Makiko's Diary


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Part of Tamagotchi Planet was bombed. That's right. There's only half left now. Memetchi's dead, so is Mom and Dazz. It's ALL my fault!!!

28th August 2011

I can't believe all my family and friends are.... dead... I knew i shouldn't have gone to GuruGuru Town! I should have jut listened to my poor mother and stayed with them.... I'm hiding at Patchi Forest at the moment, well what's left of it. This is all so horrible, i have rescued Chibipatchi from a horrible death up in a high tree, they were about to fall out and when they did i caught the poor little things.... They are here with me now, crying because they want their big Brother Kuchipatchi, he's being killed too... they don't understand what's going on, everything is going wrong... I wish i could just be killed right now.....


At least the Chibbipatchis are safe.


Every day I go out and get them apples from a tree. I get myself one, too, but the rest are for the Chibipatchis. I still can't belive what's going on. I mean, who would do this to Tamagotchi Planet? Or, what's left of it, anyway. Gotta go give the Chibipatchis a bath. Laterz.

29 August 2011

Well today has being rather boring, i have given the Chibipatchi's a bath and fed them but they are still a little whiny. I don't know how I'm gonna take care of them and deal with everything else!! But i almost forgot to tell you there has being reports all over the radio that Kuro was found alive and unharmed under some demolished house!!! He has being taken into hospital... or whats left of it to have a quick check over to make sure everything is really OK!!!


I have to rush over there now with the Chibipatchis and check on him byee!


2nd September,

I went to see Kuromametchi today. I went to the hospital as fast as I could. He has a broken leg and part of his head is bandaged up but apart from that we is going to be OK! I told him that when he recovers he will be able to stay with me and my Perfect curls! He said "I will see".


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September 1st

I was going to defeat the murderer, So I untied Mametchi and Mimitchi, and we got Pepper Spray Containers (Full, Of Course), A gun (Fully Loaded), And a Metal Baseball Bat. (Very strong!) We figured out it was... Tabuu!? He needed to be defeated! So we got our weapons, And started beating him like a pile of crap. (A living one of course!) But every time we beat him, He just got stronger and stronger. I figured out that the only that can defeat him is... The NYAN CAT!? We summoned him, He used a magic move called "Psycho Nyan". Tabuu was defeated!

And then, I woke up. It was just a dream. The murderer is still undefeated. I got the Chibipatchis some raspberries off of a nearby bush. I heard a cry from a pile of rubble. A familiar one, at that. I'm moving the rubble... And there is Memetchi! Badly wounded, but alive! Mom and Dazz, too! I dunno how they got there. But they're alive! I help them up and we walk cautiously to the hospital. They are whisked away to various places and rooms for treatment and help. I go to Kuro's hospital room to see him again. "Kuro- I found Memetchi and Dazz and my Mom! And-" His television suddenly turns on. An emergency broadcast! The reporter is saying that they have actually found the murderer! And he has confessed it all. He is in confinement. Yay! Worker teams are already being sent out to repair buildings! This is so awesome! I didn't tell you I broke my arm, did I? Well, since I did, me, Mom, Dazz, Kuro, Memetchi, and of course the Chibipatchi are staying in the hospial till we are well. Hooray! This craziness is over! I realize I'm sitting on the edge of Kuro's bed. I lean over and kiss him. When I'm done, I say "Oh, Kuro! We can have our life back!" He looks into my eyes and I see my happiness reflected back in his.

The murderer turned out to be......Dreamtchi!!! I thought he was so nice.........he was depressed with the whole Dazz thing, so he decided to destroy the planet and kidnap Dazz. They are still figuring out what to do with him! Anyway, I have to go. See you later!

:( :( :( :(

Bad news. Mom is dead. :'(

The hospital couldn't have known her lung was collapsing. They lost their X-Rays.

She's gone. It's been a few days now.

The sadness is replaced with numb.

On the good side, I have a house now. Oh, did I tell you?

A year passed in the time in between the first murder(UraVioletchi) and the last(Um... I think it was Kuchipatchi :( )? Well be right back, gotta drive Kuro home.

Hey! OMG OMG OMG!!! Lemme tell you something!!

Kuro: Thanks for the ride sweetheart. We should get some food, I'm starving.

Me: OK.

Kuro: Coolio! Let's go there!

Me: Oh, isn't that where we went for our first date?!?

Kuro: Yeah.

**later and inside**

Kuro: **gets down on one knee** Makiko, I know the whole thing with your Mom has been hard for you. **gets out ring** Marry me, please, Makiko. I'll always be there for you.

