What's The Worst Book You've Ever Read?


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Worst books what I have ever read are A Series of Unfortunate Events- books,

because your favorite characters die or you don't know what happen to them.

I read all those 13 books, because books always end, when there's something, what you want to know.

Don't read NEVER those books!
OMgosh! I love these books! I think they are hilarious, however I agree that he leaves stuff hanging, that you never figure out. I think they are awesome though.

Book I hate.... hmm... I haven't really read anything that I don't like, because I always get opinions from friends before I read them. :)

This is going to sound very, well, sacrilegious of me, and outside of the circumstances I probably would've enjoyed reading this book leisurely, but "Great Expectations". It had a great message, and a surprising story line, but I had to rush to read it for an online english class, that bored me over the head with it, and I just ended up not enjoying it at all. I still don't want to try and read it again.

That and Twilight. The plot was so obvious and uneventful and dry. You knew everything that was going to happen and it was more like a low-level vampire fan-fiction than a novel. It's like she took requests from 12 year old girls "What would you like to happen next?"

the worst book i ever read was one of those stupid pokemon chapter books that you order from our schools book order once every month, i have a bookshelf full of them, basically because alot of my friends like to read them, i dont like to read them. why? because the books are too easy to read, and ash is more of a idiot in the books (not the manga the manga is awesome) plus pikachu is an idiot too, he acts friendly to pokemon who have done bad for example: I have a book about pichus stealing apples and crap like that, while pikachu acts like they have done nothing bad, wtf pikachu?! o.0 (this is probobly the reasons why raichu is my new favorite pokemon) plus my stupid 6 year old friend likes to read that exact same book everyday because she likes pichu. its annoying! ive seen to much pichu! plus i found the books cover!


so yeah thats it. ._.

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The number of worst books I've read have increased.

I just finished this book called.. Gawwd, so awful I can't remember. It's all about this fat girl and what happens to her after her BFFFFFFFF girl cousin Laura dies. All she does the whole book is be jealous of this girl who is in love with her best friend who she realized she's in love with and then she keeps doing drugs and smoking and not losing weight no matter how man times she says shes gonna diet and.. Ugh.

There's not many books that I hate, more I got bored of them.

The first book that comes to mind though, is Evermore, and the whole series of those books. I think its The Immortals series? I can't remember the author.

It just seemed like another cheap knock-off of Twilight, except the main boy isn't a vampire.

The Baghdad mission :p

It was just sooooo boring I almost fell asleep halfway though (yes I had to read this for a project thing :p )

Where to start?

Twilight, i'm not giving reasons though because all of them are listed above, I TRIED to read that, and, it sucked.

Even though I love most of Roald Dahl's books, I couldn't stand Charlie and The Chocolate Factory! I don't know where my opinion of this book came from, I just didn't like it!

Warrior's. I attempted to read it in fifth grade and I got bored and confused within reading the first few chapters.

The Fudge by Judy Bloom books I totally despise. Like it seems like a poor plot to me. D:

And finally Avi books. I pretty much don't like any of those books and never did.

Umm well let's see...

Twilight is kinda bad

and honestly, I dont like the harry potter series very much. i can get into it, but theres just too many details and i lose interest soon

EDIT: sorry my friend posted here and im not quite sure how to delete

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A werewolf novel I picked up for two bucks at Wal Mart called Bestial. I wanted a good scary werewolf story. What I got was a practically X-Rated story ( and not for violence ) that was more repulsive than scary. And when it wasn't being disgusting it was mind numbingly stupid.

I've heard terrible things about Twilight. I know I'd hate it just from the descriptions I've read. But I'd still rather read the entire Twilight series cover to cover than to ever read Bestial again. That two bucks could have bought me some yummy McDonald's french fries. Instead I get crap in paper form.

There's Twilight for starters. (with that Edward could beat H.P statement, she's gone up much higher on my whom-to-kill-if-I-ever-get-a-Deathnote list)

In terms of others...I'd go with the High School Musical Manga. (yeah, i'm serious-there's a manga of the movie)

Stephanie Mayer isn't half the writer JK Rowling is. She's not even on the same planet in terms of ability.

A book called "The Homework Machine". It was good until the end, when suddenly the 4 main characters all decide to couple up, cuz there were two girls and two boys in the 4. It was like some demented version of dominoes. I absolutely despised it.

In general, I pretty much hate fantasy. The Homework Machine isn't fantasy, but any fantasy book I read can get boring. With teh' exception of warriors and Harry Potter. And some other books.

i hate the homework machine. i got bored 10 pages into the book.

i read a south park book targeted for younger kids (Like 4!) plus don't be saying im lying, ITS REAL. but it was made back like in 2003 so you can't find it in stores (if your lucky you might find it) the book is like this: Can you find *item*? thats right! you found a walkie-talkie! and half of the book uses one of those stickers that you can peel off, and theres a very weird page like this: Can you find Cartman and stan? >.< the only south park book that i don't like. its like those horrible dora books where you have to find the magic wand or a picnic basket. kiinda strange why there making adult things and editing them for like 2 year olds. they did the same with the inredible hulk. the incredible hulk is for teens, but theres a couple of books and stuff thats for 18 months!!! and why are people hating on twilight so much? someone like me could read something like "Twilight sucks" and people could be offended. plz don't hate me for liking twilight. :(

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worst book ive read was a beast quest 1! Whats so great about sum dumb boy looking 4 X monster, coming across X minor obstacle, overcoming X minor obsticle then capturin X monster?! They're all the same!

Also, this might sound wierd, but I personally hate Charles Dickens books. They go on.. and on.. and on.. Especially Oliver Twist, seriously boring. U might fink its not surprising 4 a 12 yr old 2 dislike Charles Dickens but i enjoy On The Origin Of Species by Charles Darwin, so hey.

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JK Rowling isnt half the writer R.A. Salvatore or James Patterson or Darren Shan are. Their books are so much better, I can't even compare.

edit: Not to say she isn't a bad writer! Her works are good!

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