Bex's Tama Log!


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Yes! Yes! Bam and Dukin mated, two Puchitchis! Yes! Lol! Haha.

This, although it's good news, will complicate things further... I'm not sure who Ike will mate with, cause I don't want Dukin's son to have to have matchmaker, or the luck level will go down, and I'll find myself rejecting Tarakotchis and Hanatchis again! Lol! I don't want that!

I might see what matchmaker Bam's son gets offered him, cause his luck level should be pretty high, I've only ever had to resort to the mtachmaker once in all 6 generations ;) .

Anyway, seeya! Bex.

Lol hey! Dukin's son Adkin evolved first into Kinakomotchi, then into Hinatchi! They're so cute! Lol! I'm hoping for something Memetchi or Kutchipatchi level...hmmm. I'll have to wait and see!

Bam will leave his son tonight, and I'll be in seventh generation! Yayyy! Nothing exciting has happened with Ike or Lie...unless you count them being excersised down to their base weight, twenty g.

Oh and Cho still isn't a teen yet :sleep:. Lol.

Seeya! Bex.

Well, Cho has evolved into Young Mimitchi, and I am currently madly playing Jump and Bump to get the UFO!

Adkin is currently a Babatchi, they're so cute! Lol!

Bam left her baby, who I called Sam, and Ike got the matchmaker. I said yes to a Tarakotchi, because Emily doesn't care who her tamas mate with :marumimitchi: .

Lie should get matchmaker soon, it's just a matter of time. She probably won't become an oldie for a while though.

Anyway, seeya! Bex.

Hey! Much has happened! I made Ike leave his son last night, who is currently a Marutchi called Allan. Cho is (for once) underweight, as are all my tamas, with the exception of Adkin's son Dale, who became first a Kuribotchi, then a young Mimitchi, and is now a Mimitchi! (Adkin mated with Emily's tama, who was a Mimitchi). I've been out at Emily's all day, and I slept over there too. Lol.

Lie got offered as partner by the matchmaker:

Tarakkotchi, Memetchi, Kutchipatchi, Memetchi, Kutchipatchi. Lol. I refused all of them, (with difficulty when offered Memetchis and Kutchipatchis). I'm not getting through as many generations as I had hoped, mainly because I'm too busy, too lazy, or I refuse matchmaker partners. Lol. Oh well.

Anyway, seeya! Bex.

I am waiting on two evolutions, one from Allan (teen), and one from Cho (adult). Nothing else has happened, accept that I rejected a matchmade partner for Lie, dunno what it was :furawatchi: . I'm thinking of just getting matchmaker and continuing with Dale's generations, but I really want to keep the luck level up. I'm in a dilemma lol.

I've got over 3000 points on Cho, thanks to Jump. I've busted it 5 times so far in 3 days. Oh, and I finally managed to get the UFO! Lol! Oh and I forgot to mention, Sam is now an Itchigotchi, he evolved yesterday morning while I was asleep.

Lol seeya! Bex.

Well, Allan is now a newly evolved Oniontchi, I didn't think I took that bad care of him! I have also started up a tamagotchi service desk, so if you want to become a helper look in tamagotchi role play. Lol, unrelated to my tamas, but yeah.

Anyway, seeya! Bex.

Well well well, much more has happened! This morning Cho evolved (it might have been in the middle of the night though, coz I didn't hear it), into a Chohimetchi! Lol! Cho the Chohimetchi! I bought the computer for her, out of the many points i have accumulated through her life from playing Jump.

I also finally accepted a partner for Dale, a fairy character! I first rejected a Toratchi, a Robotchi, a Tarakotchi and a Hiratchi! But I had to accept the fairy, I just couldn't wait! Dale now has a baby girl.

I rejected matchmaker repeatedly on Lie tody, he should evolve tomorrow. As for Sam, he also should evolve. Allan will evolve on Friday.

I saw the tama minis today! They're so half the size of the tama connexions! They're also very thick, and the keychain is interesting!

Anyway, seeya! Bex.

Hey! This morning Sam evolved as expected, into a Tarakotchi! :unsure: ! Oh well... Dale's daughter Celia became:

Kinakomotchi-->Ichigotchi-->Mimitchi! Again!

She mated with...I'm not sure from the matchmaker, and her son Mat is currently a Ringotchi, evolved from a Kuribotchi. I will mate him with Cho.

Emily's tama Allan should evolve tomorrow, I hope it's in the morning! As for Lie, he hasn't evolve into an oldie yet, maybe I'll give him a few more days...

Seeya! Bex.

Well! Lol! Mat evolved into a Marumimitchi! :angry: haven't had one for ages! Last night he mated with Cho, two little boys!

His son (can't remember what I called him!) is currently a sleeping Hinatchi (I think). Lie *still* hasn't evolved, and neither did Allan :D .

