Your worst fear...


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Whats your worst fear...?

  • Heights... ugh...

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Darkness... *shudder*

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Needles O_O

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Fire...

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Your next door neighbor x_X (hope no-one chooses this one XD)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other... (say in post if you want...)

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Ok Here are my 5 worst fears:

Killers: Well duh, they kill you!

Slugs: I don't know why but i have a terrible fear of them 0_0 once i was outside at night and i picked up a piece of paper but IT HAD A SLUG ON THE BACK OF IT AND I TOUCHED IT!!!! I was almost in tears and i kept jumping on the spot vigourously and shaking my hand :)

Dogs: I have never liked them... When I was 6 me and my dad were walking home from my nans, and we were walking across a big soccer field and there was a dog there and it started chasing me!!! Then the owner finally came up behing it to get it away from me!

Tsunamis: Who ISNT scared of those!?!?! I am scared that one day i will look up and just see a MASSIVE wave about to fall on top of me!!! ;)

Birds swooping over my head: It was never a problem till i got pooped on 0_0 Now I CANT STAND IT!! i always run away from flying birds B)

My worst fear is heights... I'd rather run through fire than go on the London Eye o_OThats how bad my fear is... *shudder*

You dont have to admit your fear if u dont wanna. ^^ Its just nice to get things off your chest.
Well I'm terrified of heights to I can't even stand on a table without feeling sick.

But I have alot of worst fears. Another one is chemistery in science class I fall to peices when we do it.

Needles is another but I think I more hate them than fear them cause they cause pain.

Most animals I can stand cats but I don't really like them sitting on me. This doesn't mean I hate animals I really would like to stop those who don't care about what they're doing to them. I most fear dogs and horses. Once I rode a horse because my sister was doing to go on the pony trek but we ended up on these massive horses and I was terrified!!!

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Any form of needles or blood tests or hospitals makes me want to faint! X.X

And i HATE darkness and graves and ghosts and dead people and rats.

I love heights though! :)

I am afraid of...........

2. Dying- What will happen to me!! :mellow:

3. Saying Bloody Mary in a dark barthroom 10 times- heard of the ghost legend?
Bloody Mary is fake. I do that loads of times ;)

I voted for heights cuz one time me & my mom were going up a lighthouse in South Padre Island. U could see what's under the stairs so I was very scared. I was also sweating like a pig!!! :mellow: When we got down, I was glad for my feet were on the ground & my head not in the clouds.

p.s. Even though I'm scared of heights, I'm not scared of going on airplanes. I just get dizzy.

I have a fear of: spiders, heights, the dark, and clowns (from something that happened when I was six) *shudders*Also I have a bit of a fear of dolls because of something that happened when I was four.
i also have a fear of clowns! i will explain:

i was on and i was in the horror section. i saw this story that was proven to be true so i read it. it was about a babysitter that called the parents of the 2 kids that she was babysitting to ask if they could watch tv. they said it was ok. and she also asked if she could put a blanket or a sheet over the clown statue in the parents bedroom because it was scaring her. they said that they would call the police and to wake up the kids and go to the neighbors, they had no clown statue. it was somone dressed up like a clown trying to rob the house.

*shiver* scary...

i picked other

i really dont no what im afraid of

now a WONT say that im not afair of anythin because i am

i really dont like hights but when i clib Stone Montion (sp?) in Gorga.....i dont really care

but its just some times

im also afaird of the dark some times,

but u no it just if i had whached scary move like Poseidon ((SCARY and sad!!))

im not really afrid of

i really dont have a next door nabor...**i have a HUGE fild around my house so u no**

i also have other ones but im runnin out of room!

***im afraid of clowns to!!***

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I have a lot of phobias that I forgot to mention that I just want to get out! Here's a list I compiled:

~Spiders and other creepy-crawlies

~Going in a wave pool w/out an innertube (see my story on pg. 4)


~The dark (I have a nightlight!!! xD)

~SOMETIMES heights


~My neighbor from across the alley (he's really creepy)

~being surprised (in fact i HATE it... I'll only like it if it's for a surprise party! ;) )

~My family and/or friends dying (including my pets! :mellow: )

~being contained in a small space (definitely underwater, not so much above) (also known as claustrophobia)

~death from suffocation, drowning, or burning (and death all together)

~Getting a horrible disease like gang green that eats your face or something

~dissecting things (I'm a vegetarian, so it's KINDA against the rules, but my science teacher doesn't care!!!)

~someone tracking me down.... that's just wrong

~someone copying my idea... when someone does, i get ENRAGED, lol... so NO COPY MY AVVIES! thats a warning to u!

~any extreme weather (i.e. tornado, hurricane, etc)

~any warnings on tv where they have to do all that beeping

That's all I can think of for now, but I might add more! xD

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Any form of needles or blood tests or hospitals makes me want to faint! X.XAnd i HATE darkness and graves and ghosts and dead people and rats.

I love heights though! :)
I love heights too!

...Im scared of Vaccum Cleaners...XD

Bloody Mary is fake. I do that loads of times :)
That still kinda scares me


Blood Curdling Screams...

being, like, watched (you know, like in "Halloween" >,<)

My WORST fear... SPIDERSS!!! EKK!!!!

Once at my best friends house we were on a trampoline. she said theres a spider on my shoulder and I said "Oh Im not falling for that again!" and she said "No really LOOK!" I did and a wold spider was on my shoulder!! *shivers* my gawd the it had big fangs and screamed like I was falling of a building, her mum and dad came out and kiled it. THANK GOD!!! *shivers* Ill never forgot that day....


Out of those:

Heights: I fear free-falling from heights

Darkness: Scares me. Dark + silence to me = danger

Needles: I love needles XD No fear for me

Fire: I'm a pyro. 'nuff said

Neighbors: I don't fear them, I more dread their presence XD

Other: Spiders. I HATE spiders >.<' I scream at the site of the smallest spider. I hate 'em.

my worst fear is popup pranks everytime i see something i think is scary i block the site

Going into a wave pool without an innertube x_X bad experience... when I was like 10 I think, 9 or 10, I went on vacation with my cousin and my dad. I decided to go without an innertube for one "wave sequence". I was doing well, so I decided to go where the waves were the best (WAYYYY in the front by the wall) I was making my way over there when suddenly all these fat (not to be rude, but they WERE significantly overweight!) people came in on innertubes and surrounded me! A big wave came up and took them over me. I didn't have goggles on (oh dear!) and I scrambled to get up. I tried pushing my way through innertubes, but it was no use. I was trying to find the ground, but I was too deep! So I went up, took a small breath, and swam for my life. I kept getting kicked. I started running out of breath when I didn't feel legs anymore and I also felt the bottom of the pool. I shot up and gasped for air. It was so scary!!! I ran out of the pool and looked for an innertube. I'm not afraid of wavepools (in fact, i love them!) but I will NOT go in without an innertube!!!!!!!!I'm also afraid of the dark, spiders, heights (sometimes), and burning myself xD i have a lot of phobias... but the top one is the worst ^^^ im also afraid of getting lost, hitchikers, and un-locked doors at night! and i'm SORTA claustrophobic..... depends on how small the space is. if it's underwater, THEN YES I TOTALLY AM! but If it's above water, then not as much.

Oh yes, and clowns. They scare me....

Oh and ninjas-rock-my-sox, it's Arachnaphobia. There's an "a" in the front. I have it too, don't worry! xD
wats an innertube??

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