Twilight by Stephenie Meyer


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I decided to read it, and it was AMAZING in my oppinion. I am now overly obsessed with twilight. I need to get the rest of the series ;P

^ didnt you always say you hated the fanbase? so you thought it sucked? i was the same way, currently loving twilight and reading breaking dawn ;D

^ didnt you always say you hated the fanbase? so you thought it sucked? i was the same way, currently loving twilight and reading breaking dawn ;D
haha, yes I did say that. I just really hate it when people go completley INSANE over them. But yeah I will never judge a book like that again

I just started reading Twilight.

It wasn't what I expected. =/

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Because its a terrible book.
Im put off vampires forever. Lets just hope SM dosent ruin the name of Zombies too.
If she does, I'll write a flame letter dedicated to only you Axie, and send it to her. :[

Personally, I love them! There have been mixed feelings about the books, but if you're not confident that you'll like it enough to buy it, borrow it from a friend or the library.

But, for me, they're the best books I've read and I'd read them over and over so many times. The one thing that annoys me is that, for most of the story, Bella is such a pessimist. She's totally ungrateful, I wish I could have a friend/sister like Alice, yet she's always getting annoyed at her for organising a party or buying her something -.-

Still, give 'em a try.

I read the 1st book over again.

The total number of times they referred to Edawrd's beauty was amazing, amazingly annoying.

The fanbase is crushing my opinions with their obsessive complusive Edward disorders and what not.

,December 12, 2008 06:20 pm] If she does, I'll write a flame letter dedicated to only you Axie, and send it to her. :[
Oh, my love, I would be forever in your debt.

What a monster has this lady released unto the world,

I stand to behold the fall of teen liturature

and my hopes and expectation of peers,

falls to an all time low.

I am crushed.

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I just bought the first book, and I LOVE it! It's Da Bestest!
It WILL be da bestest book in the intire world. Edward is hot! Ok so I am on Eclipse. I would really like my mom to read it but she doesn't have the time. I want to get it from the library at school so next weekend I can read it on the way to Pennsylvania. It's my favorite book!!!! Its DA BESTEST

Is this book any good? My friend recommended it to me, and I want to know what you guys think before I get it.
Thanks ^_~
O my gawd!

I loveee twilight!!

You should deff. read it

Honestly its the best book I ever read... and I dont read alot of books.

You would like it. I honestly only started reading it because I watched the Twilight Movie. Its just made me interested in reading it.

I think you should its a really good book :)

It also moves really quickly and reminds me of a book that a fifth grader would right. One second they are playing baseball, the next they are being attacked are are running around the country.
I agree with fluffums, sometimes it is written so quickly and undetailed... and other times when it really doesn't need much detail, she makes it way too boring and long.. I hate Bella, she is too independent and Edward is okay, but in one book he has 'tossled bronze hair' and in another it could be blonde. I think that she does't picture her characters well enough...

But I guess that it is worth reading, there are some suspnsious moments, I am on the 4th book for my first time, people say that it is the best... I hope so. I guess that the only reason it's so popular is because of the plot and the idea. Stephenie Meyer isn't that goo at novels, but she has good ideas.... maybe she should write short stories instead. :huh:

I bet that if someone gave a person who has never read the series one of their books, and said that it was something other than Twilight, then the person wouldn't have liked it as much as if the person had said, "ooh this book's Twilight it's gotta be good." But it is still an okay saga. The movie is pretty garbagy :huh: ... but that's just my opinion. And I know it's hard to find an actor with the looks, the attitude, the talent, and everything to match each character.

I would say read it, but don't expect anything mindblowing.

....and all these people obsessing over Edward Cullen ;) it's crazy

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