I also bought a Lovepet today from Uncle Pete's! They're so...different! Lol! I'll explain it:

Basicly the same as tamagotchi, but in the status there is no discipline metre (because there is no discipline), 5 hearts for happy and hungry, and there is also a metre for "health". It says the name of the tama, and the "day" (for example, today was day 1).

The food is either an apple or a burger.

The toilet has two options, toilet and bath-unlike tamas, you can only take it to the toilet when it's done a poo, and there is no potty training.

The games are:

A game like dance, and a game rather like the Keitai game of catching musical notes in a basket, but avoiding poop-you have to catch the white balls, but avoid the black ones.

There is no discipline, as I have mentioned before.

There is also "excersise", running, weight lifting and bike riding, to keep the pet healthy and keep the weight down.

It goes to sleep at a set time (which you can choose beforehand), and you can also choose the gender of your pet, the language and set the time (but they're's no date, and no birthday. Your pet will sleep for 12 hours.

When your pet becomes sick, you can take it to the hospital, and when it goes to sleep you must turn out the light, like in a tama.

The last three icons are for conmmunication. Two love pets can:

Go on dates, send messages-"Hi", "I like you", "I love you", etc, go out to the movies, go to restaurants, kiss and give gifts. They can also get married, and have babies, but you have to have a certain number of points. Lovepets that have been connected with are stored in a phone book.

A Lovepet does not continue with the generations like a tama, it simply dies or rises up in a UFO with it's baby (if you have a baby).

All in all, I think tamas are a little better, although Lovepets do have some nifty features. They also have four buttons-left, to cycle backwards through icons/a list, right-to cycle forwards through icons/a list, confirm-rather like "B" on a tama, and cancel-exactly like "C" on a tama. Personally I prefer 3 buttons, since the fourth is rather unnecessary, but my opinion is probably a bit bias. The Lovepets cost $20, and the shape is a little different. The egg is the other way round, with the infrared port at the round end, as well as a keychain that was on the tama v1s. The pointed end has a little circle through a thread can be hung. The Lovepet also comes with a lanyard to hang it around your neck., after that mini review, not much else to say! Lol!

So seeya! Bex.

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Well, lots of things have happened today! Cho didn't leave her son, :angry: . I remembered that Mat's son's name was Neil. His son (mated with a Kabutchi) is called Clide, and is currently a Young Mametchi. I'm going to mate Clide's next girl in line with a newly evolved Ojitchi Lie.

Allan still hasn't evolved, ;) !

Sam should also get matchmaker tomorrow, or I might mate him with someone...hmmm.

Oh and my lovepet Zac died :huh: . My new lovepet is called Elly.

Anyway, gotta go, seeya! Bex.

Well, Clide became a :D , and his son (who's mother was a Hatenatchi) is called Doxie. Doxie became:


He mated with...well I don't really know, and now has a baby...boy! :p :( ! I really want a girl, and now that I do, I can't get one!

Well anyway, Allan is now a Tarakotchi, he evolved last night just before we went out to diner!

I'm really disappointed with the Lovepet, it dies so easily! :lol: it's died about 3 times since Ellie, and once I think it reset itself!

Oh and I made Cho leave her son, who's name has escaped my memory for now. :D .

Oh and I'm almost up to 300 posts! I know there are no more rankings anymore, but it still means something to me B) .

Anyway, seeya! Bex.

Well, school started again today, soI didn't get much time to do anything with my tamas. I left Ojitchi Lie at home, on set, because I don't want him to die or age until I get an Oadakitchi. Doxie's son (I think he mated with a Hatenatchi?) is called Jesh, he became a Ringotchi (can't remember his child form). Cho's son Jib should evolve into a teen soon, I just don't know when! I also accepted a matchmade Hanatchi for Sam, I was expecting Mimitchi or Mametchi because I've only once let my flame tama mate with matchmaker in all it's seven generations! :D ! Sam now has a baby boy.

Well Allan should get matchmaker tomorrow, we'll see what she has to offer him. Hmm, or I might mate him with my friend Janice's tamagotchi, who is a six-year-old Maskchi. My Lovepet died again, :'(! It had evolved into a child too! Mum made me leave it in the car when I went to school. I feel so rotten!

Anyway, seeya! Bex.

Heya! Well, Jesh became a Nyorotchi, I *think*. The balloon/duck thinggy with a funny tail. He mated with Janice's Maskchi, and they got...yep, you guessed it, boys! :rolleyes: ! Janice forgot to give him back to me this afternoon, so I'll have him back tomorrow :rolleyes: . Allan didn't get matchmaker, because I remembered that yesterday I had left him at home, on set, so he didn't age a day. Oh well. He'll get it tomorrow.

Sam hasn't left his baby...I don't know why though. When I set the time to 1159 pm he didn't leave...I hope he does tonight though.

Mum made me leave my Lovepet as an angel, I am going to restart it either this Friday or in the next holidays...10 weeks away!

