They Call Us Show Girls


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Mei was still hungry. She knew she shouldn't have more than one sweet in the morning, but... they were so good! Deciding not to deny herself, as she would work it off in choreography rehearsals, she went back to the table and took two more of the chocolatey, sugary pastries that were on one of the trays. She stuck one in her mouth, holding the other in a napkin before also picking up an apple. She then noticed that there was a notepad for lunch orders. Trying to act nonchalant, she asked, "May I go ahead and write mine? Are we getting lunch from that place down the street?"

"Um yeah, by all means. " Eli said taking a step back so Mei could get to the note pad, he handed her a pen. "But are you sure you'll be able to still eat anymore?" He asked her smirking a bit, watching her pop the pastry in her mouth, covering herself in a bit of the sugar. He also placed a menu on to the table beside the notepad, "Heres a menu." he told her before going back to trying to seem like he is working in an atempt to end anymore possible conversing. He didn't mean to be rude or anything he just wasn't exactly a people person, and generally people tended to avoid him because of his appearance so he never really spoke to people often.

"Cheeseburgers! Oh my gosh..." She glanced over at Eli, embarrassed. "I have a hefty appetite... It's weird, I know, but I love good food. Maybe it's because I'm Chinese, I don't know..." She coughed nervously, then wrote down an order for a cheeseburger, fries, and a sweet tea. She knew it was bad for her, but she would be working it off by dancing and doing yoga anyway. "Thanks for letting me have first dibs!" She ate the second pastry, then took a bite out of the apple as she walked away.

Eli looked up he was able to keep a straight face for only a second before bursting into laughter. "You may want to..." He said pointing a finger and wigling it around in the direction oof her powdery sugary lips and face. He then nodded and went back into the back room again.

Alicia doesn't feel like actually writing much right now :/ sorry

Katy stood up, and quickly piled her blonde hair in a bun on the top of her head. She was in no mood to deal with it now. Most everybody else was ordering lunch, but she decided to skip on that. She wasn't hungry right now, and if she needed anything, she was more than capable of running out and getting it herself. She perched on the stage, her binders in her hand, flipping through some of her older sketches. She pulled out an incomplete design from the page protector and worked on finishing it.

Mei stood on the stage, making sure to wipe the sugar off of her lips and face. He's laughed. She wasn't sure if it was good or bad, but he'd laughed. He'd smiled. She'd never seen him smile before, and she liked it quite a lot. She then started singing a song from "The Last 5 Years". She acted it out as well, using the space to her advantage. "Jamie is over, and Jamie is done..." She made tears fill her eyes and she moved and sang, as if she really felt the pain of being left by the man she had loved. At one point she got to her knees, and held herself in her own arms.

Still Hurting from "The Last 5 Years"

Brookelyn watched in awe of Mei's performance. She was really talented and she was able to carry that emotion into the lyrics that really topped off the show. When she was finished Brookelyn clapped her hands a few times. " You are really talented. " she told her.

" She's right, you are. " interjected Sebastian calmly. He spoke in a clear loud voice as to be heard from across the room. " the crying was a nice touch by the way. Use that. But now, on to more important matters like lunch. I'm starved. Does everyone know what they want? "

Mei wiped her eyes off, the tears having streaked down her cheeks. "Oh, thanks Brookie! I'm good at singing and acting, but you're a much better dancer than I am, hands down! I'll need you to give me some pointers sometime! And you too, Sebastian, thank you. And I already wrote down my order. I think Eli was the last one with the note pad for lunch orders." She sat down on the stage floor and stretched out her legs, before going into the splits.

Brookelyn blushed a bit, her cheeks turning a slightly rosey colour. She rolled her eyes slightly at Mei, not exactly believing or agreeing with her. She didn't really believe she was hat talented. She knew that she had some talent but she didn't really think she was anything spectacular or special. Brookelyn shrugged slightly, not really wanting to have to argue about the subject at the moment.

Sebastian simply nodded silently and without saying another word got up and went to retrieve the note pad. He made a quick circle of the room and jotted down everyone's orders. He then scribbled down something for himself onto the list as well and grabbed his keys from his pocket and headed out the front door calling back " I'll shall return soon," and heading toward the small cafe like thing situated only about a block or two away.

Eli headed through the back curtain into the little room that was used as a break room for the stage crew. He headed to his jacket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes and headed back through to the little room behind the stage where the food table was. He then went straight to the door which led to the side of the building. Once outside he pulled the pack out of his pocket again, and lit up a smoke. He leaned against the cool stone wall took a drag and exhaled deeply, he'd needed that.

Mei took Brookelyn's hands and spun her around playfully. "Relax Brooky! Whether you believe it or not, I think you're great!" She stopped twirling her friend around and gave her a hug. "And if you weren't, you wouldn't be here! And that would be... not good!" She sat down on the edge of the stage and swung her legs back and forth. "I'm so excited about all the new stuff we get to do! It's going to be so much better than before!"

