The OMG game


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10/10 x_______x

It's raining outside, and people are dancing- naked. o_______o

I found a dead rat inside my pillow while i was cleaning my pillow! EEEEEKKK!

accuatally i found my long lost keychain in my pillow but who cares... lol

so the rat was not in the was in my heater.

9/10 LE GASP

One sheep...two sheep...three, that sheep went to Hawaii! :huh:

6/10 eh.............



*pokes person above* MUAHAHAHHAHAHA MY EVIL PLAN HAS WORKED!!!!!!!! I HAVE SUCCEDED!!!!!!!!! THE WORLD IS MINE!!!!!!!! *falls on the floor* HI FLOOR! MAKE ME A SAMICH *says it like sam-itch*

6/10 D:

Give a heart to Zemmy and he will be happy :huh:

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I didn't write anything about sweets

Raito:"Hey eat so much sweets...whats your favourite food?"


Raito:"..Tea's a drink, not a food"

L:"not if you do it right :huh: *adding alot of sugar cubes*"

LAWL i took that from ur siggy TamaKiddy!!!

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6/10 Hooray for Death Note!!

You look at your tama, and there, on the screen was... GEORGE BUSH SINGING COUNTRY SONGS!! YOU COULD HEAR HIM SINGING COUNTRY/ROCK/BLUE SONGS FROM THE 60'S, 70'S, 80'S AND 90'S!!

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10/10 *screams like a little girl* AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH

you lose a tooth and put it under your pillow. You wake up the next morning and pull out, instead of money, an apple core that has a HUGE dead bug on it!

I'd sell it to some teenagers. I got my money~ 3/10 I watched them go scare random little girls.

You were asleep at night, and then you were awoken by some singing... Only to see... All the presidents, dead or not, singing this Land is Our Land..


So your asleep when you hear your TV crackling. You go to your TV and Samara (Ring Girl) comes out. You scream and run down the hall. The It clown comes out of your toilet, the Grudge comes out of your attic.

10/10 im scared now :<

Your alkin in a haunted house when suddenly you see an evil clown come out and stare at you.


Your playing on your computer when A clown takes it then a wheel on a jet-ski falls off, and it would take the same size to cover the dog house with pancakes even when your arm grew 10-feet long

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