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It's a nice way to get a quick message/question along to friends. However, people text to the point of having it cause car incidents. Really? That gets a little past the point of it.

Cecib :)

Ugh want a phone!!!! ok im gonna rant against my parents they say "Only brats have phones, wait until you graduate" then im like "umm some friends of my who live on farms, and arent brats, like A and E have phones" so here gonna be my wish list MUHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA!!Q

_________________....'s Wish list___________________________

1. Cell Phone

2. Unlimited texting

3. a bunneh

I probly will only get two of those, but still...MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

I really love texting,because i can communicate with other through

texting.I don't have load always actually,because some of my textmates doesn't reply to me,my cp's brand is NOKIA

I told mummeh I want a phone.

With unlimited teting.

For the country and overseas.

So i can text everyone on TT!


Lol, I dunno if she'll let me get one. POOP.

My cell phone is a piece of crap. D:< I had to buy it, and I have to pay my own phone bill.

All the awesome phones have to be on a monthly plan. I want the Lotus from Sprint sosososo bad, but it's like, $50 a month or something? O: And I can't afford that on my lunch money and allowance. >_>;;

So I have a Wildcard from Virgin Mobile. (Look it up, I don't feel like finding a picture.) I've had it for about two years now. There are big cracks in both screens and random buttons are missing. e.e I pay between $10 and $20 a month. I have my calling set to pay-as-you go or whatever, and I have my texting on $10 a month for 1000 messages/IMs/emails. And I don't get penalized if I go over my limit. It just starts taking off the cash I have on my account at the normal rate.

I want to switch back to T-Mobile pay-as-you go. They have Motorola(sp?) Razors on pay-as-you-go now. O: (Saw it at Sam's yesterday.) About $80 to buy the phone, and then I'll just get on pay-as-you-go. I want to do that soon. I'll have to switch numbers, but meh. >_>

If you want my cell number, PM me. I'll think about giving it to you. Feebee has my number right now, but I think that's it? I have to like you and know you to give it to you, btw.

And hahah Emilee, I Twitter all the time from my phone! :]

Great. For a few weeks now, my phone hasn't had any credit. If I want unlimited, I have to pay for it myself. I've basically been cut off. I am a deprived girlie. >.<

Not only is that one method of communication with my friends, but it also means that I still cannot exchange numbers with my TT wonderfuls. Dx

Still, I mainly use email and the PM system for keeping in touch with yous guys. If you want my email, send me a message. But it has my surname in it, so I'll have to be familiar with you - we'd have to be friends first.

Right now, my phone is just being used for a camera. It can take pictures and videos, so for now, it will suffice.

I love texting (as you can see by my avatar). i have a Samsung Messenger with unlimited texting and calls and use of internet. I love my phone<3 so so so much. I was actually assaulted and they took my old phone with them, but if that hadn't happened then I wouldn't have gotten this phone. Still though, i miss my other one. Yet this one is a lot better. I love it.

I don't reply to those useless texts though. Such as "Yeah", "cool", "ok". I'm like ARGHHH YOU'RE BORING! Seriously! Haha.

I only just gots a phone<3

It's pretty crep.

No internet... POOP.

And it's pre-paid. Mummy was like ''CHEAP PHONES ONLYY!!!111!11!!!1!''

And I had to give in to her DDDD: I wanna be able to text peoples from TT<3

I will soon have 1c texts to all Telstra phones. If any of yous wanna exchange numbers, PM me, but I'd only give it to you if I know you wellll :)

I like texting when I have one question that I need answered with out the whole, "Hi how are you, whats going on, that's cool, oh by the way, yeah I know, Ok bye." If I want an answer with out talking basically I text, I usually don't have conversations though through text I just call the person for that.

I text quite a bit because it's much easier than talking on the phone for me. That's just me, though.

i'm scared of texting.

because of my ringtone it says "RING RING RING RING! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!"

I'm not allowed to change it intill July.

here is what it sounds like:

i got one panic attack from that god-dang ringtone.

because someone texted me in the middle of the night in pitch black

and that ringtone scared the living daylights outta me.


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I like texting, because I can keep in touch with people who don't like talking on the phone.

I like having long conversations on the phone, though. -like with Britt and Michaela<3 I love you guys-

I don't have problems with giving out my number to friends, either. xD

I don't have a phone, so I use my mom's blackberry, because she has unlimited txting. I <3 texting!!

Person I have been texting lately?: My closest guy friend

My best girlfriend got her phone taken away.

Ya its meh. I got meh beautiful phone taken away. 27 more days until I get it back.....

It's going by slow....

I have unlimited texting too. It's soo addicting.


I can guarentee you I'll be up past 1AM texting Katie, Lucie, Daniel and Luke :)

I'm pretty addicted, but texts can wait if I'm with a friend. They're handy, but I'm always doing it haha. I love texting.

And I'm usually the one to start off the textsation [Oyea, win for made up words] by saying something stupid like "Yo home slice, wud up dawg?" or just saying "OMG I LOVE YOU!"


I can't text because I have a really sucky plan D= Because my parents believe that my phone is only for emergency uses... But still, I wouldnt know who to text because the majority of my friends don't have phones.

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