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  1. C

    my little brother

    ever since my little brother was about 6, he has thought on and off that he should wear deodarent daily. that is definitely not the age to start. how do i explain to him, that everyone sweats and gets bit stinky once and a while, but deodarent is for teens??? i don't want to catch him using mine...
  2. C

    i just... firgured my self out..

    I just figured out what my problem is with friends, and people I fight with. It's my problem. It's me. My problem is that i can't let go. If people start giving me signs they don't like me, i get more clingy. When i tell someone i don't like them, it turns into a huge fight, because I see the...
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    i am a mixture of - excited because i will get to see my friends every day - nervous because i had alot of fights that were ignored when school ended, but they will be brought up again now That i will see the people every day -and really disappointed that I will have to start doing homework...
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    Medical issues

    o.k so i'm actually medically over weight now, and my docter suggested losing weight through dieting. I have tried dieting before though, and i can never stick to it, so do any of you have any suggestion for ways to eat healthy, still have yummy food, and still have variety. It would help a...
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    Please rspond As soon as You Can

    Even though I seem very out-going and social, I am very awkward with social situations. I mean in school it seems easier, and online it is the easiest thing in the world. But if i go to a fair and meet someone I'm just really awkward/shy. I can't even connect with my mom well! I want to connect...
  6. C

    Poll : PMS symptons

    O.K so I just want to let you know that PMS are the symptoms right before your period. Like when you are moody/bloated/crampy/etc... for me mine aren't that bad (although I do snap at people and I have bad cramps) I was just wondering how bad everyone elses 'PMS' are!! Thanks for the in-put...
  7. C

    What Is Wrong with other Girls My age?

    I have looked around at many of my past friends and other girls my age and it seems like they are TRYING to like guys before their hormones actually kick in , and they WANT to be developed *up there*. It really makes me mad because here are all these girls surronding me that wish for boobs and...
  8. C

    whats the problem, with having a Facebook,

    I'm 12 right now and I have a Facebook. Alot of people think I'm too young but the truth is I got one so I could stay in touch with long distant family friends and relatives. I did not get one so I would seem older. Also Facebook has very fun stuff to do like flair, and pictures etc... Why does...
  9. C

    Girls help only please

    O.K so lately my *cough*boobs*cough* have been a bit sore and i have noticed that if i lightly press down on them then they are kind of hard on the inside. *I'm not a perv and i do not touch myself but the inside of my boobs ARE hard* i dont know what to think... Also *sorry if this is TMI* like...
  10. C

    Do you have a blog?

    Hi i was just wondering who on tamatalk has a blog! mine is please post wat you think about it on my blog. I just wanted to make a place where people could tell others about their blogs!! PLease comment!
  11. C

    i have a major eating problem.

    this is my schedule of eating (keep in mind im not starving myself im just eating when im hungry) this is wat iate yesterday breakfast:two small glasses of lemonade and an orange lunch:some milk and half an orange dinner:a small serving of spahgetti Wat is wrong with me?do you have any...
  12. C

    uh-oh!I need help and I need it fast!

    I have been falling asleep at 2:00am and waking up at noon but I have to change my schedule. And fast! I have tried the following Turning off all the light earlier and closing my eyes but i never fall asleep early I just lie in bed bored. Go to sleep at 2:00am (my "normal" time) wake up...
  13. C

    do you have any party ideas for,

    I'm throwing a birthday partyvfor my 12 birthday im inviting 3 girls.Can you please give me any advice on my party and or ideas for the party?Please share any good movies to watch (have to be pg or g) , any good foods, any good games,or any good activities (bowling,museum , etc.) please help as...
  14. C

    Am I sick?

    Umm so lately I have been getting stomach pain and moodswings and i have an on and off migrane for like 4 days now.But i'm like 99% sure it's not my period...Is there anything else that could be wrong wit me.(i have been losing sleep the past week) Please share any idea's of what i might have...
  15. C

    does your sister ever...completely

    My sister is what you would call a popular, pretty,preppy,teen girl.I am the person who clashes all their clothes is the weirdo of the class is not the prettiest and a bit chubby.My sister is always obsessing over my hair,makeup,clothes,and friends / parties.Does your sister ever do this and/or...
  16. C

    there is a boy in my class that i like

    There is a boy in my class that I really want to be friends with, but in my class boys and girls are not friends. He is really funny and i'm always talking to him between classes *we sit next to eachother* but he doesn't know I really want to be friends.What should I do? Here is an example of...
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    Trouble with boys in my school,

    I have a problem with boys in my class.Alot of them make fun of me because of the reasons followed : I'm like one of the only girls who have "developed" yet , they think im emo, i aviod people when im mad,im clumsy,and i am the only one in my class who gets bad breakouts.Here are examples for...
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    how do you feel about docter visits?

    I just wanted to know what other girls on tama talk felt about docter visits.Yesterday i had to go to the docter and get four shots! I wanted to know if any of you are worried or concerned about docters visits by any of the following things pap smear examining your body shots talkin about...
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    what is your opinion on school uniforms

    So what is your opinion on uniforms? I both hate them and love them.I hate them because you cant show your personality and wear what you want.I love them because you dont have to worry about your friends liking your shirt and etc. p.s if you have a uniform school what does your uniform look like?
  20. C

    Am I a cry baby-whats wrong with me

    O.k so ever since I can remember I cry really sister won't leave my room and shes being a jerk and kicking me I start crying.I dont cry like *uhh mommy *sniff* she wont get out of my bed!!* its more like*get out of my bed "no" get out "make me" get out this is important to me *cry*...