Raindrop High


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September 16

"Thanks, my cat hearing is killing me," Iza mumbled lazily. She transformed her hair into giant curls, just for fun. She continued to play around with her hair as the teacher continued to bore everyone with boring, long words. Iza slapped her face, pulled out a sheet of paper, grabbed an 0.5 lead pencil and started drawing an adorable kitty.

Cooper the II by Iza Zielo

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Xavi skilled at her. "No problem." he said, playing a game on his phone under his desk.

"No problem."

The bell rang, and Iza ran to her Phys Ed class, transforming into gym clothes. She also transformed her legs a little thinner for more flexibility. Transforming herself to a flexible person was NOT a choice. It would be to obvious. However, Iza was not very stiff, either. She could do the front split perfectly, both legs and touch her head to her knee in that position. Her mom made her do it when she was little.

Iza started stretching immediately at the front of the gym. They were going to teach gymnastics for the first trimester, she heard.

ooc: may I make another charrie?

|*Name: Ash Wickerman

|Birthday: February the ninth

|*Gender: Female

|*Grade: 11th

|*Appearance: Ash has long dirty blonde hair that reaches the floor and bangs that cover her eyes. She is 5'3 and quite skinny, due to her addiction to video games. She wears a white T-shirt with a chibi link on it that's a bit big for her, dark blue jeans and white sneakers.

|*Hot Stuff, Loser, Regular, Jerk, or Nerd: VIDEO GAME NERD, regular.

|Likes: Video Games, Her best friend Fizz (MHMM), Tacos, Noodles, Anime, Being annoying, sugar

|*Dislikes: Being away from any gaming, jerks, people insulting her, lack of sugar

|Special Powers: Hypnosis

Fizz entered the Phys ED room, to be greeted by a loud "FIZZ!". A blonde girl ran up to her grinning like an idiot. "Hey Ash" Fizz smirked. "Haven't changed a bit". Ash nodded eagerly. "Nope!"

Alexis yawned, she had fallen asleep on the stage in the cafeteria, she began to panic and run to P.E. She didn't care if she wasn't earing her P.E uniform. She entered it, no greetings, she had no friends. It was like she was invisible.

Xavi teleported to the gymnasium, not saying anything. The teacher said to find a partner. Looking around, he didn't know who to ask.

"Ugh, a partner, what's the point?" Iza muttered. "I can go by perfectly fine without one."

Iza walked to the front of the gym and sat down by herself. Hopefully there was an odd number of students so she could go by herself.

Xavi was the last one left, as everyone else had gotten a partner. He sighed, seeing Iza sitting by herself. He walked over to her. "Hey, wanna be partners?" He asked.

"Sure, whatever." said Iza lazily. "I don't like this partner thing. Aren't they supposed to teach how to be independent? If you make partners, make a group."

Xavi nodded. "Yeah, I guess. It doesn't bother me that much. It teaches us teamwork and all that stuff."

Xavi laughed a little. "You're actually right." he told her, thinking about it.

The twins decided to be partners. They walked over to Isa and Xavi. "Hi, Isa, umm......." Opal chanted.

Fizz grinned at Ash. "Partners" Ash said, looking at the teacher. "What're we doing"?

Alexis lok ed, and sighed. She knew nobody, and a partner activity comes along. "Go to hell."

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