OMG! I shrieked so loudly everyone looked at me. I was crying and laughing at the same time, admiring the beautiful diamond ring on my finger. I noticed that everyone was clapping! And Memetchi and Dazz and of course the Chibipatchis were there, too. Wow! BEST DAY EVA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi!! Dazz wuz here! :3 :3

Lol that waz Dazz xD

~~Makiko <3

September 29th, 2011


Sorry I haven't been writing for a long time...

There's a story I have to tell you guys reading this.

First, Of course, Kuro and I got married.

Then, We suddenly saw Dreamtchi, (The murderer), Tabuu, (The murderer who was thought to be the real one), And Doo-moh (Dale88's Furby who's means "Please Feed Me" in Furbish who was arrested for drunk driving in the package. So I did what only a daredevil would do. Run over Dreamtchi, Steal water from the beach and get Doo-moh wet, And use Psycho Nyan (Which I learned from watching LOTS of Nyan Cat) on Tabuu.

Afterwards, Kuro and I celebrated at the ice cream parlor. We got a chocolate smoothie, and put two straws in it. It was so romantic. I still couldn't believe we were getting married, but I was also sad of my mother passing. Thinking of it, tears rolled down my eyes and Kuro put his hand over my shoulder.

31st September 2011

I'm sooo happy Kuro and i are getting married!! But I'm still missing my mother terribly... her furnernal is in a couple of days, and my wedding is in a month!!!! I just can't believe my mum won't be there to see me get married. I'm crying as i write this, i miss my mum soo much. I feel terrible for being so horrid to her now.... I wish i could rewind the clock and make that day when my mother died start all over again, i wish it had never happened..... But it did and that's life, there is nothing i can do about it. *sniff* OK I'm feeling a bit better now that i have let my feelings out into this diary.


Kuro has just gone out to get me some coffee, he will be back in a sec, so when he comes back i will finish writing. I'm sitting on my double bed staring up at the ceiling in our new home. Kuro and i are just about the only ones left in Tamatown. There are also a couple of others still alive. I think a Oyajitchi is living just down the road from us. There's also a UraTogetchi with his Wife UraYattchi living next door. UraYattchi is due to have a baby in a couple of weeks. The hospital, Gotchi Bank, Town Hall and all those other places that were demolished have being rebuilt and there have being reports on the news that Otokitchi is in hospital suffering from severe brain damage from a train crash. The nurses say she may not live for much longer.... I hope she does live though, who else will we find to pair us with our loved ones if Otokitchi dies?? She is the Matchmaker of Tamatown after all.


OK, Kuro is back and he wants me to come down to the kitchen cuz he wants to have a chat with me about a few things. It's probably about the wedding and my mums..... You know.... Anyway better dash before he gets impatient! Byee!!

-Makiko ♥

31st September 2011

I'm sooo happy Kuro and i are getting married!! But I'm still missing my mother terribly... her furnernal is in a couple of days, and my wedding is in a month!!!! I just can't believe my mum won't be there to see me get married. I'm crying as i write this, i miss my mum soo much. I feel terrible for being so horrid to her now.... I wish i could rewind the clock and make that day when my mother died start all over again, i wish it had never happened..... But it did and that's life, there is nothing i can do about it. *sniff* OK I'm feeling a bit better now that i have let my feelings out into this diary.


Kuro has just gone out to get me some coffee, he will be back in a sec, so when he comes back i will finish writing. I'm sitting on my double bed staring up at the ceiling in our new home. Kuro and i are just about the only ones left in Tamatown. There are also a couple of others still alive. I think a Oyajitchi is living just down the road from us. There's also a UraTogetchi with his Wife UraYattchi living next door. UraYattchi is due to have a baby in a couple of weeks. The hospital, Gotchi Bank, Town Hall and all those other places that were demolished have being rebuilt and there have being reports on the news that Otokitchi is in hospital suffering from severe brain damage from a train crash. The nurses say she may not live for much longer.... I hope she does live though, who else will we find to pair us with our loved ones if Otokitchi dies?? She is the Matchmaker of Tamatown after all.


OK, Kuro is back and he wants me to come down to the kitchen cuz he wants to have a chat with me about a few things. It's probably about the wedding and my mums..... You know.... Anyway better dash before he gets impatient! Byee!!

-Makiko ♥

31st September 2011

I'm sooo happy Kuro and i are getting married!! But I'm still missing my mother terribly... her furnernal is in a couple of days, and my wedding is in a month!!!! I just can't believe my mum won't be there to see me get married. I'm crying as i write this, i miss my mum soo much. I feel terrible for being so horrid to her now.... I wish i could rewind the clock and make that day when my mother died start all over again, i wish it had never happened..... But it did and that's life, there is nothing i can do about it. *sniff* OK I'm feeling a bit better now that i have let my feelings out into this diary.