Oh, and Jib is now a Ringotchi, with the panda costume in his items, and well stocked up with points, due to lots of successful winnings of Jump, in which he won hundreds of points! :eek: !

Apart from that, no major seeya! Bex.

Sorry for not posting yesterday, for some reason I couldn't get into my log! :( ! Anyway, bad news... :D Allan died! He had mated with a Maskchi yesterday, but today he died when I was at school in the afternoon session! :D ! Oh well, Emily doesn't really care about her version 1, so at least she won't be too disappointed. I do kind of care though... :D . The new baby girl is called Tmpan, I think. Lol.

Well anyway, the baby between my Nyorotchi and Janice's Maskchi became:

Hitodetchi (no idea why)-->Puroperatchi-->Toratchi! Yay! Another new character! (The boy's name is Mat). I really want a Pyonchitchi though!

Lie has remained on Set throughout the week, I'm still waiting for a girl from Mat's descendants! I don't know when I'll get another one...!

Jib should evolve soon as well.

Also, Sam did leave his baby the night before last, I called the Babytchi Banjo! He became a Marutchi and then, to my great surprise and pleasure, a Young Mimitchi! :D !

My Lovepet still remains an Angel, tucked away in the glove compartment of my car with Lie on Set.

Anyway, seeya! Bex.

Well, since I always have my version 2s on pause at school, Jib didn't evolve today :p . Oh and I found that Banjo didn't evolve into a young Mimitchi, he evolved into an Oniontchi! :p ! Tmpan evolved into an Ichigotchi, yayyy!

Also, Mat mated with...something from the matchmaker this morning while I was hyperspeeding him in bed,...another boy! :) ! :D ! :wacko: ! :wacko: ! B) !

I called him Cally. He turned into: Marutchi-->, not sure what teen! He's not an adult yet though.

I tried something new with Cally, I praised him every time he asked, but I never disciplined him <_< . We'll see the outcome... :p !

Anyway, seeya! Bex.

Um, ok...thanks for the tip, but you really didn't need to post here.

Anyway, my American v2 which was only praised but never disciplined became...!




...a Mametchi! Weird eh! I didn't even take that good care of him!

Oh and my other blue v2 is now a Kutchipatchi...I think that's pretty reasonable for the amount of attention (not very much) that I gave him. He didn't even have full training-only six! As for my American v2-Cally, he only had seven training bars! Weird!

I also had to change the batteries on my American v2-just today! They only lasted two months! But then so did my blue v2-I changed the bats around the end of August.

Funny though, my v1s' bats lasted much longer, my flame for 5 months, and my orange for 6 and a half!

Oh and Lie is still on pause, and my Lovepet remains an angel..I didn't see any point in restarting it yesterday for it just to die over the weekend, or when I go to school on Monday. I'm waiting till the Chrissy hols I've decided.

Anyway, Banjo should evolve tomorrow, I'll keep you posted! Seeya! Bex.

Well, Banjo is now a Maskchi, unfair! :blink: ! He evolved this morning.

Oh and Cally has a baby...boy, from a matchmade Robotchi! I'm cursed with boys! :blink: !

That's it for now, so seeya! Bex.

Lol hey! The Lovepets aren't that great but they can connect and you can send messages to each other and They don't last for more than one generation but you can batht them and get married and have babies and stuff. Lol. Anyway I dunno what I want for Christmas, just get me anything lol!

Anyway, I found that Banjo is a Gozarutchi not a Maskchi, woops! Tmlan hasn't evolved yet *sigh*, she should tomorrow, and Jib should get matchmaker. I named Cally's son Tama, not very original, but yeah. I was in a hurry to get to school so. :D .

Tama is currently a little Kinakomotchi. :huh: .

Lie is still on Set :D , wonder how long it will take!

Anyway, seeya! Bex.

:'( Banjo died today! He was in 8th gen too! He died while I was at school... :( !

The new baby girl has a random name, I was too sad to be bothered calling her anything decent. She's currently a Marutchi, I miss Banjo so much!

Tmlan evolved into another Kutchi, yay!

Tama is now an Ichigotchi, woot!

All the rest normal, Jib didn't even get matchmaker! Oh, seeya! Bex.

Well, Tama became a Kabutchi, yayyy! I mated him with Emily's tama Tmlan, and I got...!



Two! Gorgeous! Baby! Girls!!!!!!

:D ! :D ! :D ! :D ! :D ! :D ! :D !

Anyway, Tama's daughter Sabby (I lvove the name!) became a Ufotchi (can't remember the child stage) and then *another* Kutchi! I love them, but...this might be just a little too much? Anyway, she is currently 9 years old, she should evolve soon! Then I can mate her with Lie and get Oiajitchis again!

Jib mated (with what?) and has a baby (what?). Lol!

Little Miss Randomname (my flame v1) is now an Ichigotchi, I'm missing my high generations on my flame a little too much to care at mo... :( .

Anyway, seeya! Bex.


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