamagotchi flew Through the air and I caught it but it beeped, and there were 5 cracks in the screen. The FAKE Tamagotchi didn't touch the ground. My Mom was so mad that people made FAKE Tamas'.

:angry: :p :mimitchi: :mimitchi:

Once I was riding my bike and I banged into the side of the road and my tamagotchi flew out of it's case and I caught it but it started beeping so I went home and I cheked on it and it was a fake!!! :) :( :angry: :huh:

My friend has one. Here's the description:

Fake Tamagotchi Connexion. LOOKS SO SIMILAR.

Base colour: Purple.

Pattern colour: White.

Patterns: White lines and a white and purple picture of Tamagotchis connecting.

Button colour: Red.

Crack (the crack around the screen) colour: Red I think.

Background: Numbers.

Real Tamagotchi:

Base colour: Purple.

Pattern colour: White.

Patterns: White lines and a white and purple picture of Tamagotchis connecting.

Button colour: Dark purple.

Crack (the crack around the screen) colour: Dark purple.

Background: Checkerboard.

Here's some things that all real Tamagotchi Connexions have.

-The package has the Bandai logo on it. IF IT DOES NOT, YOU ARE BUYING A FAKE!

-Version 1 package is blue, version 2 is orange (unless it's Twin Pack). IF THE COLOUR IS DIFFERENT, IT IS A FAKE!

-Version 1 has Mimitchi and the icons on the screen, Version 2 has Mametchi and the icons on the screen. IF THE CHARACTER IS DIFFERENT OR THERE IS SOMETHING DIFFERENT BEWARE!

-Fakes look kinda flimsy sometimes.

-If you can see what the back looks like, the back will have something to do with Bandai on the back though you can't read it all too well.

-If you see enough Tamagotchis you will remember all of their colours. There are simply too many to put down here.

-Real Tamagotchis in the store are always around $24.95 for version 1 and around $26.95 for version 2 (it's definitely that price in Australia). If it is around $10, it is a SCAM!

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