Kuro has just gone out to get me some coffee, he will be back in a sec, so when he comes back i will finish writing. I'm sitting on my double bed staring up at the ceiling in our new home. Kuro and i are just about the only ones left in Tamatown. There are also a couple of others still alive. I think a Oyajitchi is living just down the road from us. There's also a UraTogetchi with his Wife UraYattchi living next door. UraYattchi is due to have a baby in a couple of weeks. The hospital, Gotchi Bank, Town Hall and all those other places that were demolished have being rebuilt and there have being reports on the news that Otokitchi is in hospital suffering from severe brain damage from a train crash. The nurses say she may not live for much longer.... I hope she does live though, who else will we find to pair us with our loved ones if Otokitchi dies?? She is the Matchmaker of Tamatown after all.


OK, Kuro is back and he wants me to come down to the kitchen cuz he wants to have a chat with me about a few things. It's probably about the wedding and my mums..... You know.... Anyway better dash before he gets impatient! Byee!!

-Makiko ♥

Ocober 29th, 2011




Mum isn't dead, no one is. I woke up today. Mum said fell down and I hit my head hard while walking to the salon and passed out for a couple of years. Dazzilitchi is still being rotten. I told memetchi about the dream and she's glad that really didn't happen, I am too, anyways I have to go, Kuromametchi is calling ♥ I cant stay up too late, school tomorrow. =(


December 8th 2011

Then, Memetchi popped up! I thought i'd never see her again! In school her curls were disgusting, ewwww. My curls are THE best. She didn't even have curls HAHA!

December 11th 2011

Everything seems so..... weird.... It turns out nothing ever happened to Tamatown everyone is alive even my Mum!! It was all just some big weird nightmare, so glad it's over. Memetchi is actaully worse than ever. Today at school she pulled my precious curls and called me hurtful names like ugly. But you know what.... i actually do not care, i am just so happy that everyone is ok and we can go back to living normally. I baked some cupcakes when i got in from school today because i was just so freaking happy that everything was all good. Mum was rather shocked at my change in attuitude. She happily accepted one of my chocolate chip cupcakes when i offered her one. After she had finished it and was licking her lips and sitting back on the sofa in the lounge sipping hot chocolate, i ran up to her and jumped into her arms. "Hey hey!! Watch it girl my hot chocy!" But she was smiling, she put the hot chocolate down and cuddled me close like i was little again.

"I've missed you mum" i whispered into her soft chest.

"I've missed you too honey" And we had a long cuddle, i never wanted it to end......

I will finish up here now guys, Kuro has asked me if i could meet him up at the park! I couldn't say no so i gotta dash! See ya!

Makiko <3

December 11 2011 continued

So, I met Kuro in the park and he asked me to marry him! This is for real! It's not a dream! So, of course I said yes! We're getting married in a few weeks! And Dazz is my bridesmaid! This will be great! I can't believe I'm getting married! <3 <3 <3

12th December 2011

I cannot believe i am getting married!!! Wow! Mum was a little hesitant about it at first but eventually gave in and is very happy for me even though she doesn't think I'm ready, but i am of course. I am now 7 years old and ready for a good husband!! I what better husband to have than Kuro!! Anyway so mum is on the phone to some people right now, shes organizing the food, the location, my dress.... you know the usual things you would need for a wedding! She says it might still be a few weeks away but it takes time to plan a perfect wedding!! So mum is franticly working hard and phoning a lot of people to make my wedding spectacualar. I told her she didn't have to go through all this trouble. But she wouldn't hear a word of it. She said my dress should be here in a couple of weeks, i can't wait for it to arrive!!! It's suppose to be one of those long white traditional wedding dresses, which is what i have always pictured myself in when i get married. I asked Mum if i could possibly get it in a really light purple, but Mum said no. Purple is my favourite color so yeah. But i don't mind white, plus i don't wanna be ungrateful to Mum.

Anyway, enough about the wedding plans. If you didn't already know it is the Christmas holidays for our school, we broke up a couple of weeks ago, and i have being getting constant phone calls from Memetchi and basically everyone at my school asking if they have being invited to my wedding. I have told them all that i'm not really sure yet. Dazz came over today to hang out and we had a lot of fun, we made some more cupcakes and helped Mum out with some of the wedding plans. Then we spent all afternoon up in my bedroom reading the latest tamatween magazine and just chatting in general.

OK, stay tuned for my next entry!!

Makiko <3

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