This offend's me!


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I think it was mean but I didn't know It would exsplode.

Anyways they can waste $15 if they want.


Do tay have perants?I also heard some swearing it i think i might report this topic. :rolleyes:

I think it is not as much a toy.I think it s learning a bit to learn what will happen when you grow up and

have kids.

I think it is a waste of money.And entamas cost around £20-£30 qwid :mametchi:

This is a bit mad and the link should be taken away.

Weridos do stuff like this.Do not try it.It is weird and mad.

:mametchi: Flump :mametchi:

C'mon. Think of it this way. A tamagotchi is a plastic toy, and black pixels. Yell at me, Report me, But i think its odd people are crying over this! Hey, I'm a fan of cookies and you wouldn't see me crying if a WHOLE batch was burnt! XD. If You think its so "sick and wrong" why did you post it? I mean, Cry over someone else tamagotchi being burnt...Come on!

Not Everyone like Tamagotchi you know, so, I don't think that they were trying to offend anyone.


That is cruelty to Tamagotchis. They're mean. How would you like it if you were stuck in a flaming plastic case and then it exploded? I wouldn't, for sure. You people are mean. That video made me cry :wacko:
*sigh* people just dont get it, do they. you care SOOOO much about a stupid toy when PEOPLE are starving to death in foreign countries. why not DONATE that $20 you spent on the tamagotchi to someone who needs it? I know I probably sound like Im slamming you into a wall... sorry... Im talking to eveyone here... its a toy... It's like crying over an exploding barbie doll... hun, it aint alive, and it never will be.

*sigh* people just dont get it, do they. you care SOOOO much about a stupid toy when PEOPLE are starving to death in foreign countries. why not DONATE that $20 you spent on the tamagotchi to someone who needs it? I know I probably sound like Im slamming you into a wall... sorry... Im talking to eveyone here... its a toy... It's like crying over an exploding barbie doll... hun, it aint alive, and it never will be.
Well said.

I mean, there is a guy who made a Solar Death Ray that he fires at Legos, poptarts and dolls.

It's no differnt.

There is no reason to get overly dramatic and emo over a toy.

Ok come on people, it's a toy, like littlechibiki said it is not alive and it never will be! Crying over plastic and pixels is a waste of time, so why do it? There are more than a million tamagotchis in the world and I bet at least one of them is being purposly dropped in toilet, being put on fire or put in the trash. How come everyone cares more about plastic and pixels than people who are being killed and murdered in a war while everyone is crying over a toy! If you think it's cruel to blow about a tamagotchi what about when people purposly kill their tamagotchi by not looking after it for a day or two? Well if you don't care about that making a tamagotchi explode is no big deal. A tamagotchi is 15-20$ but someones life is priceless.

There I said it.

Yes, tamagotchis are toys and I don't see this as offensive. What I do see here is a bucket load of stupid.

1) Some kid thinks it is great fun to burn toys..sorry but I don't quite remember the last time I went and burned my swing set, soft toys or board games because I wasn't interested anymore. Kids who act out destructively towards certain types of toys e.g. barbies and tamagotchis are usually doing it because it is "cool" to hate the toy and are making a statement rather than discarding the object. Was it necessary to burn the toy? No. Could they have just thrown it out? Yes.. or better yet they could have given it to a 2nd hand shop for another kid.

2) Great piece of genius decides to set fire to the tamagotchi inside the house in a plastic rubbish bin. The smart kid tries to take it outside only to be told to leave it because it far more "cool" to film it. What happened if the things got out of control? It can gaurantee it wouldn't be so funny then! Just because a battery is dead, does not mean it isn't flammable. In this case he is bloody lucky that thing was in the bin and didn't explode openly into his room possibly setting the lot of fire not to mention increasing the risk of blast injuries and burns.

Forget that it is a toy, it is an outrightly stupid, dangerous stunt without purpose which shouldn't be encouraged or supported.

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Yes, tamagotchis are toys and I don't see this as offensive. What I do see here is a bucket load of stupid.
1) Some kid thinks it is great fun to burn toys..sorry but I don't quite remember the last time I went and burned my swing set, soft toys or board games because I wasn't interested anymore. Kids who act out destructively towards certain types of toys e.g. barbies and tamagotchis are usually doing it because it is "cool" to hate the toy and are making a statement rather than discarding the object. Was it necessary to burn the toy? No. Could they have just thrown it out? Yes.. or better yet they could have given it to a 2nd hand shop for another kid.

2) Great piece of genius decides to set fire to the tamagotchi inside the house in a plastic rubbish bin. The smart kid tries to take it outside only to be told to leave it because it far more "cool" to film it. What happened if the things got out of control? It can gaurantee it wouldn't be so funny then! Just because a battery is dead, does not mean it isn't flammable. In this case he is bloody lucky that thing was in the bin and didn't explode openly into his room possibly setting the lot of fire not to mention increasing the risk of blast injuries and burns.

Forget that it is a toy, it is an outrightly stupid, dangerous stunt without purpose which shouldn't be encouraged or supported.
Yeah, Just like what my mom would say.


Those kids are pyromaniacs. If they want to burn a tamagotchi, then they put their health at risk. Although that is a waste of money...if it was out of battery, they could just give it away.

you all are so evil if you hate tamas then why are you here

you relize that the movie thing swears right? besides if it offends you so much then you probably shouldn't give them the link. I do think that it blowing up is really cool but it being a tama? How RUDE!

you all are so evil if you hate tamas then why are you here
We are sharing our opions.Some of Us are like ''OMG!WHY GOD WHY???'' and some are like ''Kewl a dead tama'' we all have our ow opintions

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