The other girls were all involving themselves with either stretching or discussing their current boy infatuations, leaving Juliet to herself - which she didn't really mind all that much. She was beyond excited about the futures regarding doing actual musical scenes; she was a grand singer, but she didn't feel comfortable displaying her talent in public, therefore she stuck to what she did best - dancing. Caden seemed promising - he was handsome, kind, and talented. Hopefully, working wouldn't be as absolutely dreadful as it had been when his brother was in charge. Juliet noticed Mei and Eli's exchange while she was continuing to stretch her especially tightened lower-back muscles and tsked softly to herself. She understood the girls' attractions to their male co-workers but she didn't fully understand how they could manage both dancing and their relationships. She tended to squash any minuscule feelings she began to have before they escalated and she would most likely continue this tactic.

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Brookelyn smiled a bit at Mei, she couldn't help but chuckle a bit at her sweet words. "Yeah, " She agreed. "I think it will be a lot more fun now, we can even do like themed songs like with full on costumes and everything. Like Wicked or even like Little Mermaid!" She looked down "I am a little nervous, I have never done a show before... I'm afraid I'll mess up." She admitted somewhat sheepishly.

Eli took another drag of his cigarette and then exhaled momentarily later a small puff of smoke coming out with it. He closed his eyes and relaxed against the waall. The silence was calming to him. He was used to solitude and this was one of those places he liked to go to because other's rarely went there. The other staff generally stayed iside and the girls didn't really leave the building nor did any of them really trust being in the side alley way, even though it was really just a space between the building and a small home.

Mei giggled and nodded in agreement. "Wicked would be so much fun! I love that show! Kristen Chenoweth is my hero! Well, next to Lea Salonga." She stretched out, the let out a large sigh. "Um... if you don't mind, I need to step outside for a second and cool off. I'll be right back." She went out to the side alleyway, needing to feel the outdoors, even if only for a minute. She looked over and noticed Eli, so she stood far away from him so she wouldn't bother him any.

EIi sighed softly. He took another drag before opening his eyes. When he opened his eyes and noticed that he was no longer alone. His reaction was none less than startled, " F*ck!" he swore half jumping like one would after a sudden loud noise behind them or after having something (or someone) jump out at them. He put the smoke out by squishin it against the wall, holy crap that girl wa quiet.

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Mei jumped as soon as he did, equally surprised by his reaction to her. She stumbled back into a garbage can and toppled over with it, swearing loudly-- not something she usually did. After a few seconds of shock, she pulled herself to her feet, then picked up the trash can. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to startle you, I just needed to get outside for a few minutes. Being holed up in there can sometimes be a bit overwhelming." She smiled cheerfully at him, then went back to her original stance, leaning back against the wall, staring at the sky.

"Aww crap sorry, I just wasn't expecting... People. "Eli muttered not sure what to really say. He wasn't very good at communicating with people he generally didn't do it. Whenever he did it never really came out right or it came out too right and offended people. "Especially, not one of you. " he shrugged a bit trying to be polite and contain his laughter when she had fallen into the trash bin. He wasn't really sure what to do, so he simply made a half shrugging motion and headed nonchalantly back into the back room behind the stage curtain.

Mei sighed with frustration. How was she ever going to get to know him if he couldn't even stand to be near her for more than five seconds? Oh well. She looked at her hands and knees, and noticed that she had scraped up the palm of her hand when she had fallen backwards. She went inside and went to the back room, looking for ice and some gauze to wrap around her hand. It stung, but she had a high tolerance for pain, due to the years of dancing she'd done.

Bri smiled. "Obviously things will be a whole lot better now. And I really am sorry about being late. I didn't get to sleep until, like, four in the morning. And my body was really feeling it this morning." Bri clapped enthusiastically after Mei sang. Brielle could never act like that, it just wasn't her thing. She was lead dancer for a reason, after all. She could carry a tune, for the most part, though.

"I'm glad you're optimistic about my efforts. I'm a little worried it'll all go wrong because I'm not nearly as... zealous as my brother. But hopefully that might be a good thing," Caden said. "And, really, it's okay. I completely understand what you girls go through." Just thinking about Joseph as well as Brielle telling him about her obviously busy night sparked a thought in his mind. "And, I'm truly sorry about the way Joseph treated you when you were late under his watch. I mean, I'm.. shocked, to say the least." He smiled at Mei's singing, and applauded her. She was good; really good, as a matter of fact, and it put a lot of faith in him about the new musical element of the show.

Brielle shrugged, "It's what I'm paid to do. It's not like I can change it or anything." She examined the many musical theatre books sitting on top of the piano. She picked up the book for Mamma Mia! and started thumbing through it. NOt usually what she sang, but she absolutely loved ABBA. When she reached Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A man after midnight), she examined the range. She might be able to pull it off, but she ended up closing the book and picking up the one for Legally Blonde.

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